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1、1 2020-2021 学学年年?学学期期第第二二次次月月考考 高高一一英英语语参参考考答答案案?2020/12? 第第一一部部分分 听听力力 1-5. CACBC 6-10. ACABB 11-15. ABCCA 16-20. ACBAB 第第二二部部分分 阅阅读读理理解解 第一节 21-25. CBDBC 26-30. AACDB 31-35. DDABC 第二节 36-40. EFDGC 第第?部部分分 语语言言知知识识运运用用 第一节 完型填空 41-45. CADCB 46-50. BDABC 51-55. ACBDD 56-60. ADACB 第二节 语法填空 61. Actual

2、ly 62. telling 63. is made 64. dangerous 65. are 66. importance 67. with 68. whom 69. to help 70. an 第第四四部部分分 第第一一节节 单单词词拼拼写写 71. contributions/donations 72. quality 73. characters 74. balance 75. creative 76. classics 77. downloading 78. carved 79. established 80. throughout 第第二二节节 完完成成句句子子 81. ups

3、 and downs 82. dates back, to 83. point of view 84. took part in 85. when; give way to 86. turn to 87. related to 第第?节节 书书面面表表达达 Dear Mr. Smith, Im Li Hua, one of your students in your cultural class. Knowing you are interested in traditional Chinese culture, I am writing to invite you to the Tradit

4、ional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held at the Art Center in our school this Saturday afternoon, from 2 pm to 5 pm. The fair aims to promote traditional Chinese culture and anyone keen on it are welcome. At the fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be displayed, through which visitor

5、s will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also feel the unique beauty of it. I have the confidence that you will have great fun here if you can come. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely Li Hua 2 听听力力原原文文 Text 1 W: Good morning, Mr. Craig. Would you like your

6、usual cup of black coffee and a cheese sandwich? M: Yes, please. Can you bring a small salad with that today? (1) Text 2 M: You are taller than my sister, but shorter than my brother. We must be the same height. W: No, Im a little taller than you. (2) My eyes are higher than yours! Text 3 M: Hey, Mo

7、m, do you think I could borrow your car to go to Daves house? I just finished my homework. W: Mine is getting fixed right now, but maybe you can ask your dad for his. (3) Text 4 M: We promised to help Mrs. Yang with her garden today, remember? W: Of course. (4) As soon as I have the chair fixed, wel

8、l go to her house. And remember to bring her some food by the way. Text 5 W: Lets do something today. How about going ice skating? M: Have you been outside? Its like 17 degrees out there! It doesnt feel like winter at all. W: Lets watch some movies at home then. Text 6 W: Excuse me. Is this the line

9、 for Singapore Airlines? M: Yes. W: Thank you. Are you on the 10:10 flight, too? Its only 30 minutes until the flight takes off. (6) I cant miss this flight, because I need to be in Beijing for a meeting tomorrow. 3 M: My plane leaves in 2 hours. So, I have plenty of time to get through this long li

10、ne. You should probably ask an airline worker if you can go to the front, or else you might not make it. W: Youre right. Otherwise I would probably miss my next flight in Shanghai. (7) Text 7 M: I couldnt finish my meal. Can I get it wrapped up? (8) W: Of course. But were short on staff tonight. Sev

11、eral of the waiters and waitresses are sick because of the weather. (8) And Im so busy. (8) (9) M: I understand. I have an idea. Why dont you just bring me a box? And I can do it myself. Id like to give the rest of my food away to a homeless person. (10) Its cold out tonight, and I know there must b

12、e someone who doesnt have enough to eat. W: OK, Ill go get a box for you. Text 8 M: Okay, class, we are going to go over what will be on the test in two days. I will divide you into three groups. (11) You will come up with some questions. The questions can be exchanged between the groups. We will wo

13、rk on some of the problems here, and you will need to take the rest home and hand in tomorrow. That way, in two days, you will be all ready for the test. Mandy and Bella will be in the first group. (12) David and Emma will be in the second group. Camilla and Tim will make up the third group. Do you

14、have a question, Emma? W: Yes, will we need to bring anything for the test? M: I have pencils and the test paper already, but bring this question homework with you for the test. (13) Text 9 M: This doesnt look familiar at all. I think I might be lost W: At least we can still see the river. M: Well,

15、I wanted to follow the road by the river. But it looks like the road is gone. W: The weekend storm must have made the river rise. (14) We can walk here on the high ground. 4 M: I hope its safe to walk across the bridge. We need to get to the other side before evening. (14) W: Its an old stone bridge

16、. Its very strong, (15) and it has survived bigger storms. M: That is true. I remember crossing it when I was a child. My uncle even taught me how to catch fish on it. W: When I was a girl, I would hide under the bridge when my older sister was looking for me. (16) I always got in trouble with her! M: What did you do? W: I loved to play tricks on her, and it made



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