FMEA失效模式及后果分析(ppt 52页)

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《FMEA失效模式及后果分析(ppt 52页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《FMEA失效模式及后果分析(ppt 52页)(52页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,FMEA 失效模式及后果分析,OVERVIEW OF THE CHRYSLER/FORD/GM POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS REFERENCE MANUAL 克莱斯勒, 福特,通用的 潜在失效模式及效果分析参考手册 概述,2,FMEA失效模式及后果分析,ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE 其他帮助来源 Chrysler 克莱斯勒 Procurement and Supply(Supplier Development) 采购和供应(供应商开发). Ford 福特 Customer Division Supplier Tech

2、nical Assistance(STA) 客户部供应商技术支持. GM 通用 Procuring Division Supplier Development contact 采购部供应商开发 For specific technical questions, contact the appropriate responsible engineer (work with your customer). 如有特殊问题, 可以与相应的工程师(与你们顾客一起工作的)联系.,3,FMEA失效模式及后果分析,History 历史 May 1991-Supplier Quality Requirement

3、s Task Force Supplier Advisory Council identified several tools that would benefit from standardization. 在1991年5月, 供应商质量要求行动小组供应商顾问委员会明确了几种工具, 并通过标准化使大家受益. Supplier Quality Requirements Task Force assessed feasibility and selected several projects for communization, including FMEA. 供应商质量要求行动小组评估了其可行

4、性并选择了几个项目以便沟通, 其中包括FMEA. FMEA Work Group completed Reference Manual in Dec. 1992 在1992年12月, FMEA工作小组完成了参考手册的编写. Early 1993-FMEA Reference Manual approved 在1993年年初, FMEA参考手册被认可. Mid 1993-Training developed 1993年中期, 建立了相关培训. Phased in during 3rd quarter 1993, according to individual customer requireme

5、nts. 根据个别顾客要求, 在1993年第三季度逐步执行. February 1995 updated and reissued 1995年2月更新并再版.,4,FMEA失效模式及后果分析,PLEASE NOTE 请注意 FMEA training offered by Ford(Fairlane Training those that: 有三种设计控制方法可考虑,它们是: 1) Prevent the cause/mechanism or failure mode/effect from occurring, or reduce their rate of occurrence 防止起因/

6、机理或失效模式/后果的出现,或减少它们出现率 2) Detect the cause/mechanism and lead to corrective actions 查出起因/机理并导致找到纠正措施 3) Detect the failure mode 查明失效模式,35,DFMEA设计失效模式及后果分析,(17)Detection (D) Ability of a Current Design Control to identify a potential cause Suggested Evaluation Criteria :,Detection Criteria: likelihoo

7、d of Detection by Design Control Ranking Absolute Design Control will not and/or can not detect a potential cause/ 10 Uncertainty mechanism and subsequent failure mode;or there is no Design Control. . . . . etc,Please refer to page 19 of the FMEA MANUAL.,36,DFMEA设计失效模式及后果分析,(17) 不易探测度(D) 用现行设计控制方法来探

8、测潜在失效原因能力的评价指标 推荐的评价准则: (请参考FMEA手册的第19页),Detection Criteria: likelihood of Detection by Design Control Ranking Absolute Design Control will not and/or can not detect a potential cause/ 10 Uncertainty mechanism and subsequent failure mode;or there is no Design Control. . . . . etc,37,DFMEA设计失效模式及后果分析

9、,(18) Risk Priority Number (RPN) 风险顺序数(RPN) RPN = S * O * D 风险顺序数是严重度数(S),频度数(O),和不易探测度数(D)的乘积 Used as a guide to help rank process concerns 用来对过程中所担心的事项排序 Golf score concept (Lower is better) 就象高尔比赛得分那样,数值越小越好 There are no “ threshold ”values 没有标准分值 Special attention should be given when severity i

10、s high (as defined by the team, including the Customer) 由可行性小组(包括顾客)所定义的严重度高时要给予特别关注,38,DFMEA设计失效模式及后果分析,(18) 风险顺序数(RPN),Like the chart,sort the RPN, and take corrective actions to reduce the higher ones; 就象图表所示,先排列出所有的风险顺序值,然后优先解决高分值问题,39,DFMEA设计失效模式及后果分析,(19) Recommended Action(s) 建议措施 Intent is t

11、o reduce Severity, Occurrence, and/or Detection rankings 目的是为了减少严重度,出现频次,和/或不易探测度 Examples 例如 DOE 试验设计 Revised Test Plan 修改试验计划 Revised Design 修改设计 Revised Material Specification 修改材料性能要求,40,DFMEA设计失效模式及后果分析,(20) Responsibility/ Target Date 责任/目标日期 (21) Actions Taken 采取的措施 (22) Resulting RPN 纠正后的RPN

12、,41,PFMEA过程失效模式及后果分析,Development of a Process FMEA 过程FMEA的开发 Assemble Team 成立小组 Assign Responsibilities 职责分配 leader 组长 data-gathering 数据收集 recorder 记录员 Process flow diagram is valuable at this point 在这个时候, 过程流程图是非常有用的. Begin FMEA 开始FMEA工作,42,PFMEA过程失效模式及后果分析,Header Information 前面的信息 Items (1) throug

13、h (8) 从(1)至(8)项 Essentially the same as Design FMEA 内容基本上与DFMEA一样.,43,PFMEA过程失效模式及后果分析,(9) Process Function/Requirements 过程功能/要求 Enter description and purpose 输入功能描述和目的. Be as concise as possible 尽可能简要. (10) Potential Failure Mode 潜在失效模式 “ the manner in which the process could potentially fail to me

14、et the process requirements and/or design intent.” “ 是指过程可能发生的不满足过程要求和/或设计意图的形式. A description of non-conformance 是对不符合的一个描述. Assume incoming parts are correct 假定提供的部件都是合格的. Remember to consider subsequent operations. 记得要考虑下道工序.,44,PFMEA过程失效模式及后果分析,(11) Potential Effect(s) of Failure 潜在失效后果 Effect o

15、f failure mode based on what customer might notice/experience 失效模式后果是依据顾客可能注意到的或所经历的. Includes subsequent process operations 应包括下道工序操作. (12) Severity 严重度 The seriousness of the effect of the potential failure mode 是指潜在失效模式后果的严重程度. Suggested Evaluation Criteria (Please refer to Page 35 of the FMEA MA

16、NUAL.) 推荐的评价准则. (请参考FMEA手册) Similar to Design FMEA, but also considers operations/subsequent process operations. 与DFMEA一样, 但应考虑操作或下道工序操作.,45,PFMEA过程失效模式及后果分析,(13) Classification 分级 Similar to Design FMEA 与DFMEA一样. If classification is made, notify responsible design engineer. 如果确定了某一分级, 应通知设计主管工程师. If classification is made, must be addressed in the Process Control Plan. 如果确定了某一分级, 它一定要包括在过程控制计划中. (14) Potential Cause(s)/Mechanism(s) of



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