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1、Text A What Is a Decision? 第一段: 1. A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. made 是过去分词, 作 choice 的定语, 可改为定语从句which / that is made ,from among 是双重介词结构, 除 from 以外,还有until、 but、except 后面可再跟介词短语。 2. The purpose of making a decision is to establish and achi

2、eve organizational goals and objectives. 该句中 to establish and achieve 是不定式短语,充当句子表语成分。 3. The reason for making a decision is that a problem exists, goals or objectives are wrong, or something is standing in the way of accomplishing them. 句中介词for 与前面名词reason搭配,表示 的理由 。另外,当reason充当句子主语时,该句表语从句必 须以 th

3、at 引导。句中in the way 意为 妨碍、阻碍 ,way 的搭配还有on the way(在的路上) 、by the way(顺便 问一下、顺便说一句) 。 第二段: 1. Thus the decision-making process is fundamental to management. 该句中 be fundamental to 意为 be important to 2. Almost everything a manager does involves decisions, indeed, some suggest that the management process

4、is decision making. 该句第一分句的主谓结构是everything involves decisions ,everything 是主语,故谓语必须有s标记。句中a manager does 为定语从句,前面省略了关系代词that。此处切不可使用which。第二分句中suggest意为 提出、 认为 。若表示 建议 ,其宾语从句则必须使用虚拟语气,动词为:(should) do 型。 3. Although managers cannot predict future, many of their decisions require that they consider po

5、ssible future events. 该句中 require 意为 要求 ,其宾语从句中也必须使用虚拟语气,动词为:(should) do 型。 4. Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance, but since uncertainty is always there, risk accompanies decisions. 句中 make a guess at 意为 猜一猜 ,注意介词at; what

6、 引导的是一名词性从句,作宾语;chance在此处表 示 偶然性 。 5. Sometimes the consequences of a poor decision are slight; at other times they are serious. 该句 slight 和 serious显然为反义词,前者意为轻,后者表示 严重 。 第三段: 1. Choice is the opportunity to select among alternatives. 该句名词opportunity 后面的 to select 是定语成分, 因 opportunity 与动词 select 之间没

7、有任何逻辑主谓关 系,故以不定式作定语。 2. If there is no choice, there is no decision to be made. 该句中 there is no decision to be made 也可写成there is no decision making 。 3. Decision making is the process of choosing, and many decisions have a broad range of choice. 此句中 range 是名词,表示 范围 ,它还可作动词,意为在范围内变化,常与 from to搭配。 4.

8、For example, a student may be able to choose among a number of different courses in order to implement the decision to obtain a college degree. a number of 表示 许多 ,后接可数名词的复数形式,而the number of 则表示 的数量 ;in order to 表示 为 了 。 5. For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, procedures, l

9、aws, precedents, and the like. based on 在句中充当constraints 的定语成分,可改写为定语从句which are based on ,be based on意为 以为基础、以为根据、建立在基础之上;and the like 相当于 and so on,表示 等等 。 6. These constraints exist at all levels of the organization. 该句 exist 是不及物动词。 第四段 1. Alternatives are the possible courses of action from whi

10、ch choices can be made. from which 是定语从句,修饰courses of action,表示 可从中进行选择的可能的行动方案。 2. If there are no alternatives, there is no choice and, therefore, no decision. 3. If no alternatives are seen, often it means that a thorough job of examining the problems has not been done. 该句意为 If you cant see any a

11、lternative, often it means that you havent examined the problems thoroughly. 4. For example, managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion; this is their way of simplifying complex problems. 比较 sometimes, some times, sometime, some time:它们分别表示有时 、几次 、 (将来)某个时候、一 段时间 。 5. But the tendency

12、 to simplify blinds them to other alternatives. blind sb to sth 意为 使某人看不到。 第五段: 1. At the managerial level, decision making includes limiting alternatives as well as identifying them, and the range is from highly limited to practically unlimited. 本段仅一句,as well as 表示 不仅而且,但和 not only but also 结构有区别,当

13、使用as well as 时,被强调的成分在前,而在 not only but also 结构中, 被强调的成分在后。例如: I have studied French as well as English. = I have studied not only English but also French. 第六段: 1. Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best-that is, which contributes the most to the achie

14、vement of organizational goals. some 接单数可数名词时,表示 某种、某个 ;接 复数可数名词时,表示 一些 。 Contribute to 意思是 促使、促进、有助于。 2. An organizational goal is an end or a state of affairs the organization seeks to reach. seek to do 相当于 try to do ,意思是 力求做某事 ;the organization seeks to reach 前面省略了which 或 that, 是一定语从句。 3. Because

15、 individuals (and organizations) frequently have different ideas about how to attain the goals, the best choice may depend on who makes the decision. depend on 意思是 依靠、依赖 。英语中表示依靠、依赖 的动词有不少,而且常与on 搭配,例如: rely on, live on, feed on, rest on, draw on 等等。 who makes the decision 是宾语从句。 4. Frequently, depa

16、rtments or units within an organization make decisions that are good for them individually but that are less than optimal for the larger organization. 句中 decisions 有两个定语从句,都由that 引导, but 连接两个 that 从句; less than 后接数词时表示少于、 不到 ,而此句中less than后接形容词, 意思是 不太、不那么 ,例如:less than happy (不太高兴) ,less than perfect (不太完美) 。 5. Called suboptimization, this is a trade-off that increases the advantages to one unit or function but decreases the advantages to


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