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1、必修二 Unit 2 知识点整理1. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? compete vi.比赛;竞争 常用搭配: compete in.在某一方面竞争 compete for.为.而竞争 compete with/against. 与.竞争 例:(1)How many runners will be competing in the marathon?有多少运动员参加马拉松赛跑? (2)The two teams compete for the championship. 那两队要争当冠军。 (3)He be

2、lieved that nobody could compete with him. 他相信没有人能与他抗衡。 词汇扩展: competition n.比赛competitive adj.有竞争力的competitor n.比赛者;对手 The students competed _ the honor of winning _ each other _ the school sports meeting. A. for, against, in B. in, with, against C. against, for, at D. about, in, with2. What do the

3、five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? stand for (指缩写或符号)代表;象征;倡导,支持,主张, (1)Pine trees stand for courage and strength. 代表,象征 (2)We stand for fair competition in the Olympic Games. 倡导,支持,拥护 联想拓展 stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷 stand by sb. 支持sb;站在sb一边 stand out 显眼;突出 stand up 站起;站立;起立 stand aside 1.站到一边; 2.不参与

4、,不介入,置身事外 The American flag _ (代表)freedom and justice. His red hair made him _(引人注目) in the crowd. How can you _(袖手旁观) and see him accused of something he didnt do? She _(站到一边)to let us pass.3. Pausanias, who was a Greek writer 2,000 years ago, has come on a magical journey to find out about the pre

5、sent day Olympic Games. Pausanias是2000前的一位希腊作家,他做了一次魔幻的旅行,来打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况。 go/start/ come/ be on a journey 进行旅行My father is away on a journey. find out about 弄清有关的情况 The police are trying hard to find out about the accident.4. hold/ host the Olympic Games 举办奥运会5. Only athletes who have reached the a

6、greed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. admit (1)许可(人或物)进入;让进入 Only one hundred boys are admitted to the school every year. (2) 容纳 The theatre admits only 200 persons. (3) 承认;供认 I admit my mistake. He admitted having done wrong. 常用句型: be admitted as. 被接受为 be admitted to / int

7、o被准许进入 admit sth / doing sth 承认某事/做过某事 admit that 承认 It is / was admitted that普遍认为 经典例句 (1)He a member of the basketball team.他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。 (2)Only 200 children the school every year. 那时每年只有200名儿童获准入学。 【答案】(1)was admitted as (2)were admitted to / into 即时训练 He the car without insurance. 他供认驾驶了这辆没有保

8、险的车。 Luckily, he a key university last year.幸运的是,去年他被一所名牌大学录取了。 【答案】admitted driving was admitted to / into6. Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races,together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports.正是在夏季奥运会上才有赛跑、游泳、帆船和所有的团队体 育项目。 此句为一个It is.that.强调句型。强调句型的结构为7. Women are n

9、ot only allowed to join in but play a very important role, especially in妇女不仅被允许参加,她们还在体操、竞技和团队等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用 (1)not only.but (also). 意为“不仅而且”(2)allow vt. 允许 allow + sth. 允许 The law doesnt allow such an action. allow + sb. + to do 允许干 My parents wont allow me to stay out late. allow + doing 允许干 The

10、police dont allow parking in the street.8. as well也;又;而且(意思等同于too和also,但as well只能置于句末)用法拓展 as well as意为“不仅而且;既又;除了之外(还 有);和一样”。 (1) 同级比较,“与一样好” 翻译:你的作业完成的跟他一样好。 (2)既又;也;又。 连接并列主语时,谓语应与前面的主语保持人称和数的一致. eg: I as well as my sisters am going to the park for a picnic this Sunday. As well as breaking his l

11、eg ,he hurt his arm.as well as后接动词时,一般用ing形式。 填空:1)The teacher as well as some students_(be) interested in the question. 2) She sings as well as _ (play) the piano. 3) may / might as well do意为“不妨;还是好”。 We might as well ask him for some advice. 我们不妨向他征求一些建议。9. Theres as much competition among countri

12、es to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 有关as.as的短语: as soon as一就 as/so long as只要 as much/many as多达;达到之多 so/as far as远至;就而言 as well as也;又 as.as possible尽可能 高考链接: It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science. A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much

13、an art as 解析:答案D。根据题意,此处需用asas 结构,所以B项不对,A,C为语序错误,只有D项结构正确,全句意为“一般认为,教学如同科学一样是一门艺术。”10. charge vt收费,控诉;充电; n.费用 。 charge sb.for sth.因向某人收费 charge sb.with sth.指控某人犯有 charge sth.(up)充电 free of charge免费 in charge of掌管;负责 in the charge of在的掌管下 take charge of掌管;负责 完成句子 (1)饭店收了我们40英镑的酒水钱。 The restaurant _. (2)昨晚他们逮捕的那人被指控犯有谋杀罪。 The man they arrested last night _. (3)在10英里范围之内,您的定货将免费送货上门。 Your order will be delivered _ within a ten mile limit. (4)我这就把学校交给你掌管。 Im leaving the school _. (5)父亲去世后他掌管了农场。 He _ after his fathers death. (6)我的MP3现在不能用,正在充电。M


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