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1、表示感谢的英语邮件范文 外企日常工作中,邮件写作是一项必备的工作技能,下面 _为大家带来表示感谢的英语邮件,欢迎大家学习。 Dear Diana, I shall always remember with gratitude the e-mail you sent me when you knew of Janes death. No one but you knew my sister so well and loved her as her own family did. Only you could write that letter. It brought me fort, Diana

2、, when I needed it badly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your e-mail and for your much kindness to Jane during her long illness. Affectionately, Elizabeth 亲爱的戴安娜: 我永远不能忘记当你得知珍去世后,发给我的那封电子邮件。没有人能像你那样了解我的姐姐,你就像家人一样爱她。只有你能写出那样的来。戴安娜,当我急需安慰时,这封信给我带来了慰藉。 我打从心底感谢你,感谢你的来信,感谢你在珍漫长的患病期间给予她的善意帮助。 伊

3、丽莎白 Dear Elizabeth, Im glad that my e-mail brought a silver lining. As you said, I know Jane because I have treatedher in my heart as my family. So I know the pain of losing a family member. I am eager tostand with you at that time in the mind. I do not want you to sunk in sorrow, and now what wenee

4、d is to treasure what we have. Heart with you! Affectionately, Diana 亲爱的伊丽莎白 我很开心我的那封电子邮件能给你带去一丝慰藉,正如你所说的我很了解珍,因为我在心底早已视她为我的家人,所以我了解失去一个家人的痛苦,我渴望在那时刻与你在心灵上并肩站在一起。我想珍也不愿你沉没在悲伤中,现在的我们更加需要的是懂得珍惜。 心与你同在! 戴安娜 Dear Grace, Im writing to _ you that Ive got home now. I wish to express my gratitude to you for

5、 thewonderful holiday I spent with your family members. During the holiday, you taught me how toswim, boat and fish. I really appreciate your taking time off work to show me around so manyplaces. Your wife is such a wonderful cook! I think I must have gained 10 pounds only in one week.Surely, Ive sp

6、ent a happy and unforgettable vacation. Thanks again. I hope you will be going to visit us sometime. Lets keep in touch. Truly yours, Herry 亲爱的格雷丝: 这封信是告诉你我已经回到家了。我想向你表示感谢,因为我与你和你的家人共同度过了一个非常棒的假期。假期中,你教会我、划船和。我真的很感激你从繁忙的工作中抽出时间陪我四处游览,参观了那么多地方。 你的妻子是一位非常出色的厨师!我猜和你在一起的一个星期之内我起码胖了10磅!当然,这个假期愉快而难忘。再次表示感

7、谢。 希望你也能有机会来我们这里玩。 我们保持联络! 亨利 Dear Herry, I am much honored that I can aompany you in the rare holiday of your busy time. My wifelike your humorous personality very much. She said she would prepare delicious food waitingfor you next time when you e to my home. After a busy work, I will take my wife

8、to visit you and have a look at your beautiful city. I thinkit will certainly be a pleasant holiday. Let us keep in touch with each other closely. Truly yours, Grace 亲爱的亨利: 能陪伴你忙碌工作中难得的假期,我十分荣幸。我的妻子非常喜欢你风趣的性格,她说她会为你准备好丰盛的食物等着你下次的到来。 在 _工作结束后,我一定会带着我的妻子去你,游览你所在的那座美丽的城市,我想那肯定将是一段轻松愉快的假期。 你在闲暇时要多与我联系 你的朋友 格雷丝 猜你喜欢: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 模板,内容仅供参考



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