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1、冬奥会英语口语对话 Daniel: Do you like watching the Winter Olympic Games? Adam: Of course. Its the tradition game in winter, and with good reason. Dont you like watching it? Daniel: Of course I do. I love it. All the games are exciting and the petitors are respectable. Adam: Thats true. For various reasons,

2、it takes more to hold a fierce game for Winter Olympics than it does for Summer Olympics. You know, the low temperature may cause many problems. Daniel: Yeah. Whats the difference between the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics? 丹尼尔:你喜欢看冬季奥林匹克运动会的比赛吗? 亚当:当然了。这可是冬天的传统活动,是合乎情理的。你难道不喜欢吗? 丹尼尔:当然喜欢。我

3、特别喜欢。所有的比赛都很刺激,选手们也很值得尊敬。 亚当:那是当然的。冬季奥运会如想举办的精彩要比夏季奥运会难得多。有各种各样的条件制约。你知道,低温会引起很多问题。 丹尼尔:是啊。冬季奥运会和夏季奥运会有什么区别呢? Adam: When the Olympic Games started in modern times, only summer events were included. When it grew popular, there came the Winter Olympic Games, which includes a variety of winter sports.

4、Daniel: I see. Then, whats your favorite winter sport? Adam: Figure skating. In my eye, nothing beats it. Daniel: Then you must know Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo. Adam: Oh, I didnt expect you to know them. But yes, I love them not only because of many medals theyve won, but also because of many medals t

5、heyve won, but also because of their spirits. 亚当:现代奥运会开始时只包含夏季项目。当它开始流行后,才出现了包含各种冬季运动项目的冬季奥运会。 丹尼尔:我知道了。那么,你最喜欢的冬季运动是什么? 亚当:花样滑冰。在我看来,没什么比它更有意思。 丹尼尔:那你一定知道申雪和赵宏博了。 亚当:哦,我没想到你竟然知道他们。但是,是的,我喜欢他们不光是因为他们得了很多奖牌,也因为他们的精神。 Daniel: You should go to talk with May. She is a big fan of them too. Adam: Sure. Wh

6、at about you? What do you like about the Olympics? Daniel: For me, the Olympics for the disabled always catches my heart. It makes me understand that perseverance. makes the impossible possible. Adam: Hey, young man, you are so deep today. Daniel: I always am. You just didnt notice. 丹尼尔:你应该去跟阿美谈谈。她也是他们的超级“粉丝”。 亚当:好啊。那你呢?你喜欢奥运会的什么项目呢? 丹尼尔:对我来说,残疾人奥运会总是令我很感动。它让我懂得毅力可以把不可能变成可能。 亚当:嗨,年轻人,你今天很深沉啊。 丹尼尔:我一直都是啊,只是你没发现而已。 模板,内容仅供参考


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