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1、保持平心静气的 5 句箴言5 Quotes That May Make You Less Angry1.You have a choice你有选择“You can get angry, you can get even, or you can get ahead.” Jeffrey Fry“你可以生气,可以平心静气,也可以获得成功。”-杰弗里弗莱We all have a choice in this world and sometimes you have to let your feelings go in order to advance.这个世上我们都可以选择,只是有时候为了让自己进步

2、而放纵自己。2. Finger-pointing doesnt solve much指责并无益处“Your smile can heal thousands; but your anger can kill millions. Your hand-shake can encourage tens of people while your finger-pointing can turn ten thousands away from you!” Israelmore Ayivor“微笑能治愈一千,而生气则会伤害百万。握手能鼓励数十人,但是指责会带走一万人离开你。”-Israelmore Ayi

3、vorAnger can be good for the soul, because if we didnt have challenges we would never change. But how you direct that anger is the important part. 生气也有好处,因为如果没有挑战就没有改变。但生气的方式是最重要的部分。3.You only live once你只活一次“Life is so short. The only person you hurt when you stay angry or hold grudges is you. Forgi

4、ve everyone, including yourself.” Tom Giaquinto“生命太短暂。生气、怨恨只会让你自己受伤。学着原谅众人,包括你自己。”-汤姆吉奥圭特Forgiving yourself is one of the most important things that we can do to preserve our mental health. Its important to give yourself a break and remember that we all make mistakes.原谅自己是我们能保持自己心理健康最重要的一件事。让自己有时间休息

5、,记住我们所犯过的错误也是一样重要。4.Apologize道歉“You have right to be angry, insult and slap. But later you have to forgive.” M.F. Moonzajer“你有权利生气、骂人。打人。但之后你就会后悔。”-M.F. MoonzajerWe all hurt each other in this life, even the ones we love the most. But remember that apologizing to those you hurt and forgiving those w

6、ho have hurt you is better than losing your loved ones.生活中我们彼此互相伤害,即使是我们挚爱的。但是记住给那些被你伤害过的人道歉,原谅那些 伤害过你的人总好过失去。5. Feel angry but control it感受到愤怒,控制愤怒“Anger is a valid emotion. Its only bad when it takes control and makes you do things you dont want to do.” Ellen Hopkins“愤怒是一种情绪,只有当你被愤怒控制,做出了你不想做的事情,他才是不好的。”- Ellen HopkinsEmotions shouldnt ever control your actions. Remember that cooler heads prevail.不应该让情绪掌控你的行动。记住冷静为上。



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