In the chemical synthesis practice activities to foster innovation capability-毕业论文翻译

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1、1In the chemical synthesis practice activities to foster innovation capabilityPaper Keywords: chemical synthesis practice innovation ability Abstract: Comprehensive practical activities to provide students with a dynamic, open space, so that students from books into life, from theory to practice. I

2、carried out a comprehensive school for students to practice the growth of talent provides a platform for innovation, this paper describes how the innovative ability of students in the chemical synthesis practice to get training, and how to implement the specific circumstances. Innovation is the soul

3、 of a nation is a prosperous country inexhaustible power. Carried out a comprehensive 2practical activities designed to enable students in real life, contact social reality, through first-hand experience of learning, accumulation and extensive direct experience, cultivate the spirit of innovation, p

4、ractical ability and life-long learning. As a high school chemistry teacher, to develop students ability to innovate is duty-bound, the following combination of its own, I guide students to conduct comprehensive practical activities, the cultivation of innovative ability of high school students in t

5、he chemical synthesis of embodied practice. Innovation and capacity-building activities in the chemical synthesis of practice tasks. Chemical synthesis practice the task is to improve the scientific literacy of students as the subject, to explore sexual activity as a carrier, so that students master

6、 basic experimental skills, understanding of chemistry and daily life, production and communitys close ties to study chemistry to stimulate interest and desire for knowledge to enable students to take the initiative to learn the knowledge, skills and 3methods, focusing on students ability of observa

7、tion, experimental capabilities, thinking ability, self-learning ability, scientific ability to explore and cultivate the main body awareness, sense of practice, co-consciousness, awareness creation and development of individual strengths, cultivate the scientific spirit and humanistic spirit, in or

8、der to promote the sustainable development of the students lay a solid foundation. Chemical comprehensive practical activities can be varied, I am only from the following three areas to talk about my how to guide students to conduct a comprehensive practical activities, as well as activities on the

9、innovation capacity form of training. 1. By doing “fun chemistry” experiment to enhance practical ability to inspire creativity in our students passion According to the “Comprehensive Practice” class, their 4own characteristics, the teacher is only the practice of thinking with students to link new

10、knowledge to the students in the practice. Teachers tell the story of life, social contact with the chemical topics, then teachers and students to cope with change “Chemical Magic.” Based on security, simplicity, novelty, and students practical, select the “magic wand to light lamps”, “blowing fire,

11、” “empty bottles hair Smoke, “ Tea variable ink “,” dripping Health Smoke “ burn the handkerchief is not bad, “ underwater candles “and other programs, the vagaries of chemical magic not only enable students to an eye-opener, but also from the introduction of teachers and students to understand the

12、scientific justification. students to do fun hands-on chemistry experiments, such as “color thermometer manufacture” and “Water Garden” “spray paint”, “explosive”, “automatic long-haired duck”, “fireproof” “Dai Fei bubbles “and other experiments, the image of the phenomenon of visual experiments to

13、enable students to fully appreciate a lot of fun, improve their practical ability. There are to guide students to make daily life a small production and small chemical products. Such as homemade soap, homemade air and water, remove the 5clothing of various spots on the track, preparing to ink-ling,

14、refrigerator deodorant, sticky fly paper. Made of these Small products, economical and practical, simple, easy to arouse the enthusiasm of the students. 2. Emphasis on extra-curricular extension to guide the students to scientific inquiry Scientific inquiry is that students actively acquiring chemic

15、al knowledge, understanding and resolve problems in chemistry an important practical activities. It relates to ask questions, conjecture and assumptions, planning, collecting evidence, interpretation and conclusions, reflection and evaluation, expression and exchange process. greatly conducive to in

16、novation ability. Scientific Inquiry Activities with the way research 6study to explore the problems stem from teaching materials, higher than the materials, such as (a) carry out the “Water and Health” research study of the practice and reflection. Drinking water and health, the water crisis is threatening the survival of humanity. Due to air pollution, industrial waste water, pesticides, fertilizer pollution, nuclear leaks, pipe corrosion, water chlorination, plus



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