贵州省兴仁市英语五年级第一学期期末试题 2020-2021学年(人教pep无答案)

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贵州省兴仁市英语五年级第一学期期末试题 2020-2021学年(人教pep无答案)_第1页
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贵州省兴仁市英语五年级第一学期期末试题 2020-2021学年(人教pep无答案)_第2页
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贵州省兴仁市英语五年级第一学期期末试题 2020-2021学年(人教pep无答案)_第3页
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《贵州省兴仁市英语五年级第一学期期末试题 2020-2021学年(人教pep无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《贵州省兴仁市英语五年级第一学期期末试题 2020-2021学年(人教pep无答案)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、秘密启用前|2020-2021学年度第一学期期末考试试卷五年级 英语(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分 出题人:)一、找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)( )1.A.wash B. in C. above( )2.A.them B. his C.her ( )3.A.river B. lake C. water( )4.A. dance B. flower C. cook( )5.A.Weekend B. Monday C.Sunday二、按要求完成下列各题。(10分)1. fat(反义词) _ 2. will not(缩写形式) _ 3.in front of(反

2、义词)_ 4. Seeing is believing(英译汉)_ 5. 画漫画(汉译英)_ 6. 去游泳(汉译英)_ 7. do housework(英译汉)_ 8. 没问题(汉译英)_ 9. fly(三单形式)_ 10.photo(同义词)_ 三、单项选择。(30分) ( )1.- your math teacher like? -Tall and strong. A. What does B. Whats C .Whos ( )2. We can help _. A. him B. they C. she ( ) 3.Is your new art teacher strict? - A

3、. Yes,she is. B. Yes,she isnt. C. No,she is. ( )4. There are three _ on the table. A. knife C. knifes C. knifves( )5.This is a picture _my family. A. of B. at C. in ( )6. Are there any fish? A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, theyre. C. No, there are.( )7. _ is in the room?There is a book and a bed. A. Wher

4、e B. What C. Who ( )8-Can you help me? -No_. A. I cant B.OK C. problem ( )9.Lets_ with ping-pong on the weekend. A. plays B. play C. to play( )10.-What does she _for lunch today ? -She has fish and cabbages. A. has B. does C. have ( )11. I can _a computer well. A. use B. uses C.using( )12. The bridg

5、e is _the river. A. on B. at C. over( )13. -Do you often play _basketball on the weekend? A. a B./ C. the( )14.-I often books Chen Jie. A.read;with B.read;and C. reads;to( )15. Look!There is a house there. A. here B. and C. over四、情景对话(10分)1.( )Can you play ping-pong? A. Its under your desk .2.( ) Do

6、 you like the little dog? B. Some ducks.3.( ) Wheres my English book?C. Yes,I can.4.( )Whats in the river? D.Sandwich.5.( )What would you like to eat?E. Yes,I do.五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1I_(not) like sweeping the floor.2. There are many (build) in the city. 3. He is _(help) at school.4. My parent _(like)

7、beef noddles.5. Can Amy _(play) the piano?六、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1. Are there any river in the village?(改错) 2. Hed like some beef.(改为一般疑问句) 3. She can play the pipa for the party.(对划线部分提问) 4. There are some children on the playground.(改为单数形式) 5. have we party will English Tuesday an next(连词成句) 七、阅读理解,判断正(

8、T)误(F)。(10分)Hello, my name is Lin Lin. Im twelve. This is my bedroom. Let me show you. There is a bed, a window, a shelf, a desk, a chair, and a computer. The window is in front of the desk. The desk is near the bed. There is a computer on the desk. My bedroom is small, but its nice. I love it. Do y

9、ou like my bedroom?( )1. There is a closet in Lin Lins bedroom.( )2. The desk is near the bed.( )3. The desk is behind the window.( )4. The bedroom is big.( )5. Lin Lin likes her bedroom very much.八、作文(10分)下周就是元旦节了,我们学校要举办新年晚会,请你写一写同学们都为新年晚会准备了哪些节目。要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确。2.不少于50词_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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