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1、 八年级英语下册units1-4 检测题A. takes, finishB. take, finishingC. took, finishedD. took, to finish一 .根据要求填空()3What a nice day,Weshould go for a walk _watching TV at home1. -Did the old man mind _(swim) in the river?A.because ofB.instead ofC. instead D. out of-Yes, he didn t allow us_(swim) un it.()4. The wor

2、d is unnecessary .You d better_2.I spend ten yuan _(buy) the book.3.-Why do you make your parent_(angry)?Because they(A cut out itB cut it out)5. _?C cut it upGive me too much _(pressure)4.It is time _(have)supper. You should stop_(work).5. She refused_(talk) with us.because she is _(tire).( My car

3、doesn t work A. Why are you here ?B. How do you do?C. What s wrong?D. What s this ?) 6. We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.6. My best friend is _(popular) than me.I am _ _(对她生气 )。 Really? Will you please show me _?7. They sat down and continued_(play) chess.A. what to useB. how to

4、 use itC. how can I use itD. what can I use8 .They are always_them_ ( 与做比较 )other children.9. Why not _(hang) out? I feel_ (lone).()7.The boy isA. happyB. upsetbecause he argued with his best friend just now.C. tiredD. excited10.We offered_(spend) time _(help)the old.11._(learn) English well is very

5、 important.12.I can _ _ _ my friends. (相处好)13. Tom went to school instead of _(dance)14.Doingchores helps _(develop)children s independence and teaches themhow_(look) after themselves.15.To my _(surprise) .He got some _(advice)16. How about_(go) hiking this afternoon?17 .Jim is a doctor. His _ (old)

6、 brother is an engineer.() 8. I had a fight with my brother this morning. _A. Thats nothing.B. Great!You are right.C. You should say sorry to him.D.You shouldn t talk to him first.)9. She looked _ when she heard the _ news.A. surprised; surprisedB. surprising; surprisedC. surprising; surprisingD. su

7、rprised; surprising)10 The meeting didnt start_ everyone was there.A. because B. until C. why D. if18 . To begin with we don t have much money,()11 The boy _ to bed _ his mother came in._ (second) we are too busy.19 .you d better_(not go) to school by bike.20. He feels _(worry)about the coming exam.

8、(A. went not; until B. didnt go; after C. went; until D. didnt go; until) 13I wont believe you_ I have seen it with my own eyes.A. before B. until C. after D. when21. You shouldn t_ (use) the phone22. It s crazy for Mothers to keep on _ (compare)their kids with others .()14.If you donA.toot go, I wo

9、nB.alsot go _.C.eitherD.neitherin the classroom.()12.After the death of their parents, the sisters _ well and never argued.二单项填空A.got upB.got onC.got downD.got to()1. You _ write him a letter to say you are sorry for it.()13. Could you please help me_ when the planes arrives? I m not good at writing

10、 letters.I wantot talk about it _ the phone.A. askB. look forC. finds outD. find outA.could ; onB.should ; inC.can; overD.must ; by()14. He used to _very late, but now he is used to _ early.()2. It _ her four hours_ the work yesterday.A. get up; getting upB. get up; get up C. getting up; get upD. ge

11、tting up; getting up三、选词填空()15. What s the matter with you, Peter? _.Perhaps instead , opinion, continue, push, compare, crazy, usual, typical,A. I am a student in Grade 9.B.He has got a headache.C. I had a fight with my best friend.D. She ll take some medicine.cause argue()16. You can find _ diffic

12、ult to learn English.A. thatB. thisC. itD. how1. Careless driving often _ accident.()17._I take some photos in the hall ?No, you _2. Twelve o clock is the _time to have lunch.A.Can, needn tB.Must, mustn ” tC. Could,won tD. May,mustn t3 The TV shows are boring. Why not play cards _?()18.The woman in

13、red _a teacher .She works in a hospital now.4. It was _ of you to skate on such thin ice.(A used to beB is used to be)19. I saw him _ in.C was used to beD is5. In my _, people shall not smoke in public places.6. If you _ the two cars, you ll find them very alike.A. comeB. comesC. cameD. to come7. Will you help me to _ u



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