江苏省涟水县第一中学九年级英语总复习:课题9A Unit2 导学案(5)

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1、涟水县第一中学初三英语导学案 编号9A205课题:9AUnit2 编写:孙素芹 审核:孙素芹 班级:_姓名:_Part1: 预习检查。一, 单词1,慢跑锻炼 2,试衣室 3,日记 4,正常地,通常地 5,行为,举止 6,电子卡片 二,英汉互译1,would rather than 2,go shopping 3,anywhere else 4 ,prefer.to 5,宁愿做某事 6,喜欢步行而不喜欢慢跑 Part2:例题精选。:一, 单选题( )1,He would rather to the zoo.A. go B. goes C. to go D. going ( ) 2.Eddie w

2、ill prefer when he has time. .A. sleep B. to sleep C. slept D. sleeps ( ) 3 He prefers to .A. walking, riding B. walks, riding C . to walk, ride D. walk, ride( ) 4. This machine is very easy to use . can learn to use it in a very short time .A. Somebody B. Anybody C .Nobody D Few people ( ) 5. Have

3、you got to say about your daughter?A .anything else B. else anything C . anything other D.other anything ( ) 6. Its not mine. It could be A. someone elses B. someones else C .someone else D. someone else ( ) 7 A: How many trees are there on top of the mountain ? .B: .A. Nothing B. No one C. Nobody D

4、. none ( ) 8 .A: Who is playing computer games in the room? B : .A. Nothing B. No C Nobody D. anybody ( ) 9 A: What did you buy last Sunday? B . . A. No one B. Nobody C .No D. Nothing ( ) 10 of the two girls can talk to the new student from Canada in French .A. Not all B. Nobody C . No one D. Neithe

5、r:网二、根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的填空1. Everyone seemed to have a secret and was just not acting (normal).2. There is nobody in the (fit) room.3. They tried to find some food in the bag, but they found (no).4. Did they find (something)?5I colored the card orange to cheer (she) up.:6. Simon kept (talk) all the tim

6、e.7. Where do you want (go ) for lunch?8. Id rather have (west) food?Part3: 巩固练习。一、选词填空(32分) 日期:_ 得分:_anyone, none, something, everything, somebody, all, both, each, every 1. There isnt playing outside now.2. Then he said and I understood it.3. of the boys has passed the history exam. 4. The old man

7、 seems to have forgotten .5. If you dont know the answer, ask .6. of his money was lost.7. of the students has his own desk.8. I know one of them二、根据所给中文意思,用英文完成下列各个句子(28分)1,她宁愿要绿的也不要红的.She have the green one the red one.:Z|k2,在夏天,与跑步相比人们更喜欢游泳。In summer , people swimming running .3, 教室里没有人。 它是空的。 is

8、 in the classroom .Its empty.4, 他比他班上任何人都高。He is taller than in his class.5, 我从前用英语写日记I used to in English.6, 丹尼尔心情不好, 整个下午没跟任何人说话Daniel was and didnt talk to all the afternoon.7, 我不停给他打电话, 但没人接I kept him. But nobody answered.三, 完形填空(40分)Last year we had an English teacher from the Unite States. We

9、called 1 Mr Black. He often told us,“ English is used very widely in the world. It is one of the working 2 at international (国际的 ) meetings.” He taught us very 3 . He was strict (严格的 ) with us all. In class he always 4 us more time to speak English. At first I could 5 understand a word. I could not

10、say a sentence, either. But soon I found English 6 so difficult and I could talk to my classmates 7 it. So I became very interested in it.Now Mr Black is working in 8 school. This year we have a new teacher, Mrs Green. She also teaches very carefully. She often 9 us to learn the texts by heart and p

11、lay games. With the help of the two foreign teachers, we all have made great progress(进步 ).I feel 10 in this subject now and I am sure I will learn a lot this year.( )1. A. it B. him C. himself D. her( )2. A. language B. languages C. way D. ways( )3. A. good B. care C. well D. badly( )4. A. give B.

12、gives C. gave D. giving( )5. A. hardly B. only C. already D. still( )6. A. is B. was C. isnt D. not( )7. A. with B. by C. in D. on( )8. A. another B. the C. my D. one ( )9. A. lets B. wants C. wish D. asks( )10. A.more interesting B. more interested C. most interesting D. great interested.Part4:作业布置。1.完成导学与评价相关内容。2. 完成导学案206一、二部分。:学。科。网Z。X。X。K4实 用 文 档



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