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1、中考真题中考真题母题解密 真金试炼真金试炼备战中考备战中考 中考真题 | 母题解密 精品资源 | 备战中考2 编在前面:编在前面: 历年的中考卷可以让学生认识到中考的题型,命题风格,各知识板块的分值分布,考查 的重点及难点。这对于初三学生备战中考具有很大的指导意义。而且历年的中考真题还有中 考风向标的作用,学生可以通过中考试卷分析命题趋势自我预测一下可能会出现的重点难点。 这对于学生来说帮助非常大。 很多学生在初三在复习阶段会买很多的预测试卷儿或者是模拟题。虽然也能够帮助学生 扩展题面见识更多的题型,但是这些复习资料是与中考真题相比是无法比拟的。利用好中考 真题可以获得事半功倍的效果。 老师通

2、常会在中考第二轮复习期间要求学生做至少三遍中考真题,每一遍都会有不同的 侧重点。通常第一遍就是按照中考节奏去完成试卷。目的就是为了让学生能够掌握中考的节 奏。了解中考题试卷难易的题型分布等。中考真题通常是 80%是基础题型,20%是难题。第一 遍做中考真题并不强调分数的重要性。主要是要把握中考的做题节奏,合理安排时间。第二 遍通常要注重准确率。因为通过第一遍做题和对答案以后,需要花时间对错题进行分析,对 难题做出归纳总结。掌握中考真题的做题思路和方法。而且在做第二遍的时候,要尽可能的 去缩短时间。同时避免再犯第一次做题的错误,以能够锻炼做题的速度和准确率。做第三遍 的时候就要要求百分之百的正确

3、率。因为经过前两次的反复练习,对中考真题已经很熟悉。 尤其是对中考试卷进行研究以后,那么对于平时的模拟考试,就会显得非常简单。一般情况 下模拟考试的题型都能够在之前的中考真题中找到真实题型!需要注意的是,如果在第三次, 做中考真题的时候还会出现错误,那就需要好好地反省一下了。 中考真题的作用是独一无二的,你做再多的模拟试卷都不如做一套中考真题作用大,所 以在考试前一定要认真做中考真题,并总结分析真题规律! 中考真题 | 母题解密 精品资源 | 备战中考3 专题 15 完形填空人物故事类 【母题来源母题来源 1】 【2020 贵州省安顺市中考】 【母题原题母题原题】 Wang Weis pare

4、nts were waiting for him when he got home. His dad handed him a letter. It was from the university. His hands were shaking as he took the letterhis _26_ was inside. Ever since Wang Wei was little, he wanted to be an _27_. He often took his toys apart and put them back together. One day, his mom was

5、_28_ to see that Wang Wei had taken apart the television! His dad told her to have faith(信心) in Wang Wei, and sure enough he put the television back together _29_. Wang Weis teachers all noticed his talent. They told his _30_ Wang Wei should go to university. Wang Wei was very excited about this. No

6、 one in Wang Weis family had ever gone to university before. His mom was not sure if it was a good idea. _31_ his dad said, “Have faith in Wang Wei and his dream.” Wang Wei knew his family couldnt _32_ university. So he studied harder and applied for the scholarships(奖学金). Now Wang Wei had the lette

7、r in his hand that would tell him if he could go to the university. He took a deep breath and opened the envelope. It says, Congratulations. You have been accepted to the university on a full scholarship! His mom _33_ him with tears in her eyes. “I am so proud of you!” she said. His dad patted his b

8、ack. “Ive always had faith in Wang Wei and his dream,” he said. 26. A. futureB. resolutionC. pride 中考真题 | 母题解密 精品资源 | 备战中考4 27. A. artistB. actorC. engineer 28. A. happyB. upsetC. scared 29. A. angrilyB. bravelyC. perfectly 30. A. guestsB. parentsC. cousins 31. A. BecauseB. AsC. But 32. A. affordB.

9、chooseC. enter 33. A. huggedB. thankedC. left 【母题来源母题来源 2】 【2020 贵州省黔西南州中考】 【母题原题母题原题】 When I graduated from university, I decided to make my life a difference. I became a volunteer_21_and was sent to Ghana (加纳). So,_22_a group of helpful young volunteers, I went on my journey. I was very_23_this gr

10、eat chance. The schools there were quite poor. The students had to walk miles to_24_their schools. They had lots of work at home. Though they had_25_days, these children were joyful. This was my_26_time living abroad in a different culture. I had to get used to the_27_conditions. There was no electr

11、icity, running water, phone or the Internet. There was no air-conditioner (空调) at a place where the_28_often goes over 38C! It was too hot to move. Before coming here, I_29_thought I could live in such an environment. However, I could end each day with a beautiful African sunset. At night, I could_3

12、0_the whole Milky Way (银河). 中考真题 | 母题解密 精品资源 | 备战中考5 That is my experience which is unforgetable and worth the time and energy! 21. A. professorB. teacherC. studentD. foreigner 22. A. byB. toC. withD. for 23. A. thankful forB. sorry aboutC. calm aboutD. angry with 24. A. go throughB. look forC. live

13、 inD. get to 25. A. happyB. relaxingC. tiringD. quiet 26. A. lastB. firstC. secondD. third 27. A. studyingB. playingC. travellingD. living 28. A. weatherB. skyC. sunD. temperature 29. A. stillB. neverC. oftenD. usually 30. A. enjoyB. lookC. searchD. like 【母题来源母题来源 3】 【2020 黑龙江省龙东地区中考】 【母题原题母题原题】 Dea

14、r daddy, Hey! Hows everything _21_? Its been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you still _22_ the day before you left? I remember I saw the luggage(行李)in your bedroom. I asked you, “Are you going to leave _23_ business?” You smiled and put your hand on my head, saying, “Im just tidying up som

15、e clothes.” Later that night, I learned that you and mom had asked to _24_ to Wuhan and were waiting for a phone call. At that moment, I hoped _25_ of you would get the call. _26_, your phone still rang. I almost cried out, as if I were going to Wuhan myself. The next morning, I got _27_ early. Duri

16、ng breakfast, you smiled and asked me if I _28_ miss you. I pretended(假装)it was no big _29_ and said, “I can send you a message whenever I miss you. ” 中考真题 | 母题解密 精品资源 | 备战中考6 When you were leaving, I waved(挥手)to you _30_ I couldnt see you anymore. Tears flowed down my face. I later realized it was Lantern Festival. I wrote down “Waiting fo


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