江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 7 Integrated skills教案

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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 7 Integrated skills教案_第1页
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1、Unit5 Wild animals 教学目标:1、能够识别不同野生动物的外貌特征、性格特征、能力长处、主要食物以及各自所面临的危险。 2、能从听力材料中获取相关有用信息。 3、能用已经掌握的信息使相关文章意思表达完整。 4、能够识别描绘不同动物的词语。教学重点、难点:能够从听力中获取相关有用信息,并用已经掌握的信息使相关文章意思表达完整。教学工具:录音机教学过程:Part 1 :巩固&预习A. We have learned if-clause conditional sentences , lets check by some exercises:巩固if引导的条件状语从句的规律及用法。(

2、1) If the boy (not be ) here, I (let)you (know) tomorrow.(2)They will die soon if they have no food. =They will die soon .(3)If we dont protect these animals, there (be) no animals in the world.4) If he (arrive), he (call) you. B. Today, we will learn some information about other animals, first lets

3、 learn these new words:检查学生预习单词情况 stripe until medicine hearing snail smell loss chairperson sincerely ( 个别读且纠正集体读巩固重点单词 )C. Do you know these phrases? Lets check them out. 1. 独居 2. 以团队的方式工作 3. 生活区域的丧失 4. 有非常好的视力,听力和嗅觉 5. 黑色的条纹 6. 用骨头制药 7. 擅长打猎 8. 彼此友好 9. 攻击人们 10. 为取乐而杀生D. 预习作业交流: 1. I have a bad co

4、ld and the doctor ask me to take the twice a day. 2. These flowers nice! 3. Zebra has beautiful . 4. Lots of animals are in danger because of the of their living areas. 5. Wolves have good sense of (听力).Part 2 : 交流展示和点拨提高STEP 1 Showing the pictures of tigers and wolves As we have learned a lot about

5、 animals in the unit, in this part we can directly come to the two animals we are going to talk about. Show the pictures of tigers and wolves one by one and encourage the students to speak out what they know about them.STEP 2 Listening and completing Get the students to listen and complete the fact

6、sheets. Tigers Appearance: the largest living cat (look like a cat), big and strong, bright eyes, yellow fur with black stripes. Ability: can run fast, good at hunting other animals for food, Character: usually they live alone, (if they have babies) live as a family until baby tigers are 2-3 years o

7、ld. Food: hunt other animals for foodDangers: Hunters hunt them for their fur (to make clothes etc.) and bones (to make medicine)Wolves Appearance: dog-like, not very big, gray fur (about 5-6 cm long) Ability: very good eyesight, hearing and smell Character: be friendly toward/ to each other, work a

8、s a team to hunt, never attack people, do not kill for fun Food: animal, insects, snails, vegetables Danger: loss of living areas, no home (have nowhere to live) , no food (have nothing to eat)STEP 3 Talking about the two animals Get the students to talk about the two animals looking at the two fact

9、s sheets. Encourage them to start like this. Tigers are the largest living cat in the world. Wolves are dog-like animals. They are not very big.STEP 4 Completing the letter in Part A2 Get the students to complete the letter in Part A2, Page 69. First, let the students complete the passage by themsel

10、ves. Then, get the students to check the answers in pairs. Afterwards, check the answers in class. The teacher can get two students to read out the facts about tigers and wolves, while the others correcting their answers. Finally, get the students to read the passage aloud.STEP 5 Show the students s

11、ome pictures of the animals we have leaned. Encourage them to talk about the animals. They can talk about their appearance, ability, character, food and danger. Encourage them to ask more people to help protect the animals.Part 3 当堂检测:一根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Jin Yong is one of the most famous_(write) in

12、 China.2. If giant pandas are in (dangerous), they will attack people.3. How many (wolf) are there in the forest?4. You can see (mouse) everywhere in India.5. The _(lose) of his job worried him. 6. Did you see Wu Hua here just now? Yes, he walked away _( sad ) 7. _ (hunt) hunt tigers for their fur a

13、nd bones.二完成下列句子1.由于生存区域的丧失,狼无家可归。Wolves have nowhere because of living areas .2.如果你们想赢得比赛,你们应该团队密切合作。If you the match, you should work .4. 人们为虎骨而屠杀老虎,并用虎骨制药。 People tigers their bones. They medicine_ the bones.5. 狼群和睦相处并且从不伤人.Wolves are towards and never attack people.7. 给您写信谈谈关于保护动物的事。 I am to you

14、 about the animals. Part 4 课堂评价小结 本节课我们掌握了描绘不同动物的词语,并且学会了用这些词语来描述不同野生动物的外貌特征、性格特征、能力长处、主要食物以及各自所面临的危险。Part 5 课堂教学活动设计 本堂课设计的巩固和预习中,我让学生复习巩固了if引导的条件状语从句,然后检查学生的单词预习情况,先个别读且纠正,然后集体读,最后巩固重点单词,在单词的基础上,我又引入重点词组,在检查学生自己寻找词组后,检查他们对词组的理解程度,并且讲解一些难的词组的用法。然后做了一些习题来检查他们的掌握程度。然后进入了本课的交流展示和点拨提高环节,在此环节中我先呈现老虎和狼的图


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