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1、有关于保险的英语口语对话 有很多同学听到英语就头大,不要害怕,今天给大家带来的是关于英语情景对话的口语,想更快的提升英语成绩,就要花费点心思哦,需要的同学快收藏起来吧,大家快点行动起来 AMan, they take a lot of our paycheck. 嘿,他们从我的薪水里扣了不少钱哦。 BYeah, the government really takes a bite, doesnt it? 是呀,政府确实扣除不少。 ASeriously. The only tax I dont mind them taking is social security. Its only a few

2、 dollars every paycheck. 当然。只有社会保险这种税我不介意上交。每回只要从薪水里面扣除几元钱。 BYeah, I dont mind it either. Well both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know? 是呀,我也不介意。我们最终肯定不会缺钱也不会需要它,但是如果我们有这个钱的话,你知道? AYeah. It wont be much, but at least well have a monthly check when we get old. 是呀,虽然不多,但是最少

3、老了以后每个月有一个固定收入。 BYeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive. 是呀,我祖母就是靠社会保险金和祖父在世时的投资生活。 ALets just hope the politicians dont figure out a way to spend it. 让我们巴望政治家们不会想着法子把它用掉吧。 BReally?No, they couldnt. None of them would have jobs if they

4、 did. 真的吗?不,不会的。如果他们这样做了,他们的工作就不保了。 AWhat are your terms of sale? 你的销售条件是什么? BThe price quoted is for CIF. 报价是到岸价. AMy understanding is that CIF means the seller is responsible for prepaying shipping costs and arranging for the insurance policy. 就我理解,到岸价是指卖方负责预付运输费用和上保险. BYes,that is correct .We wil

5、l arrange for the shipping costs and insurance policy. 对,很正 确.我们会支付运输费用并办理保险. AIs it possible to consider FOB?That way ,we will handle the insurance through our broker. 能不能考虑离岸价?这样,我们可以通过自己的保险经济人办理保险. BYes,we could also make this arrangement,if you prefer. 可以,如果您愿意,我们也可以这样安排 有关于保险的英语口语对话相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 模板,内容仅供参考


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