惠东县安墩中学2015年中考英语研讨会 名词教案

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《惠东县安墩中学2015年中考英语研讨会 名词教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《惠东县安墩中学2015年中考英语研讨会 名词教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、名词1. Teaching aims:(1)To review the Noun.1)可数名词的数的变化2)不可数名词的用法。3)不可数名词量的表达。4)名词所有格的运用。2. Teaching procedure:Pre-taskStep 1: Ask the students to listen to a song and pay attention to the red words to lead the aimNOUNS .While-taskStep 2: Ask the students to work in groups and make a word train. Step 3

2、: Ask students to talk about the picture.1) To say out Nouns in the picture 2) To describe the picture with some sentences. Step 4: Ask the students to talk about the picture of food.1) To say out Nouns in the picture 2) To lead out countable nouns and uncountable nouns. 3) To make sentences to show

3、 the differences between countable and uncountable nouns . 4) To lead out the rules.5)通过图片引导学生复习不可数名词的数量的表达方式。6)巩固练习5小题 ( ) 1. Please pick up the _ .Dont keep it on the floor. Aboxes BpaperCbooks Dbottles . ( ) 2. There are a few _ but little_ in the cupboard(橱柜). A. apples, coffee. B. coffee, apple

4、s C. apple, coffeeD. coffee, apple ( ) 3.The _of most tress will fall in autumn. A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leave( ) 4.There are 30_ in this factory. A. woman worker B. woman workers C. women workers D. women worker( ) 5. John bought_ for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of sh

5、oe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs of shoe Step 5: Guessing game 引出名词所有格的几种表达方式。1) To describe some pictures 2) To do some exercises.( ) 1. This is not my cap, but my _. A. brothersB. brothersC. brothersD. brother ( ) 2.Bill runs fast. He won the _ 800-metre race yesterday. Aboys Bboys Cboy Dboys

6、. ( )3._ desk is the cleanest in the classroon。 A. Ann and Tinas B. Anns and Tinas C. Ann and Tina D. Anns and Tina ( ) 4.Excuse me, where is the_ ? A. mens room B. mans room C. mens rooms D. men rooms( ) 5.Mr. Black is a teacher of _? She and her classmates like him very much A. my sister B. my sis

7、ters C. my sisters D. my sisters Post-taskStep 6: To describe the picture.1) To lead the students to talk about the picture freely with 3 questions. (1) Who would you like to go with?(2) How would you like to go?(3) What would you like to take?2) To show the teachers trip.3) Ask students to fill in

8、the passage with nouns.Last Saturday, my 1_ and I decided to go for a 2_ on the beach. My mother put the food into the black bag. There were some apples, some bottles of 3_,and some 4._.My mother told me to take it to the car. At the same5._, my father asked me to throw away another black bag. It wa

9、s full of dirty 6_. I finished what they asked me to do. After two hours driving, we got to the beach. It was time for lunch, but the food wasnt there. There was only a bag 8_dirty things in the car. Everyone looked at me and I knew I had thrown away the wrong bag. At 9_, we had lunch in a restaurant. The 10. _there was delicious and everyone was happy. Step 7: Summary Step8: Homework Group work: A Trip to the beach.Name of group memberswith whomhow to gowhat to takeMiss Cai, and Mr.ChenMr.Liu friends , classmatesby carsome water and bread,a camera, umbrella.4实 用 文 档


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