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1、Lesson 1-60 课的重点短语总汇:1. excuse me:打扰一下 26.Here is your 给你2. This is +人名:这位是 27.What nationality? 哪国人?3. Here you are. 给你。 28. all right 好了4. on the shelf 在架子上 29. on the right(of) 在的右边5. on the left (of) 在的左边 30. in the middle (of) 在的中间6. make the bed 铺床 31. run across 跑过7. run after 追赶 32.what/How

2、about 怎么样?8. walk over 跨过 33.look at 看9. fly over 飞过 34. a photograph of 的照片10. walk along 沿着走(散步) 35.swim across 游过11. come out of 从出来 36. go into 进入12. do with 处理 37. be careful 小心13. in front of 在前面 38. in the front of 在(里面)的前面14. a _ of _ 一 half a / a quarter of 39. make the tea 沏茶15. hurry up 快

3、点 40. a minute 一会儿16. next door 隔壁 41. type for 为打17. of course 当然 42. to tell you the truth 说实话18. in spring 在春天 43. come from 来自19. in the north (of) 在北方 44. go to work 上班20. go to school 上学 45. come home from work 下班回家21. come home from school 放学回家 46. do the homework 做作业22. arrive home 到家 47.on

4、foot 步行 23. by car 乘车 48. stay at home 呆在家里24. go to the shops= go shopping 购物 49. at the moment 此时此刻25. a large box of 一大盒 50. wait for 等.Lesson 61-80 固定短语:1. call the doctor 打电话给医生 30.the teachers telephone number 老师的电话号码2. have a cold 感冒 31. have flu 得流感3. have a headache 头痛 32.have measles 患麻疹4.

5、 have a toothache 牙痛 33. have mumps 得腮腺炎5. have an earache 耳痛 34. have lunch 吃午饭6. have a stomach ache 胃痛 35 have a temperature 发烧7. for two weeks 两周 36.play with 和玩8. talk to/talk with 和谈话 37. in the library 在图书馆9. lean out of 身体探出 38. make a noise 弄出声音10. for another two days 另外两天 39. meet ones fr

6、iend 见的朋友11. come home early 到家得早 40. get home 到家12. the key to the front door 前门钥匙 41. enjoy oneself玩得高兴=have a good time13. be absent from 缺席 42. at the butchers 在肉店14. at the greengrocers 在蔬菜水果店 43. at the dairy 在乳品店15. at the bakers 在面包店 44. at church 在教堂 16. at home 在家 45. at school 在学校17. in t

7、he country 在乡下 46. stay at my mothers 呆在我妈妈家18. on Sunday 在星期天 47. every year 每年19. in 1990 在1990年 48. hundreds of 成百上千的20. in the race 在比赛中 49. at the race 在比赛现场21. on the way home 在回家的路上 50. last May 去年五月22. the year before last 前年 51. say to 和说23. three times 三次 52. answer the phone 接电话24. speak

8、to 和说话 53. lose ones way 迷路25. put into 放进去 54. take out 拿出来26. a pair of 一双 55. be in fashion 流行27. see the dentist 看牙医 56. have an appointment with 和.预约28. have a terrible toothache 牙疼得厉害 57. make a shopping list 列购物清单29. not at all 根本不 58. fall downstairs 摔下楼Lesson 81 100 重点短语归纳1. next-door 隔壁的 2

9、. return to 返回 3. in the world 世界上 4. a return ticket to 一张去的往返票5. next door to 的隔壁 6. ten minutes fast/slow 快/慢了10 分钟7. the other day 几天前 8. belong to 属于 9. fall downstairs 摔下楼 10. had better 最好11. need an X-ray 照X光透视 12. at the moment 此刻 13. a lot of 许多 14. plenty of 大量的 15. not at all 根本不 16.have

10、 a bath 洗澡 17. have a glass of beer 喝杯啤酒 18. have lunch 吃午饭 19. have a holiday 度假 20. have a party 开晚会 21. have a crash 出车祸 22. Whats the number of 的号码? 23. all the time 总是 24. drive into 撞到 25. Its worth every penny of it. 一分钱一分货26. walk back to 走回去 27. fly to 坐飞机去 28. by plane 坐飞机29. at once 立即 30

11、. go back to 回去31. stay at home 呆在家里 32. have a haircut 剪头33. go into 进入 34. on TV 电视上/上镜 35. see a film 看电影 36. just like 就像 37. Whats on? 演什么? 38. work on 继续工作 39. move in 搬进 40. move to 搬去41. try to 尽力 42. to tell the truth 说实话 43. be for sale 出售 44. have a look at 看一看 45. have the last word 有决定权 46. not yet 还没47. move into 搬进 48. give +人 ones regards 向某人问好Le



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