2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)

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2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)_第1页
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2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)_第2页
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2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)_第3页
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2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)_第4页
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《2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016届山东省东营市广饶县大王镇中心中学七年级英语学案:unit7《how much are these socks?》section a(人教新目标版上册)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。教师寄语:Hold on to your dreams(坚持你的梦想)学习目标:1.掌握本部分相关单词,短语:sock T-shirt 、sweater trousers shoes shirt big small how much2.掌握询问价格的句型 How much is/are ?重难点:1. 本部分单词 2. 询问价格句型预习自学一预习掌握课本P37P39单词,并默写1.许多_2.多少钱_3.短袜_4.体恤衫_5.短裤_6.毛衣_7.裤子_ 8.鞋_9.裙子_10.美元_11.大的_12.小的_13.女

2、子(pl)_14需要_15一双_16给你 _二预习课本P37P39,完成下列内容1你想要什么_2.这个怎么样_3.它看起来很漂亮._4它多少钱?9美元._ _5.那黄色的短袜多少钱?两双三美元._三、预习检测1、那件黑色裙子多少钱?_ _is the black skirt?2、那件白色的毛衣20美元The _ _is $40.3、我需要一双短袜I need _ _ _ _.4、我买了Ill _it考点精讲socks(袜子),shoes(鞋),trousers(裤子)shorts(短裤)这些成双成对或由两部分组成的物品,通常以复数形式出现,也可以用表量的词pair(一双,一对,一副)表达:a

3、pair of socks, two pairs of shorts 两条短裤How much问不可数名词的数量询问价格:How much is/are ? 句中的be动词应与主语保持一致。回答时常用:Its/Theyre+价格例:1.How much_ the skirt ?这件裙子多少钱?_fifteen dollars.15美元2.How much_ these pens ?这些钢笔多少钱?_twelve dollars .12美元拓展:对价格进行询问时,还有另外一种表达方式:whats the price of ?使用这一句型时,无论被询问的商品表示单数还是复数,be动词都用is。不能

4、用are。其答语为Its .如:Whats the price of the book?这本书多少钱?修饰说明Price可以用high(高),low(低),但不能用expensive/dear(贵的),cheap(便宜的)。如:The price of the sweater is high。how many +可数名词复数例_ _water is in the bottle? _ _students are there in your class?3.Can I help you?你想要点什么?这是询问别人是否需要服务时的常用语。表示接受时说:Yes,please。表示拒绝时说:No,tha

5、nks/thank you.表示提供帮助的其他一些句式有:what can I do for you? Could I help you? May I help you?4.Here you are.给你这是把某物传递给对方时常说的一句话,是一个习惯句型,类似的表达还有:Here it is. Here they are。5.Ill take it/them .我买了 Ill=I will; take=buy/get/have.在口语中,顾客选中了某种物品要买时,通常说Ill take 而不说Ill buy 6.Thank you /Thanks.谢谢You are welcome。不客气Th

6、ank you/ thank you very much/ thanks/ thanks a lot /many thanks 都是表示感谢的礼节性语言。答语为:Thats ok Thats all right ./you are welcome /Not at all. Its my pleasure (不用谢/别客气)等7.want 动词“想要;需要;希望”want sth.想要某物 want to do sth 想要做某事 want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事.8.woman 女子复数为women man 男子 复数为men二课堂检测1、单项选择( )1.Can I hel

7、p you? _. A. Thank you B. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. Youre welcome.D. Im sorry.( )2.Please give me some oranges。OK,_ A give you B.no,thanks C Here you are D Here it is( ) 3. _. Yes,I need a notebook. A Excuse me. B Im sorry C Can I help you D Here it is( ) 4.The shoes are nice. Ill _them .A bring B like C want D take( )5.How much _the T-shirt? A is B am C are D does2、在空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整,每空一词Jeff:Can I _you ? Marie: Yes, please. I_ a pair of shoes.Jeff: What _do you want? Marie: White Jeff: Im sorry . We _have any .Do you _these black ones?Marie: Yes,I do.学后反思:



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