冀教初中英语9上《Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter》word教案 (2)

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1、Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter课题Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter课型New课时One教学目标知识目标:Words and expressions能力目标: Students can understand the fables well.德育目标: Students can enjoy the pleasure of literature. 教学重点一、重点词汇fable, woodcutter, axe, dive, admit, silver, policy.二、重点句型1)He had only axe

2、, and he needed it to make his living.2)The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe.3)As he cried, a spirit appeared.教学难点辨析bring/carry/ take/ fetch教法Talk ,listen , read, practice学法Talk ,listen , read, practice教具tape slides板书设计Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter make

3、 ones living dive into bring/carry/ take/ fetch a third time教 学 教 程教 师 活 动学生活动Step 1.Greetings.设计意图:让学生做好上课的准备。Step 2. Think about it.1. Do you like reading fables? What fables have you read?2. Do you think it is important to be honest? Why?设计意图:让学生对寓言有一个初步的认识。Step 3. Read and understand the text.Re

4、ad the text and answer some questions:设计意图:让学生带着任务读课文。Step 4. Read the lesson again. Think about the spirit and the woodcutter. You had better use the words below. helpful , clever, honest, foolish , warm-hearted , dishonest, kind , poor设计意图:让学生更加深刻地理解寓言中的人物形象。Step 5. Language Points1. He had only a

5、xe, and he needed it to make his living.他只有一把斧头,他需要它谋生。make ones living 谋生What do most people make their living? 大多数人靠什么谋生呢?make a living by doing sth./as a I heard that it was easier to make a living in big cities.2. As he cried, a spirit appeared.spirit n. 精灵,幽灵,精神。用作不可数名词时,表示“精神,心灵,”;用作可数名词时,表示“灵

6、魂,精灵”。The fisherman set the spirit free from the jar.渔夫把精灵从坛子里放了出来。The students are in high spirits.同学们情绪高涨。in spirit be in high/low spirits be in bad /poor spiritsThe spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe.精灵跳进湖里并带回来一把金斧。Try to answer the two questions.Read the text in groups. Answer

7、 the question.Talk about the characters of the fable.Let the students write the important language down.教 学 教 程教 师 活 动学生活动矫正反馈3.辨析 :bring ,carry, take, fetch1) bring 表示向说话人的方向运动,从别处把人或物“拿来,带来”。Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day, Class. Please bring your old clothes to school. 2) take 表示向其他方向运动,把人或物带走、拿走到

8、别处。take sb./sth. to sp.Dont leave the bags in the classroom .Please take them home after school.3) carry 不表示方向,意为携带、拿、提,有负重的含义。The young woman was carrying a baby in her arms.4) fetch 表示(去)拿来,表示说话人从某地出发去另一地点取某物。Could you fetch me some books from your house?4. The spirit went down a third time and re

9、turned with the woodcutters old axe.精灵第三次下水,带回了樵夫的旧斧头。go down 下降,下来The price of oil is going down. 油价正在下跌。拓展:与go有关的短语;go up 上升 Prices have gone up again. go about从事,做 How do you go about making beer at home? go by经过 A car went by. go on doing 继续做某事。He went on talking even though no one was listening

10、. 设计意图:通过教师讲解让学生对重点知识更加熟悉。Step 6. ExercisesLet the students do some exercises about the key points.设计意图:通过练习让学生巩固本课的重点知识。Step 6. Homework1)Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2)Preview the Lesson 22. 设计意图:通过作业巩固本课所学知识。Students learn about the key sentences.Students do some exercises.课堂测试题一、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Danny is weak in poor (精神).2. Take away the dirty shirt and (带来)me a clean one.3. She won a (银的) medal in the high jump.4. For this reason prices can supposedly never (下降).5. The girl (以为生)as a typist in a small company.教学反思7实 用 文 档


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