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1、 2015年1月托福真题回忆及解析 【导语】人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有久久不会退去的 余香。没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要适应孤独,没有人会帮你一辈子,所以你要奋斗一 生。与其用泪水悔恨昨天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚 强。不求与人相比,但求超越自己! 以下是无忧考网为大家搜集整理的2015年1月托福部分 真题,希望可以帮到你!2015年1月托福共举行了四场考试分别是1月10日、 1月11日、 1月 25日、 1月31日。 1月10日托福独立口语真题回忆: Task 1: Talk about a kind of music you enj

2、oy the least, explain why you don, t like it. Sample The kind of music I don t listen to that much is Classical music. I think they are super boring. They re usually very slow and long. Some pieces last for more than half an hour. I don, t even know what they re about! And when they do get faster an

3、d louder, they sound even angrier than Death Metal. Second, there s no lyrics. When I listen to a song, not only I enjoy the melody, but I also want to listen to the words. Song writers 1 ike Bob Dylan wrote beautiful lyrics, that you can say they re like poems on their own. Task 2: Do you think uni

4、versities in the future will on day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead. Sample I think universities will continue giving lessons in class rather than online in the future. Online courses have their limitations. I had one Biography professor who once brought a l

5、ife frog in class. He even let the frog jump around the classroom, and showed us how long its legs were, and how they were used for jumping. We had such a good time learning because the class was exciting and engaging. How do you do such things online? I tried taking online courses before. They? re

6、ok, but I found it extremely difficult to keep myself focused for too long. 写作范文赏析 【独立写作】 Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. University courses lay a very solid academi

7、c foundation for the future development of college students. Facing the great selections of these courses, some people say that, basic science should be made compulsory for college students, for the reason that they could be more familiar with the advancement and evolution of human society. I disagr

8、ee. I believe, despite minor merits, asking student of all majors to attend basic science classes would cause problems. To begin with, science courses would put more academic pressure on students. College students have already had to study many theory and professional subjects related to their major

9、s and their schedule is very tight. For example, a medical student is not only obliged to finish his professional papers for credit, but he also needs to find the opportunity to get clinical experience. His load is so heavy that he could not afford to take any irrelevant courses, such as basic scien

10、ce. In this case, schools should not add this course, because students would worry whether they could finish their homework on time and how they would pass final examinations. Furthermore, a required science course would lead to unnecessary cost for parents and students. To guarantee the quality of

11、lecturing, colleges have to hire talented and senior science professors and experts, such as those from the best-known universities or scientific research institutes. This would increase the cost of schooling. Normally, a lecture given by a famous science professor costs over 1,000 dollars. These co

12、sts would be reflected in the tuition fee, and would deprive many underprivileged students of an opportunity for education. Admittedly, taking basic science courses does have its merits. As a subject aiming to explain how the universe exits, basic science broaden student s range of knowledge and enh

13、ance their analytical skills. Students could gain a deep understanding about the world they live in. Lots of methods to solve problems will be gained through basic science. However, this knowledge could be acquired by other method other than required courses. TV documentaries and books are all avail

14、able options for student to learn basic science. In conclusion, although there are some small benefits to requiring basic science courses, making every college student attend such classes would overburden the students both academically and financially. 2015年1月10日托福真题回忆: .autonomy = independence n. 独

15、立、自主 adaptation n. 适应性 additional adj. 额外的、附加的 autonomy = independence n. 独立、自主 besides adv. 此外、而且 constitution n. 宪法、章程 第一篇: Desease 的三个历史阶段,第一个 infectious 阶段,在这之前很少传染病,因为人民 居住分散接触不 够(有题),但农业的发展大大增加了 epidemics,包括土壤里的生物、储存的食物等 因素(有否定题,应该是选 rotted 那个 ) ,第二阶段是慢性病,医疗发展基本杜绝传 染病,但现代人的生活让慢性病比 如心脏病肺结核等更普遍(

16、有题) ,第三阶段是现在,抗药性的细菌(有题)和慢性病 一起来 解析 : 本文属于生物类与历史类文章的跨学科题材,涉及到少有的医学相关内容。从 机经回忆来看,属于流程发展结构,学员在理解时需要重点关注不同发展时期的不 同特征。因为医学类文章专业词汇过多,而且TP0 也很少遇到相似题材,在理解 时,学员需要克服过多生词和背景知识陌生带来的焦虑和内耗,重点关注事情和特 征的对应。 参考阅读: In 1962 Sir McFarland Burnett stated, By the end of the Second World War it was possible to say that almost all of the major practical problems of dealing with infectious disease had been solved. At that time, his statement was logical. Control and prevention measures ha


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