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1、摘摘 要要 招商引资是社会分工和市场经济快速发展的必然产物。加快招商引资的步伐 是一个增加投入、促进发展的必由之路,同时又是一个加快发展的捷径。 当前,全国各地都把招商引资作为加快区域经济发展的重要手段,各地区招 商引资争夺资金愈来愈激烈。如何应对激烈的竞争以及招商引资面临的许多新情 况、新问题,使作为中原城市群经济隆起带龙头地位的郑东新区的招商引资工作 提高水平、提升档次,是摆在郑东新区人面前一道亟待攻破的难题。 本文的研究思路是按照“研究现状一提出问题一分析原因一应用研究一对策 措施”的基本思路展开的。简单介绍了郑东新区招商引资的发展历程,通过对郑 州市下辖县(市) 、区招商引资现状的分析

2、及中部六省省会城市吸收外资的比较, 找到了制约郑东新区进一步扩大招商引资规模的症结所在,指出了招商引资思想 认识落后、人才“瓶颈” 、投资环境落后、招商引资规模不足、质量不高等因素。 从整个招商引资的市场环境来讲,国际国内的竞争越来越激烈,国家加大宏观调 控、调整行政审批政策等也为新一轮的吸收外资带来新的挑战;同时,挑战与机 遇并存,中国经济的高速发展、国家中部崛起战略的实施、外商投资领域的拓宽 和法制透明度的提高以及入世后关税的减让都为外资进入东区提供了契机。通过 国内外成功招商引资经验的研究与总结,提出了创新的招商引资模式,科学的招 商引资机制等对策。 关键词:郑东新区 招商引资 管理 A

3、bstract The attraction of investment is the natural result of the social division of labor and the rapid development of market economy. How to fasten the step of such attraction is a shortcut for the rapid development of economy. At present, local governments always take the attraction of investment

4、 as a effective measure to develop regional economy. The competition between local governments is becoming more fierce. How to cope with the new situation and problems raised by the competition so as to improve the level of investment attraction in East High-tech Development Zone of Zhengzhou which

5、is regarded as the leading figure in the central cities in Henan Province is an urgent problem confronting us. This paper is carried out along with the principle of “research on current situation- raise of the problem-analysis of reason-applied research-measures”. It will first give a brief introduc

6、tion of the history of the investment attraction in East High-tech Development Zone of Zhengzhou. Then through the analysis of the current situation there and the comparison of the investment situation in the capital cities of central China, It tries to find out the bottleneck obstructs the developm

7、ent of the investment attraction in East High-tech Development Zone of Zhengzhou which includes the backwardness of the ideological understanding, the introduction of the talents and the investment environment as well as the limited scale of investment attraction and the poor quality of it. As for t

8、he whole environment of investment attraction, the domestic and international competition are becoming more fierce, and at the same time the adjustment of the macro- control and the administration examining and approving policy also constitute great challenge to the new-round attraction of the inves

9、tment. However, we must recognize that the opportunities such as the implementation of the policy of “central rise” in China, the expand of investment field, the transparency and the reduction of tariff after the entry of WTO are still with such challenges. Through the research on the both domestic

10、and abroad experience of the successful cases of investment attraction, this paper introduces new modes of attraction of investment and scientific mechanism of it. Key words:East High-tech Development Zone of Zhengzhou attraction of investment Management 目目 录录 第一章 绪论 .1 1.1 选题背景.1 1.2 文献综述.2 1.3 研究方

11、法.3 1.4 创新点.3 第二章 招商引资基本理论 .4 2.1 招商引资的概念界定.4 2.2 招商引资理论依据.4 第三章 郑东新区招商引资现状分析及原因剖析 .13 3.1 郑东新区的发展历程.13 3.2 郑东新区招商引资的现状.14 3.3 郑东新区招商引资方面存在的问题及原因分析.20 第四章 国内外招商引资成功经验及借鉴 .26 4.1 昆山开发区成功招商引资的分析.26 4.2 美国地方政府招商引资的经验.30 4.3 国内外招商引资成功经验的借鉴.32 第五章 郑东新区发展契机及推动招商引资的对策 .34 5.1 郑东新区的发展契机.34 5.2 建立市场化的招商引资机制.35 5.3 建立统一有序的招商协调服务机构.36 5.4 营造良好的投资环境.37 5.5 建立广泛的招商网络.39 5.6 形成科学的招商机制.39 5.7 运用系统的激励机制.4



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