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1、Module 3Life now and then Unit 2,. 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语 1. 微小的; 极小的adj. _ 2. 电灯n. _ 3. 邮递员n. _, 其复数形式为_ 4. 高温; 热度n. _,tiny,light,postman,postmen,heat,5. 专职的; 全日制的adj. _, 其反义词为_, 意为“兼职的” 6. (个人的)教育; 学业n. _, 其形容词为_ 7. 某人一生_ 8. 而且_,full-time,part-time,education,educational,all ones life,whats more,9. 结婚_ 10

2、. 忙于做某事_,get married,be busy doing sth.,. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 你过去的生活是什么样子的? _ _your life _ in the past?,What,was,like,2. 我家有五个孩子, 照顾我们比做一份全职工作还辛 苦。 There were five children in my family, and _ _ us _ more than a full-time job.,looking,after,was,3. 我没有被送去上学, 因为我的家庭负担不起, 而且, 我是个女孩。 I _ _ to school because

3、 my family couldnt _ it, and whats more, because I was a girl.,wasnt,sent,afford,4. 家庭比过去小了。 Families have got _ _ they were in the past.,smaller,than,5. 不过, 我唯一不喜欢的是交通流量太大了。 The _ _ I dont like, though, is that theres so _ _ traffic. 6. 我们吃得更好, 活得更久。 We eat _ and we live _.,only,thing,much,more,bet

4、ter,longer,. Read Activity 2 and answer the questions 1. How long did Mrs Lis father use to work every day? _ 2. Why wasnt Mrs Li sent to school? _ _,Twelve hours.,Because her family couldnt afford it, and whats,more, she was a girl.,3. What doesnt Mrs Li like today? _,Theres so much more traffic.,要

5、点1 There were five children in my family, and looking after us was more than a full-time job. 我家有五个孩子, 照顾我们比做一份全职工作还辛苦。(P20),Step 1难点探 (1)你能分析这个句子的句式结构吗? (2)动名词短语作主语, 谓语动词用单数还是复数?,Step 2句型研 该句是由并列连词and连接的并列句, 前句是there be句型, 后句是动名词短语looking after us作主语的句子。其结构为:,【警示】 动名词或动名词短语作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式。,Step 3考点

6、练 ( )(2018永州中考)Playing computer games too often _bad for us. 世纪金榜导学号 A. amB. isC. are,B,( )(2018临沂中考)Most British people drink tea every day _they prefer black tea. They usually add milk or sugar to their tea. A. soB. orC. butD. and,D,保护环境是我们每个人的义务。 _the environment is everyones duty.,Protecting,要点2

7、 more than 多于; 超过 Step 1难点探 more than有哪些含义和用法?,Step 2语境悟 *There were five children in my family, and looking after us was more than a full-time job. 我家里有五个孩子, 照料我们比做一份全职工作还要辛苦。 (P20),*There are more than 300 teachers in our school. 我们学校有300多位老师。 *Wu Jing is more than an actor. He is a director. 吴京不仅

8、仅是演员。他也是导演。,*In our class girl students are more than boy ones. 在我们班女生比男生多。 *I was more than happy to meet David in Shanghai. 我在上海遇到戴维非常高兴。,Step 3知识得 more than的一词多义,Step 4考点练 写出句中黑体部分的含义 Notre Dame Cathedral has a history of more than 800 years. () Jack was more than happy to help Jane. ( ),超过/多于/大于

9、,非常/十分,In Beijing, my friends are more than Dicks. ( ) She is more than a teacher to us. She is our friend. ( ),比更多,不只是/不仅仅是,要点3 get married 结婚 Step 1难点探 get married与be married有哪些不同?,Step 2语境悟 *She has a good education, and she goes to work even after getting married. 她接受了良好的教育, 甚至婚后还去工作。 (P20),*My

10、sister got married last month. 我姐姐上个月结婚了。 *My grandparents have been married for more than sixty years. 我的祖父母已经结婚六十多年了。,Step 3知识得get married与be married,【一言辨异】Jack and Jane got married in 2016. They have been married for four years. 杰克和简于2016年结婚。他们已经结婚四年了。,【拓展】marry的相关用法,【助记】,Step 4考点练 史密斯老师上个月和一名警察结

11、婚了。 Miss Smith _ _ _ a policeman last month. 世纪金榜导学号 马克和梅格已经结婚十五年了。 Mark and Meg _ _ _ for 15 years.,got,married,to,have,been,married,致自己的励志语录: 读万卷书,行万里路! 把握现在、就是创造未来。不问收获,但问耕耘! 所谓的成功,就是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。 浪花,从不伴随躲在避风港的小表演,而始终追赶着拼搏向前的巨轮。 天道酬勤,加油,加油,再加油!,谢,谢,观,看,致自己的励志语录: 读万卷书,行万里路! 把握现在、就是创造未来。不问收获,但问耕耘! 所谓的成功,就是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。 浪花,从不伴随躲在避风港的小表演,而始终追赶着拼搏向前的巨轮。 天道酬勤,加油,加油,再加油!,


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