陕旅版三年级英语下册 Unit 6Part C 教学课件

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1、Unit 6 Where is my eraser? Part C 陕旅版三年级下册,Review,1. 打扰别人时的礼貌用语: Excuse me 打扰一下 2. 描述某物在什么位置的句型: The.on/under/near the. 在上面/下面/附近 例:狗在窗户附近。 The dog is near the window.,3. 询问某人或某物位置的句型: Where is/are.? 在哪儿? Its on/under/near. 它在上面/下面/附近。 例:where is my eraser? 我的橡皮在哪里? Its there, on the floor. 它在那儿,在地板

2、上。 Where are my trousers? 我的裤子在哪儿? Theyre near the desk. 它们在桌子附近。,Listen and put them in the right places,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,听力原文 The sweater is on the bed. The ball is under the bed. The desk and chair are near the window. The shoes are on the floor. The dog is near the door.,Look and write,1. two

3、 doors 2. three _ 3. four _ 4. five _ 5. ten _ and _,windows,boys,girls,desks,chairs,Read and tick or cross,Ask and answer,Excuse me. Where is / are the ?,Its / Theyre ,Thanks.,Do with your partner,Excuse me. Where is the ruler?,Its on the floor.,Thanks.,Excuse me. Where is the pencil?,Its under the book.,Thanks.,Excuse me. Where are the bags?,Theyre in the desk.,Thanks.,Excuse me. Where are the chairs?,Theyre near the desk.,Thanks.,同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!,Thank you for listening,郑重申明,作品整理不易, 仅供下载者本人使用,禁止其他网站、 公司或个人未经本人同意转载、出售!,诚信赢天下,精品得人心!,


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