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1、1冀教版小学英语第六册第 18 课教学案例靖远县糜滩乡中心小学:杨海红一、教材分析本单元讲述了 Li Ming Jenny 和 Danny 在北京用不同的方式给家中写信。本课处于这一单元的第二课是第一种传达信息的方式并且本课中明信片的写法与后面信的写法以及电子邮件的写法有异曲同工之效所以这节课的成功与否至关重要。本课充分联系学生生活,又涉及到了中西方文化的差异,是一节学生乐学的课。二、教学内容P34 Lesson 18 :Jenny writes a postcard三、学生特点学生接触英语已经将近三年,但由于各方面的问题,还存在许多学习上的障碍。不过大多数学生的学习兴趣比较高。四、教学目标确

2、立分析1、 认知目标(1)能听、说、读、写 top. Bottom. left .right .corner 和 stamp ,这几个单词都是本单元要求四会的单词,在掌握这几个词的基础上才能表达完整的句子。(2)掌握明信片的写法。明信片是一种常用的传达信息的方式,学生只有掌握了它的写法才能很好的与他人进行交流。2、能力目标能用英语写一张完整的明信片。听、说、读、写中写是一个重要且较难的一个方面,我们平时要多给学生一些写的机会,从一句、两句开始,到最后就自然能写出十句以上了。3、情感目标(1)情感态度:提醒学生要经常关心长辈和朋友,用多种方式与他们交流信息和情感,在教给学生知识的基础上,还要教给

3、他们做人处世的道理。2(2)学习策略:注重学生的自主学习。新课程理念提倡教师主导学生主体,老师要把学习的主动权交给学生。(3)文化目标:让学生了解中西方文化的差异,可以帮助学生拓展视野,进而提高跨文化交际能力。五、教学重难点1、掌握明信片的五个部位(top Bottom left right corner)。2、掌握写明信片的格式。六、设计理念本节课从学生的兴趣出发,设计了几个活动,让学生在玩中学,在教知识的同时又关注了学生的情感态度与文化意识。整节课以学生的自主学习为主,让学生自己解决问题。教师从听说读写各方面锻炼了学生的综合语言运用能力。七、教学准备明信片、单词卡片、录音机八、教学过程St

4、ep.Warming-up 1.Greeting(Talk about the weather and date)2.RevisionA:Let the students do actions.” turn left、turn right turn around”B:Free talk:T:In Lesson 17,we know Li Ming.Jenny and Danny go to the hotel shop,What did they do?(please rember and answer )S1:I know Li Ming want to send a postcard to

5、 his cousin Jing.S2: I know Jenny want to send a postcard to her mum.S3: I know Danny buy nine postcards. T:Very good! Today we will learn how does Jenny writes a postcard. Now lets begain.Step. New Concepts (一)Learn new words31. T: Show a postcard ask students”Whats this ?”S: (Very good!)Its a post

6、card.T: A postcard has a Ss: A postcard has a picture on it .T: (Youre very smart!)Where is the left/right ?S: This is the left/right.T: Look! Whats this?(Show the top of the postcard,and ask class try to answer. )S:Its up!T:Good!but in English,It names “top”(Read the word a few times)( Use the same

7、 way teach “bottom and corner”)2.Read and write the five words a few times.3.ActiveAsk volunteers to show the top bottome right left and corner of objeckets in the classroom.(Just like blackboard desk book and so on)(完成学习重点)(二)Learn how to write a postcard1.Show the objekts of prepareT: This is a “邮

8、票”stamp. Stamp stampS: stamp stamp T:Write”522 Park Road Admonton Alberta Canada”on the blackboard and ask” Whats this?”S:Its Jennys address.T:OK!Whose address is 135 Ninth Avenue ?S:Its Stevens address.T:Wheres it?Ss:Excellent!On the right.4T:Open your books and turn to padge 37,lets learn how to w

