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1、重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文)物流条码系统的设计与实现学 生: 学 号:指导教师:专 业:计算机科学与技术重庆大学计算机学院二O一一年六月Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing UniversityLogistics barcode management system design and implementation Undergraduate: Yang Juan JuanSupervisor: Prof. Zhou Ming Qiang Major: Computer science and technologyComputer collegeCh

2、ongqing UniversityJune 2011摘 要 随着电子物流的飞速发展,条形码作为一种及时、准确、可靠、经济的数据输入手段已被物流信息系统所采用,广泛地应用于经济发展之中,并且已成为商品独有的世界通用的“身份证”,正是在这样的背景下,本文提出并开发了基于条形码的物流条码管理系统。物流条码管理系统是为实现经营管理目标、提高商家管理水平而开发的信息管理系统。该系统的主要功能包括产品的入库、出库、库存管理、物流跟踪、物流单打印、用户管理及客户管理等,以及根据条形码实现防伪防窜货,根据物流号实现即时物流跟踪、物流单打印等功能,从而为现代物流和供应链管理提供有效的技术支持。本文按照统一过程

3、(UP)的软件开发思想,详细的分析了系统需求,灵活的利用统一建模语言(UML)进行建模,采用.Net(C#)+Sql Server 2O00为的开发平台架构,充分利用硬件资源优势,对业务进行合理分配,降低系统的通讯开销,首先进行了客户需求分析到系统详细设计,以及编码实现和测试,最后到系统试运行,具体包括产品扫描入库、产品扫描出库、物流跟踪、打印物流单等功能模块。采用物流条码管理系统,可以使商家在处理仓储管理、打印管理、扫描出入库等业务方面变的更加方便快捷,从而提高商家的效率,此外还充分利用了资源空间,优化了库存,达到了对物流作业的有效管理。本文分析了系统开发的背景和相关商家管理信息系统的现状,

4、概括了系统需要解决的主要问题;概要描述了系统的整体设计情况;对系统的需求及架构设计进行了详细分析和描述;开发了一套信息化的管理系统,解决了商家的仓储和物流管理业务。关键词:条形码,扫描入库,扫描出库,物流跟踪ABSTRACTBar code as a timely, accurate, reliable, economic data input method has been logistics information system used. In the industrial developed countries have already become commodities, popu

5、larize and apply exclusively universal id. Based on barcode merchants warehousing and logistics management system is a electronic product merchants to achieve the operational management objectives and improve business management level and invest in the construction of the management information syst

6、em. The main target system construction for: improve electronic products warehouse storage the dynamics and effective supervision, including product inventory, outbound and inventory management, logistics tracking, logistics, user management and singles printing customer management, initially formin

7、g businessman of inventory, warehouse management, logistics tracking, print outbound logistics single the flow of information integration. This text, according to the unified process (UP) in the software development method, analysis and design, flexible use described unified modeling language (UML).

8、 Based on (c #)+ SqlServer database system 2O05 technology platform framework structure is, make full use of hardware resource advantages, and made a reasonable distribution of business, reduce the system communication overhead. As designer representative, the author of the whole system, participat

9、ed in the development process, from the customer requirement analysis, system design details, coding implementation, testing, to the system commissioning, the transition process. Specific analysis and design the product scanning inventory, product scanning outbound, logistics tracking, print logisti

10、cs sheet to wait function module for enterprise customers provide low cost and high quality, high performance of quality service, wins customer satisfaction, to win in the competition. In addition, optimize inventory, fully utilize the resources and space, reached the effective management of logisti

11、cs operations. This paper analyzes the background and related systems development present situation of business management information system, summarized the system needs to solve main problems; Summary describe how the system overall design situation; The system demand and architecture design makes

12、 a detailed analysis and description; Using database technology built a set of information management system, solved some electronic products businessman warehouse and logistics management business.Key words: Bar code, scan incoming, scanning the outbound, logistics tracking目 录摘 要IIABSTRACTIII第1章绪 论

13、11.1系统开发背景11.2国内外的研究现状21.2.1国外条码技术发展概况21.2.2 国内条码技术发展概况41.3系统研究的主要内容51.4 系统开发工具简介51.4.1 ASP.NET简介51.4.2 Sql Server 2000简介71.4.3条形码技术简介81.4.4无线扫描技术简介9第2章 系统需求分析162.1商家人员模式162.2总体业务描述172.2.1总体业务图172.2.2核心业务流程描述172.3功能性需求192.4非功能性需求192.5小结20第3章数据库设计213.1 数据库模型213.1.1概念模型213.1.2 物理模型223.2数据表设计233.3数据库设计

14、存储过程263.4小结30第4章 系统框架结构与功能设计244.1利用.Net实现系统框架结构244.2系统总体流程图254.3系统各模块的功能设计与实现264.3.1用户管理模块274.3.2数据管理模块284.3.4订单处理模块314.3.5商家管理模块334.3.6报表管理模块334.4小结33第5章总 结34参 考 文 献35 1 绪 论1.1系统开发背景随着网络技术和电子技术的发展,电子中介作为一种工具被引入到生产、交换和消费中,人类进入了电子商务时代。随着电子商务的飞速发展,有利地促进了信息流、商流、资金流和物流的有机结合。条码技术是当代物流在电子商务中的发展与体现,是计算机的应用



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