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1、讲述开立储蓄帐户的金融英语口语 虽然可能英语很难学习,但是同学们也千万不要放弃哦,下面就给大家了金融英语,大家快点读读吧 Henry Samson is asking a clerk at the First National Bank about opening a regular savings aount. 亨利萨姆森在第一国民银行向一个职员询问有关开立普通储蓄帐户事宜。 Clerk:May I help you ,sir? 职员:我能为您做些什么吗?先生? Samson:Yes,please .Id like to open a savings aount .Can you give

2、me some information? 萨姆森:谢谢,我想开立一个储蓄帐户。请您和我谈谈这方面的事,好吗? C:Yes,Id be happy to help you .We call our regular savings aount plan passbook savings. 职员:好的,我很乐意为您服务。我们把我们的银行的普通储蓄帐户称为银行存折储蓄。 You may open an aount in your name only ,or a joint aount with your wife. 您可以只用您自己的名字开立帐户,也可以与您的妻子开立共同帐户。 There is no

3、 minimum balance ,and you may make deposits or withdrawals at any time . 我们这里没存款最小余额的限制,而且可随时存款或取款。 S:Do I earn interest on the aount ? 萨姆森:我能从帐户上得到利息吗? C:Yes,we pay the highest interest rate permitted for mercial banks . 职员:可以的。我们这里支付商业银行所允许的最高利率。 We credit the earned interest to your aount automat

4、ically every quarter. 每个季度,我们会自动地把利息划入您的帐户的贷方。 S:Is it difficult to open an aount?I mean ,do I have to be a regular customer of the bank? 萨姆森:开立一个帐户难吗?我是说,我必须是银行的老客户吗? C:No ,sir.not at all.All thats necessary is to fill out this signature card and make your initial deposit . 职员:不,先生,完全不必。您所需要做的只是填写一

5、下这张签名卡,并进行首次储蓄, Even a dollar is enough to open the aount . 甚至一美元就可开立一个帐户。 S:Lets see .You want my name,address,oupation ,date of birth and Social Security number . 萨姆森:让我看看这张卡片。你要我填上姓名、住址、职业、出生日期和社会保险号码。 Whats this item here,Mothers Maiden Name? 母亲婚前姓名这一项是怎么回事? C:We ask that for identification purp

6、oses ,sir .Its a code word we use to positively identify you in case you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification . 职员:我们要求这一姓名是为人便于辨别身份,先生。这是一个暗语,万一您丢失了您的存折,我们可以用它来确切地辨别您的身份,或者由于某种需要,用以准确地辨认身份。 S:I see.Well,let me fill this out and Ill open an aount. 萨姆森:我明白了,那我就填写这张卡片,然后开立一个帐户。 讲述开立储蓄帐户的金融英语口语相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 模板,内容仅供参考



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