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1、表达有关商务英语300的英语口语 在英语口语方面我们要多多学习一下才可以学习的好,下面就给大家分享商务英语的口语,喜欢的要收藏起来 1. We look forward to our tour of your plant. 我们盼着参观你们工厂。 2. If it is not too much trouble, we would like to talk to some of the technicians. 如果不是太麻烦的话,我们想与一些技术员谈一谈。 3. We learned a lot about your facilities and the process of wine ma

2、king. 关于你们的酿酒设备和酿酒过程,我们了解了不少情况。 4. Were interested in learning about your food-making and pack- aging process. 我们想向你们学习食品加工和包装过程。 5. It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the plant. 谢谢你陪同我参观工厂。 6. You will surely know the products better after the visit. 参观工厂参观后你对我们的产品肯定会更了解。 7. Let me give y

3、ou this list of departments first. 我先给你这份各个部门的清单。 8. Next to each department is its location and the name of the manager. 在每个部门的旁边都标有其具体位置和经理的姓名。 9. Please let us know when you will be free so that we can arrange the tour for you. 请告诉我们你们什么时候有空,我们好作安排。 10. Does the plant work with everything from th

4、e raw material to the finished product? 从原料到成品都是工厂自己生产吗? 1. Weve received the sample that you sent us last Sunday. 我们已经收到了上星期天你方寄来的样品。 2. Weve got here our sales samples Type One and Type Two. 这里是我们一号和二号销售样品。 3. Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。 4. We sell goods as per

5、the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies. 我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批货的质量。 5. You know we sell our tea aording to our samples. 我们凭货样销售茶叶。 6. You cant see the difference between these grades. 你可以看看这些等级的差别。 7. These two grades are very much in demand. 这两种等级(的货)目前需求很大。 8. We are in urgen

6、t need of these two grades. 我们急需这两种等级的货。 9. The color of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment. 这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多。 10. No doubt youve received the rejected samples of the inferior quality goods. 你们一定收到了质量低劣的抽样品。 11. I must advise you of the specifications of the goods. 我必须告诉

7、你货物的规格。 12. Have you received the specifications as shown in our catalog? 你们收到了按我方目录所列的产品规格了吗? 13. The quality is all right, but the style is a bit outdated. 质量没问题,只是式样有点过时。 14. We found the goods didnt agree with the original patterns. 我们发现货物与原来的式样不符。 15. The Double Fish brand is not so bad. The de

8、sign is fresh and vivid. 双鱼牌不错,图案新颖。 16. The new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors. 新产品图案新颖、色泽鲜艳。 17. The difference in quality is no more than usual and indeed unavoidable in this line of goods. 对于这种商品而言,品质上有差别是很常见的,而且的确难以避免。 18. They were carefully examined and picked only thi

9、s morning. 这些是经过细心挑选、今天早上才摘下来的。 19. This kind of high-powered battery is produced with the latest technology. 这种高能量电池采用的是最新生产技术。 20. Stainless products are always popular because theyre rustproof. 不锈钢制品因为能防锈,所以很受欢迎。 Price 价格 1. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 metric

10、tons. 如果你方能降价百分之五,我们将订购二百公吨。 2. Business is possible if you increase the price by 2%. 如果你方提价百分之二,交易才有可能。 3. We are not interested unless your price is reduced to a level in line with the market price. 除非你们把价格降到与市场价格相等,否则我们不感兴趣。 4. We have been informed that the current price on your side is much hig

11、her than what you say. 我们听说你方的现行价比你方所说的要高很多。 5. Sellers decide to wait no matter when the price picks up. 不管价格何时回升,卖方决定再等一等。 6. Our prices are highly petitive when you consider quality. 如果你们考虑一下质量的话,我们的价格是很有竞争性的。 7. Our price is without mission. 我们的价格是净价,不含佣金。 8. To meet your requirements, we would

12、like to reduce our price by 2%, which, I hope, will be satisfactory to you. 为满足你方要求,我们愿降价百分之二,希望能令你们满意。 9. Im awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off. 很遗憾,这是我们的底价。如果你觉得价格不可行,我们只好取消这笔交易。 10. Will you please quote F.O.B Brussels in U.S. dolla

13、r? 请你们以美元、布鲁塞尔离岸价报价。 11. Its better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings. 我们最好先谈价格条件,因为它是做生意的一个关键。 12. Ill have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms. 在答复你方有关价格条件之前,我得先跟我们国内公司联系一下。 1. Weve received th

14、e sample that you sent us last Sunday. 我们已经收到了上星期天你方寄来的样品。 2. Weve got here our sales samples Type One and Type Two. 这里是我们一号和二号销售样品。 3. Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我们的质量完全以货样为准。 4. We sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies. 我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批货的质量。 5. You know we sell our tea aording to our samples. 我们凭货样销售茶叶。 6. You cant see the difference between these grades. 你可以看看这些等级的差别。 7. These two grades are very much in demand. 这两种等级(的货)目前需



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