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1、企业赊销客户拖欠账款风险管理探讨4200字 本篇论文目录导航: 企业赊销客户拖欠账款风险管理探讨强化XW公司赊销信用风险管理的策略研究绪论赊销信用风险管理的理论基础XW公司赊销信用风控现状及问题分析XW公司赊销信用风险管理的优化方案XW公司赊销管理优化方案的实施保障信用风险管理在公司赊销中的应用研究结论与参考文献 摘 要 随着经济的快速发展,市场竞争的日益加剧,以信用为基础的销售已经成为企业扩大销售量以及稳定客户不可或缺的手段,但相应信用风险管理的滞后及缺失导致了不少企业因为客户失信行为而遭受巨大损失,对企业生存和发展带来致命的威胁,因此,企业的赊销信用风险管理已经成为了现代企业生存以及发展的


3、实际情况,应用全过程控制的优化思路,有针对性地对每一个具体的问题都提出了详细的风险控制优化方案。通过这些优化措施的实施,力求使XW公司赊销信用风险管理状况有所改进。通过本文的研究,将会在一定程度上完善 XW 公司的赊销信用风险管理体系。优化后的赊销信用风险管理体系能够帮助公司更有效地控制赊销信用风险,提高 XW 公司的赊销信用风险管理水平。关键词:赊销 信用风险管理 管理机制AbstractWith the rapid development of economy, the increasingly intense competition in themarket, a new sales m

4、ethod on the basis of credit has become the indispensable means toexpand sales and stable customers. But the lag and lack of credit risk management leads to thesituation that many companies suffered huge losses because of the customers who break theirpromise on the contract, Which is a potential mor

5、tal threat to the survival and development ofenterprises. Therefore, the credit risk management of credit sales becomes a necessarycondition for the survival and development of modern enterprises. Only by strengthening therisk consciousness, establishing and improving the credit risk management mech

6、anism, cansafeguard steady development of enterprises within the scope of risk control.Based on the theory of credit risk management, firstly, the credit risk and its reason areelaborated in this paper, the internal management mechanism of the enterprise is the main risksource of account receivable

7、default among all kinds of reasons. Account receivable default ismainly caused by the lack of credit risk management of credit sales in the enterprises. Then theconcept, process, mode and method of credit risk management of credit sales are elaborated inthis paper. Secondly, combining quantitative a

8、nalysis and qualitative analysis, through theresearch of credit risk management present situation in XW company, the problems from theenterprise internal management mechanism include personnel responsibilities , customer creditinvestigation, customer credit evaluation, credit decisions, accounts rec

9、eivable monitoring andoverdue payment are found. Finally, according to the actual situation of the company, thedetailed risk control optimization schemes for each specific problem are put forward by theidea of whole process control. These optimization suggestions will play a role in improvingthe cur

10、rent credit risk management of credit sales in XW company.Through the research, the credit risk management of credit sales in XW Company will beimproved in a certain extent. The optimized credit risk management system of credit sales cancontrol the credit risk of credit sales effectively and raise t

11、he level of credit risk managementof credit sales in XW company .Keywords: Credit sales; Credit risk management; Management mechanism目 录第一章 绪论1.1 研究背景及意义1.2 国内外研究现状1.2.1 国外研究现状1.2.2 国内研究现状1.3 研究内容与方法1.3.1 研究内容1.3.2 研究方法第二章 赊销信用风险管理的理论基础2.1 赊销信用风险2.1.1 赊销信用风险的定义2.1.2 赊销信用风险的识别2.2 赊销信用风险管理2.2.1 赊销信用风险

12、管理的概念2.2.2 赊销信用风险管理的流程2.2.3 赊销信用风险管理的模式-全程信用管理理论2.2.4 赊销信用风险管理的方法第三章 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理现状及问题分析3.1 XW 公司概况3.2 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理现状3.2.1 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理的职能部门3.2.2 XW 公司的信用政策3.2.3 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理的工作流程3.2.4 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理的实施效果3.3 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理中存在的问题3.3.1 赊销信用管理人员职责分工方面存在的问题3.3.2 客户资信调查方面存在的问题3.3.3 客户信用风险评估方面存在的问题3.3.4

13、 客户授信决策方面存在的问题3.3.5 应收账款回收方面存在的问题第四章 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理的优化方案4.1 优化方案设计的思路4.2 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理的具体优化方案4.2.1 改进赊销信用风险管理人员的职责分工4.2.2 加强客户信息管理4.2.3 利用特征分析模型评估客户信用风险4.2.4 利用营运资产分析模型进行授信决策4.2.5 加强应收账款监控及完善催收程序第五章 XW 公司赊销信用风险管理优化方案的实施保障5.1 建立企业信用风险管理文化5.2 加强员工培训5.3 完善内部沟通机制5.4 建立客户信用信息管理系统5.5 借助外部专业力量第六章 结论致 谢参考文献



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