9、rite a postcard.2.Listen to the tapeIntroduce :Jenny wants to send a postcard to her mnm and dad,she writes the day first,second she writes the shorts letter,thrid she writes the address,last stiks the stamp.T:What day is it today?S:Thursday,February fourth.T:Great!What does Jenny say to her parents

10、?Ss:She say that they are having fun in Beijing.this is their hotel.Its near Wangfujing Street.Wangfujing has many shops.T:Good job!Who can say Jennys addree?S1.Its 522 Park Road Admonton Alberta Canada.3.Group workPlay “Pen Pal” .Ask the students each to make a postcard.Use “top bottome left and ri

11、ght ”to explain where the students write the day ,the adress and their name.小组内让学生用完整的句子介绍明信片的五个方位,教师巡视指导。评选出本活动中最好的一个小组,让他们现场表演。(完成了学习难点)Step: Sump up1.T:Every student did well.Where do you write on a postcard ?S: On the left.T: Where do you put the address?S: On the right.T: Where do you put the s

12、tamp?S: In the top ,right corner of the postcard.2.Practice use these sentences in pairs53.Find the differnets beteen Chinas postcard and forigners postcard.(学生会发现中文明信片先写地址后写收信人姓名而英文是先写收信人姓名再写地址和中文习惯写地址时从小到大而英文正好相反。)T: (Notice ) Dont forget the stamp.Step.Homework Write a postcard to your grandparen

13、ts parents or your friend.板书设计:Lesson 18: Jenny writes a postcardToprightbottom corner教后反思“叮铃”第四节上课铃声响起来了,我走进了五一班教室。我带着笑容与学生进行互相问候。看着他们那一张张稚嫩的面庞,我真想把我所有的知识全部教给他们。我手拿一张明信片问:“Whats this?” 问完后我用目光扫视了一下全班同学,只看见稀稀落落有几个人举手。“A postcard has a ” “Where is the left?”我又接连问了两个问题,举手的总是那几名同学。我的头脑中打了一个大大的问号?是什么原因呢

14、?是我开篇就没调动起他们的积极性吗?还是我提DayDear Sir or Madam:nameaddress6的问题稍难呢?这几个问题在我头脑中只停留了一秒钟我赶忙拉回思绪继续往下讲。当讲到明信片格式时,我暗暗提醒自己要讲细讲全。我边讲边观察学生的反映,有的学生没有认真听。这又是怎么回事呢?我明明把这里当作重点很认真的来讲了,可他们下课铃声响起来了,我拖着沉重的步伐走回了办公室。坐在椅子上感觉嗓子像冒了烟一样,我边喝水边回忆这一节课。整堂课都是我在表演,我累得够呛,学生的兴趣却不高。怎么回事呢?我趴在桌子上,随手翻开新课程理念与教学策略,茫然间一段简短明了的话帮我指点了迷津。“新课程倡导教师是

15、学生成长的引路人,是学生自主学习、自主发展的组织者、指导者、参与者、研究者、服务者,是教学全程的管理者。新课程的学习观,倡导改善学生的学习方式,由被动接受的学习方式改为自主学习的学习方式。”哦,原来是我的观念问题,作为一个青年教师我的观念还停留在老地方,我深感惭愧。不是学生的问题,是我垄断了整堂课。我应该放手把课堂还给学生,他们才是课堂真正的主人。想到这里,我马上精神起来,我从学生的角度出发重新设计了一个教案。这个教案几乎是一气呵成,我期待着它在课堂上实践的那一刻。“Are you tired?” “Yes.” “OK. Now first lets sing and dance.Follow me,please.” 五(2)班的同学随着节奏唱了起来,一遍比一遍声音大。课堂上还不断传出掌声、喝彩声和加油声。铃响后,我带着笑容轻松地走出了教室。我相信这一节课学生们不仅学到了知识还学到了许多课本以外的东西。“学无止境“这句话不仅是针对学生们而言的也针对于我们所有的教育工作者。


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