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1、高考考点高考考点专项突破 真金试炼真金试炼备战高考备战高考 高考考点 | 专项突破 精品资源 | 备战高考2 专题专题 25 完形填空(说明文和议论文类)完形填空(说明文和议论文类) 1.(2019全国卷全国卷 III) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March-

2、_41_ six months out of the year. Of course, we _42_ it when the sun is shining, says Karin Ro, who works for the towns tourism office. “We see the sky is _43_, but down in the valley its darker its like on a _44_ day.” But that _45_ when a system of high-tech _46_ was introduced to reflect sunlight

3、from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley below. Wednesday, residents(居民)of Rjukan _47_ their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to _48_. The mirrors are controlled by a computer that _49_ them to turn along with the sun throughout the _50

4、_ and to close during windy weather. They reflect a concentrated beam(束)of light onto the towns central _51_, creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters. When the light _52_, Rjukan residents gathered together. “People have been _53_ there and standing there and taking _54_ of each other

5、, Ro says. The town square was totally _55_. I think almost all the people in the town were there. The 3,500 residents cannot all _56_ the sunshine at the same time. _57_, the new light feels like more than enough for the towns _58_ residents. Its not very _59_,” she says, but it is enough when we a

6、re _60_.” 41. A. onlyB. obviouslyC. nearlyD. precisely 42. A. fearB. believeC. hearD. notice 43. A. emptyB. blueC. highD. wide 44. A. cloudyB. normalC. differentD. warm 45. A. helpedB. changedC. happenedD. mattered 46. A. computersB. telescopesC. mirrorsD. cameras 47. A. rememberedB. forecastedC. re

7、ceivedD. imagined 48. A. repairB. riskC. restD. use 49. A. forbidsB. directsC. predictsD. follows 50. A. dayB. nightC. monthD. year 51. A. libraryB. hallC. squareD. street 高考考点 | 专项突破 精品资源 | 备战高考3 52. A. appearedB. returnedC. fadedD. stopped 53. A. drivingB. hidingC. campingD. siting 54. A. pictures

8、B. notesC. careD. hold 55. A. newB. fullC. flatD. silent 56. A. blockB. avoidC. enjoyD. store 57. A. InsteadB. HoweverC. GraduallyD. Similarly 58. A. nature-lovingB. energy-savingC. weather-beatenD. sun-starved 59. A. bigB. clearC. coldD. easy 60. A. tryingB. waitingC. watchingD. sharing 【答案】4145 CD

9、BAB 4650 CCDBA 5155 CADAB 5660 CBDAD 【解析】本文属于说明文,讲述北欧一个小镇长达半年没有阳光照射,为此在附近的山顶安装了一套镜子 设备把阳光反射到小镇的广场。每当光线照射的时候,人们就聚集在广场上,为寒冷的冬季增添一丝明亮。 41.C 考查副词词义辨析。A. only 仅仅;B. obviously 显然地;C. nearly 几乎;D. precisely 准确的。根 据前文 from late September to mid-March 可知,从九月底到三月中旬,差不多半年,故选 C。 42.D 考查动词词义辨析。A. fear 害怕;B. beli

10、eve 相信;C. hear 听见;D. notice 注意。根据后文 We see the sky is 43 , but down in the valley its darker 可知,我们看到天空是蓝色的,但是到山谷的时候,就会变得更 暗了,故可知,太阳照耀的时候,我们观察得到,故选 D。 43.B 考查形容词词义辨析。A. empty 空的;B. blue 蓝色的;C. high 搞得;D. wide 宽的。根据常识可知, 有太阳的时候,天空是蓝色的,故选 B。 44.A 考查形容词词义辨析。A. cloudy 多云的;B. normal 正常的;C. different 不同的;D

11、. warm 温暖的。根 据前文 down in the valley its darker 可知,到山谷的时候,天变暗了,像阴天一样,故选 A。 45.B 考查动词词义辨析。A. helped 帮助;B. changed 改变;C. happened 发生;D. mattered 关系重大。根据 后文可知,该镇引入一套阳光反射镜来改变这种情况,故选 B。 46.C 考查名词词义辨析。A. computers 电脑;B. telescopes 望远镜;C. mirrors 镜子;D. cameras 相机。根 据后文 to reflect sunlight from neighboring p

12、eaks 可知,从附近的山顶上反射太阳光,故可知,为一枚镜子, 故选 C。 47.C 考查动词词义辨析。A. remembered 记得;B. forecasted 预报;C. received 获得,收到;D. imagined 想 象。根据句意可知,该镇的居民获得了冬天里的第一缕阳光,故选 C。 48.D 考查名词词义辨析。A. repair 修理;B. risk 风险;C. rest 休息;D. use 使用。根据前一句 their 高考考点 | 专项突破 精品资源 | 备战高考4 very first ray of winter sunshine 可知,获得了冬天的第一缕阳光,是由于反

13、射板投入使用了,故选 D。 put sth to use 把某物投入使用。 49.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些镜子由电脑控制,指导他们整天跟着太阳的位置移动而移动,在大风 的天气就自动关闭。A. forbids 禁止;B. directs 指导,导演;C. predicts 预测;D. follows 跟随,追随。本 句描述这套系统的工作原理,电脑控制镜子的移动,故选 B。 50.A 考查名词词义辨析。A. day 白天;B. night 夜晚;C. month 月;D. year 年。根据文章可知,太阳光出 现在白天,故选 A。 51.C 考查名词词义辨析。A. library 图书馆;

14、B. hall 大厅;C. square 广场;D. street 街道。根据后文 The town square 可知,镜子反射聚集的光会照在小镇的中心广场上,故选 C。 52.A 考查动词词义辨析。A. appeared 出现;B. returned 归还;C. faded 褪去;D. stopped 停止。根据后文 Rjukan residents gathered together 可知,当光照出现的时候,居民出来,故选 A。 53.D 考查动词词义辨析。A. driving 驾驶;B. hiding 隐藏;C. camping 露营;D. sitting 坐。根据本句 and sta

15、nding there 可知,光照出现的时候,人们会出来活动,坐在那里,站在那里,故选 D。 54.A 考查名词词义辨析。A. pictures 照片,图片;B. notes 笔记;C. care 照顾;D. hold 抓住。根据文章可 知,会彼此拍照,故选 A。 55.B 考查形容词词义辨析。A. new 新的;B. full 满的;C. flat 平坦的;D. silent 沉默的。根据后文 I think almost all the people in the town were there.可知,差不多全镇的人都在广场上,故可知广场全是人,故选 B。 56.C 考查动词词义辨析。A.

16、 block 阻挡;B. avoid 避免;C. enjoy 喜欢,享受;D. store 储存。根据句意可 知,并不是 3500 名居民都能同时享受到太阳光,故选 C。 57.B 考查副词词义辨析。A. Instead 代替;B. However 然而;C. Gradually 逐渐地;D. Similarly 相似地。前 一句意思为并不是 3500 名居民都能同时享受到太阳光,后一句,新的光线为小镇人们的意义不仅仅提供 光线,故可知前后句属于转折关系,故选 B。 58.D 考查形容词词义辨析。A. nature-loving 热爱自然的;B. energy-saving 节能的;C. weather-beaten 受风 雨侵蚀的;D. sun-starved 渴望阳光的。根据前文可知,小镇差不多半年没有阳光,故可知小镇人们渴望阳 光,故选 D。 59.A 考查形容词词义辨析。A.


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