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1、人教版选修七unit1语法-To do强化训练题 一用所给动词的正确形式填空(1)1Listen!The sound seems_(come) from the jungle.2Columbus was considered_(discover) the great land of America.3He had his horse_(jump) over the fence.4I cant go,for I have an important meeting_(attend)5Im sorry_(keep) you waiting for so long.6She is too weak_(

2、join) us in the outing.7It is pleasant_(hear) him play the piano.8Mother was writing,so she requested her son_(stop) making noises.9Professor Black is easy_(get) on with.10(complete)_ the project as planned,well have to work two more hours a day.11It is not always easy_(refuse) each invitation.12How

3、_(solve) the problem will be discussed at tomorrows meeting.13The problems remain_(settle)14The man downstairs found it difficult_(get) to sleep.15The Olympic Games_(hold) in the year 2022 will be a success.(2)1. _(see) one time is better than to hear a hundred times.2. The old scientist died sudden

4、ly,_(leave) the project unfinished.3. She would rather die than _(give) a speech.4. Are you going to the conference _(hold) next Monday?5. She was pretending _(read) the book when her mother came in.6. I hope teachers will pay more attention to _(help) us use our imaginations and solve problems on o

5、ur own.7. His continuing efforts in the field of science have made many young people _(take) him as their idol.8. He said he had an important meeting _(attend).9. We dont expect there _ (be) so many people there.10. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable _ (sit) on.11. It is

6、 very difficult for Bob _ (study) two languages.12. There was nothing _ (bring) home that morning.13. Im sorry _ (give) you so much trouble.(3)1. A mans first care should be_(avoid) the reproaches(谴责)of his own heart.2. Please remember_(lock) the door when you leave the room.3. Its good_(help)others

7、 when they are in trouble.4. The man downstairs told the man upstairs not _(drop)his shoes onto the floor at midnight any more.5. For her sister Mary _(study) music, is a good choice.6. Im sorry_(take up)so much of your valuable time.7. She could do nothing but_(change) her name under the circumstan

8、ces.8. She has no pencil _(write)with.9. The goal of this activity is_ (meet) the needs of common people.10. The boy is not tall enough _(reach) the bookshelf.二根据汉语提示完成句子1. The boys are warned _ (不要在街上踢足球).2. _ (眼见) is to believe.3. _ (为了上大学), we can do nothing but study_hard (刻苦学习).4. He often pret

9、ends _ (懂得了自己不懂的东西).5. She is often heard _ (用英语唱这首歌).6. I am sorry I cant help _ (为你搬运箱子).7. I have no choice but _ (等待).8. He is said _ (曾经坐过十年牢).9. The girl has many toys_ (用来玩).10. _ (怎样解决这个问题) is important.11. 约翰真傻,竟去帮助这样一个无耻的女孩。It is stupid _such a shameless girl.12. 问题一提出,他第一个举起手。When the que

10、stion was out, he was the first one _.13. 那本小说较容易读。That novel _.14.昨天从我身边经过时,他假装没看到我。He pretended_ me when passing by yesterday.15.我本周有许多会议要参加。I have a lot of meetings _this week.16.He is said _ _ _ a new novel.据说他写了一本新小说。17 I wanted the letter_ _ _ at once.我要这封信立刻打出。18.They are said to_ _ _in that

11、area.据说他们正在那个地区建房子。19.Then the coldblooded animal had no choice but _ _ _ and sleep.然后,冷血动物没有别的选择只好躺下睡觉。20. I think it possible _ _ _ _him.我认为跟他和睦相处应该是没有问题的。答案解析1.【答案】1to be coming2.to have discovered3.jump4.to attend5.to have kept6.to join7.to hear8.to stop9.to get10.To complete11.to refuse12.to so

12、lve13.to be settled14.to get1 5to be held2.【答案】1.To see2.leaving3.give4.to be held5.to be reading6.helping7.take8.to attend 9. to be 10. to sit 11. to study 12. to bring 13. to have given3.【答案】1.to avoid2.to lock3.to help4.to drop5.to study6.to have taken up7.change8.to write9.to meet10.to reach二【答案】1. not to play football in the street 2. To see 3. In order to go to college 4. to know what he doesnt know 5. to sing the song in English 6. carry the box for you 7. to wait 8. to have been in prison for 10 years 9. to play



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