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1、新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 1 A private conversation私人谈话a carrybsufferc standd lift12、The young man spoke rudely. He wasnt very .Structure句型3、Last week the writerwent to the theatre.He was the theatre.a tob atc intodon4、The young manand young womanwere sittingbehind him. He was sittingthem.a beforeb Abovec a

2、head ofd in front of 5、did the writer feel? Angry.a Whereb Whyc HowcWhena clever brudecpolited kind Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐? Structure句型3. He sometimesin bed until lunchtime.a. staybis stayingc staysdstaying4. He stayed in bed untillunchtime.He went bed late last night.a. inbIntoc tod at5

3、. He doesnt get up early on Sundays. He gets up6、He looked at the man and the woman angrily. He. looked atangrily.a. themb theyc theirdus7、The young man and the young woman paid a lateblatelyc slowlydhardlyattention to the writer.a noneb anyc not anydno Vocabulary词汇8、He had a good seat. He was sitti

4、ng in a good .a chairb placec armchairdclass 9、He was a young man. He wasnt very.a oldb bigc talldlarge6. did Aunt Lucy come? By train.a. WhenbHowcWhydWhere 7.The writercantsee Aunt LucyHes havingbreakfast.a still bnowcoftend always Vocabulary词汇8. Heout of the window and saw that it was raining.10、T

5、he writer looked at the man and the woman angrily. He was very.asadb unhappyccrossd pleased11、The writer could not bear it. He could not it.a lookedbSawc remarkeddwatched9. Justthen, thetelephone rang.Itrang.a at oncebimmediatelyc againdat that moment 10.She was his aunt, so he was her.a sonb grands

6、onc nephewd niece 11.Breakfast is the firstof the day.a foodb dinnerclunchdmeal12.Aunt Lucy said, Dear me, because she was .8.A waiter usually works in a. a.public gardenb.shopc.restaurantd.private house9.The waiterlenthim a book. Hea book from the waiter.a.lentb.borrowedc.tookd.stolea angrybSurpris

7、edc tireddpleasedLesson 3 Please send me a card请给我寄一张明信片Structure句型3. Last week he went to Italy. He was Italy last summer.a.atb.toc.ind.on4. him a few words of Italian? The writer.a.Who taughtb.Who did teach c.What did he teachd.Whom did he teach5. He was a friendlywaiter.He spoke to the writer .a.

8、friendb.as friendsc.like friendsd.in a friendly way 6.The writera few lines,but he didntunderstand a word.a.readsb.readc.redd.reading7.He spent the whole day in hisroom. He was in his roomday.a.the holeb.the all c.alld.all ofVocabulary词汇10. On the last day he made a big decision. It was theday of hi

9、s holiday.a.finalb.endc.latestd.bottom11. He made a big decision. He. a.thought about itb.made up his mindc.changed his mindd.made a wish12. He didntwritea singlecard.So he.a.wrote only oneb.didn t writeeven one c.wrote just oned.wrote all the cards except one Lesson 4 An exciting trip激动人心的旅行Lesson

10、5 No wrong numbers无错号之虞3.A.to himB.of himC.of hisD.his4.A.Thats soB.Thats whyC.BecauseD.For5. Hehasjustboughttwelvepigeons.When did hethem?A. boughtB.buysC.buyD.buying6. Whats the distance from Pinhurst to Silbury?Howis PinhurstSilbury?A. long ago . untilB.long . away C.away . tillD.far . from5.A ne

11、ighbortoldme about him. HePercy Buttons was a beggar.A.toldB.said meC.told to meD.said7. Thepigeonflewfromonegaragetothe otherthree minutes.A. inB.intoC.withD.on 8.A.anotherB.otherC.elseD.different9. tgetatelephone.Telephonesarehard to.A.takeB.receiveC.obtain D.find10. He has sent requests for spare

12、 parts. He has spare parts.A.askedB.askedforC.beggedD.pleased11. Urgentmessages are important,so they must be sent.they6. Everybody knows him.know him.A.They allB.EachC.EveryD.All7. does he call? Once a month.A.How seldomB.How longC.How soonD.How often8.A beggar is a person who.A. asks for money but

13、 doesnt workB. asks for foodC. works hardD. is out of work9. You can have a meal.A.only in the morningB.at any timeA.quicklyB.slowlyC.by handD.largely12.s telephoneserviceisprivate.It is.A.generalB.spareC.secretD.his ownLesson 6 Percy buttons珀西巴顿斯3. The writer has just moved to a new house. She wasyesterday.A.at houseB.to the house C.at homeD.in the home4. She gave.A.to him a mealB.a meal for himC.him to a mealD.a meal to himC.onlyatmiddayD.onlyinthe evening10. Shegavehimapieceofcheese.Heput theof che


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