江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 3 Reading 2教案

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1、Unit 5 Wild animals Reading2 教学目标:1.知识目标1)巩固上一课所学内容,进一步理解课文。2)掌握并能灵活运用本课出现的重点词汇3)掌握if, when引导的状语从句的用法2.能力目标对重点语言知识点要求会运用3.情感目标培养学生良好的环保意识,热爱大自然,热爱动物,拯救大熊猫,保护野生动物。教学重点:重点词组和句型1. be born 2.for the first time 3. grow into 4. up to 5. because of 6. in the future 7. killfor 8.cut down 9.on ones own 10. b

2、e in danger 11. take actions to do sth. 12. encourage sb. to do sth.13. It is + adj. + ( for sb. ) + to do sth.教学难点:初步理解含有when、 if状语从句的复合句教学工具:黑板教学流程Part 1 预习作业和预习交流A检查学生Page6062词组的预习情况(学生的预习作业,课前通过分组已经在文中找出)Group1(Para 1-2); Group2(Para 3-4);Group3(Para 5-6); Group4 (Para 7-8);要求每组派一名学生将词组写在黑板上(小组核

3、对读背词组)1.熊猫宝宝 2.看上去像 3.第一次 4.成长为 5.在4个月大的时候 6.叫它希望7.在一开始的时候 8.直到. 9.竹叶和竹笋10.在将来 11.独自 12.为获取毛皮杀死它 13.砍伐森林 14.拿走 15.采取下列行动 16.保护某人/某物 17.建更多的保护区 18.鼓励某人做.B. 预习作业交流(集体核对质疑交流)1. A baby panda is only 100 _ (克) at birth, do you know?2. Giant pandas love to eat _(竹子) _(竹笋) and leaves.3. _(杀死) the birds is

4、not right.4. Some _(猎人) kill pandas for their _(皮毛)5. Maybe someday these animals will be _(无处) to be found.6. Can you answer the _(以下的) questions?7. Doing eye exercise is good for _(保护) our eyes.8. They are building more _(保护区) for wild animals.9. Its our turn to take some _(行动) to help the animals

5、.10. His parents often _(鼓励) him to be more active in everything.Part 2 交流展示和点拨提高Step 1 Explain important phrases in Reading: (学生讲解,教师指导并加以适当补充)1. grow into 意为“逐渐成长为,变为,长成”,into为介词,后接名词。grow up意为“长大,成长”,up是副词,后不能直接接名词。Xi Wang _ (grow) quickly. Soon she _ (grow up, grow into). Now she _ (grow up, gro

6、w into) a healthy young giant panda.2 At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day. 在最初的时候,希望一天喝母乳的时间长达十四小时。(1) at the very beginning/ at the beginning/in the beginning/at the start/at first in the end/at last/finally at the beginning of反义词组 at the end of例:起先,她不擅长跳舞

7、。 一开始的时候,他很怕狗。(2)up to意为“达到,长达”。如:例:乌龟能活到150岁。 他昨晚工作长达10个小时.3 When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves. (1)bamboo shoots意为“竹笋”,请注意这个名词短语的复数构成形式。(2)leaves的单数形式是leaf。 (3) six months old与six-month-old的区别。例:一个五岁大的女孩 我儿子今年11岁了.4 Sadly, it is very difficult for giant pandas

8、 to survive in the wild. (1) It is + adj. (for sb.) to do sth.意为“对某人来说做某事是很” 如:例:在海上冲浪是很令人兴奋的. 对小汤姆来说做出这道题是很难的.(2) sadly是sad的副词形式,它可以独立置于句首,常译为“可惜,说来遗憾”,也可以用来修饰动词,意为“伤心地”,反义词为happily。例:他悲伤地哭了。 她开心地笑了。5 Here are some of the problems that Xi Wang may have in the future. 这儿就有一些希望在未来有可能遇到的问题。(1) that Xi

9、 Wang may have in the future在此为定语从句,用来修饰problems。problem通常用来指比较难以解决的问题。 例如:maths problems (2) in the future意为“未来,将来”。 例:将来,他想当一名司机.6 If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. 如果猎人们捉到大熊猫,他们会杀了它以获取其皮毛。(1) fur是不可数名词。 (2) kill for 例: 人们杀死老虎为了得到他的骨头。7 If farmers cut down trees and fo

10、rests, giant will have nowhere to live. 如果农民砍伐树木和森林,熊猫就将无处容身。(1) cut down意为“砍倒,砍伐”。 cut away意为“切除,砍掉” 。cut out意为“剪出,切出” cut short意为“把截短” 。例:不要把它砍倒. 切出鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴的样子. (2) nowhere to live意为“没有住的地方,无处容身”,在这个结构中,动词不定式作定语,修饰前面的nowhere。 与其结构相同的词组还有have nothing to eat, have something to say, have nobody to ta

11、lk about 例: 我没什么要说。 他没什么事可做。 8 Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own. 熊猫妈妈们经常让小熊猫们独自呆上整整两天。(1) on ones own是固定短语,意为“独自的”,相当于alone。(2) leave sb. on ones own意为“让某人独自留下,让某人独自一人呆着”,它的同义词组是leave sb. by oneself。例:父母亲不能让婴儿独自一人呆着.9 If giant pandas are in danger, what can we do? 如果熊猫

12、们处境危险,我们该怎么做呢? (1) in danger意为“处于危险的环境中”,介词短语在本句中作表语。类似词组如: in need 需要帮助;in trouble 有麻烦例:如果你处于危险中,请向警察求助. 我们应该帮助需要帮助的人. (2) danger为名词,形容词为dangerous。 其对应的反义词分别为safety和safe。10 We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas. 我们可以采取以下行动(措施)来保护大熊猫。 (1) the following意为“下列的,下述的”。如:下列的问题 (2) acti

13、on意为“行动,动作”,是可数名词;take actions是“活动,开始工作,采取行动”的意思。其动词形式为act。take actions to do sth. “采取行动做某事” 例:我们应该采取行动去帮助那些贫困儿童。11 If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world! 如果我们不采取行动,很快世界上就不会再有大熊猫了!there will be是there be的一般将来时形式。12 We called her Xi Wang. 我们称她为“希望”。(1) call在此表示“称呼,称某人为”。如:T

14、he man has a big nose, so we call him “big nose”.例:每个人都叫他“小猴子”。 (2) call还有一个常见的用法,就是用作过去分词短语,表示“被称为”。如:The boy called James has poor eyesight. He always wears a pair of thick glasses.(3) call还有一些其他的用法是同学们必须有所了解的。判断call在各句中的不同含义。Please give me a call when you arrive. Please call 110 when someone needs help. She called for half an hour, but nobody heard.13 When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams. 在希望出生时,她仅重100克。weigh在此为动词,意为“有重,重达”。它的名词形式是weight。1



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