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1、老友记 第一季 第一集 (中央咖啡厅) 没什么好说的!他只不过是我的同事 Theres nothing to tell. Its just some guy I work with. 少来了,和你交往的男人 Come on. Youre going out with a guy. 多多少少一定有点问题! Theres gotta be something wrong with him. 他既驼背又戴假发? So does he have a hump and a hair piece? 等一下,他是不是会吃粉笔? Wait. Does he eat chalk? 我只是不希望你 重蹈我和卡尔的

2、覆辙 I dont want her to go through what I went through with Carl. Oh. 各位放轻松,这不算约会 Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. 不过是两个人一起出去吃晚餐 而且不上床 Its just two people going out to dinner and not having sex. 对我来说这就是约会 Sounds like a date to me. 做了个梦,在中学时代 我站在餐厅中央 Im back in high school, in the middle

3、 of the cafeteria. 突然发现自己全身赤裸 .and I realize Im totally naked. 对,没错 我做过那样的梦 Oh, yeah. Ive had that dream. 我低头一看,看见有一个电话 Then I look down and I realize there is a phone. 在那里 .there. 而不是 没错 Instead of. Thats right! 我没做过那样的梦 没有 That one, Ive never had. No. 突然,那个电话响了 All of a sudden, the phone starts to

4、 ring. 结果是我妈妈打来的 And it turns out its my mother. 这非常奇怪 因为她从来都不会打电话给我! Which is very, very weird because she never calls me. 嗨 Hi. 这家伙说嗨的时候 我却想杀了我自己 This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. 你还好吧,亲爱的? Are you okay, sweetie? 我就感觉好像某人伸手进我的喉咙 抓住我的小肠,从我的嘴里拉出来 I feel like someone grabbed my small intestin

5、e, pulled it out of my mouth. 再在我的脖子上打结 要吃饼干吗? .and tied it around my neck. Cookie? 卡萝今天搬走了她的东西 Carol moved her stuff out today. 哦 Oh. 我给你拿杯咖啡 谢谢 Let me get you some coffee. Thanks. 呃 Ew. Unh. 不,不要! 不要清理我的光环! No. No, dont! Stop cleansing my aura. 不要管我的光环,好吗? Just leave my aura alone, okay? 我会没事的,好吗?

6、真的 我希望她开心 Ill be fine. All right? Really. I hope shell be very happy. 不,你并不希望 是的,我不希望! No, you dont. No, I dont. 叫她去死,是她离开了我! To hell with her. She left me! 你从来都不知道她是女同性恋 And you never knew she was a lesbian. 不知道!行了吧! No! Okay? 为什么每个人老是要提出来? Why does everyone keep fixating on that? 她都不知道,我又怎么会知道? Sh

7、e didnt know. How should I know? 有时候我希望我是女同性恋 Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian. 我讲得很大声吗? Did I say that out loud? 没事的,罗斯 你现在感到很痛苦 All right, Ross. Look, youre feeling a lot of pain right now. 你很生气,很伤心 Youre angry. Youre hurting. 我能告诉你解决方法是什么吗? Can I tell you what the answer is? 脱衣舞厅! Strip joints! 别

8、这样,你单身了!有需求的! Come on, youre single. Have some hormones. 我不想单身,好吗? See, but I dont want to be single, okay? 我只想再次结婚! I just wanna be married again. 而我只想要一百万美金! And I just want a million dollars! 瑞秋! Rachel? 噢,老天爷,摩妮卡 感谢上帝! Oh, God, Monica! Hi! Thank God! 我刚到你那里去,而你不在 那个拿着大锤子的家伙说 I went to your build

9、ing and this guy with a hammer said. 你可能在这里 你真在这里! .that you might be here, and you are. 你想喝点咖啡吗? 无咖啡因的 Can I get you some coffee? Decaf. 好了,各位,这位是瑞秋 另一个林肯高中的幸存者 Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor. 这就是各位 这是钱德、菲比 This is everybody. This is Chandler and Phoebe. 乔伊,还有 你还记得我哥

10、哥罗斯吗? .and Joey. And remember my brother, Ross? 当然,嘿! 嘿 Sure! Hey. 嗨 天啊 Hi. Oh, God. 那你现在可以告诉我们了吗 还是说我们在等着四位湿漉的伴娘? So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids? 好吧,大概在婚礼前半个小时 Oh, God! Well, it started about a half-hour before the wedding. 我在礼物间里 I was in this room with all the presents. 看着那个肉汁壶 .and I was looking at this gravy boat. 那是个非常好看的肉汁壶



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