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1、难忘的一次活动初一英语日记带翻译 难忘的一次活动初一英语日记带翻译 比赛开始了,只听裁判员一声哨令,四个班的踢毽子小将都拿起毽子,踢了起来。 The petition began, only listen to the referees whistle order, four classes of shuttlecock kickers picked up the shuttlecock, kicked up. 我两眼紧盯着我班的卞宋洁,她的一举一动都牵动着我的心,因为她的成绩将决定我班的名次。只见她不慌不忙地踢着,轻巧地一抬腿,就能踢几十个;她踢毽子时眼睛还不停地跟着毽子的上下走,两个小辫一

2、晃一晃的,脸上露出一丝淡淡的微笑,嘴里还不停地数着。同学们为她鼓掌,为她喝彩“加油!加油” My eyes are fixed on Bian Songjie in my class, and her every move affects my heart, because her grades will determine the place of my class. She can kick dozens of shuttlecocks as soon as she lifts her legs lightly. When she kicks the shuttlecock, her ey

3、es still follow the shuttlecock up and down. The two pigtails flicker, with a faint smile on her face and a few in her mouth. The students applauded for her and applauded for her! Come on. 正当同学们喊得起劲时,突然,卞宋洁把毽子踢飞了,同学们不由得为卞宋洁担心起来。这时再看看卞宋洁,只见她一点也不慌,朝前跨了两大步,然后用脚尖轻轻一钩,毽子又在她的脚上飞舞起来,让同学们虚惊一场。 Just as the s

4、tudents shouted hard, suddenly, Bian Songjie kicked the shuttlecock away, and the students couldnt help worrying about Bian Songjie. At this time, when I looked at Bian Songjie, I saw that she didnt panic at all. She took two big steps forward, and then with a light hook on her toe, the shuttlecock

5、flew on her feet again, making the students make a false alarm. 又听裁判的一声哨令,原来规定的时间到了,四个班的小将都停了下来。“二班多少个?”“213个。”裁判员统计过后,宣布我们班得了第一。 Listen to the referees whistle order again. When the original time is up, the four classs little generals stop. How many in class two? 213. After the referee counted, he announced that our class had won the first place. 同学们拉起卞宋洁的手向她祝贺。 The students took Bian Songjies hand and congratulated her. 这真是一次难忘的踢毽子比赛。 This is really an unforgettable shuttlecock game. 【难忘的一次活动初一英语日记带翻译】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考



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