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1、乌鲁木齐市第四中学20182019学年度下学期期末考试高二年级英语试题第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThere is a man who is dying to find the way to success, but he doesnt have an idea how to do it. One day, he meets a guru, a religious teacher, on the road. The man asks the

2、guru, “Which way is to success?” The gum doesnt speak, but points to a place off in the distance.The man, thrilled by the prospect(前景) of quick and easy success, rushes off in that direction. Along the way, he is occupied in thinking about something special but there is nothing. Suddenly there comes

3、 a loud splat(溅泼声). Eventually, the man limps(蹒跚) back in rags, assuming he must have misinterpreted the message. Therefore, he returns to the guru for a reason. He repeats his question to the gum, who again points silently in the same direction.The man was obedient to walk off once more. This time

4、the splat is deafening(震耳欲聋的), and when the man crawls(爬行) back, he is bloody, broken and angry, “I asked you which way was to success,” he screams at the guru,” I followed the direction you pointed to. And all I got was being knocked down! No more of this pointing! Tell me why? Talk!”Only then does

5、 the guru speak, and what he says is that “Success is that way. Just a little past the splat.”1. Why does the man fail once more?A. He is so stupid that he cannot find it.B. The way to success does not exist in life.C. The guru gave the wrong direction to him.D. He does not make sense of the gurus w

6、ords.2. What does the underlined word obedient” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Submitted.B. Pleasing.C. Disappointed.D. Unwilling.3. What does the guru think of how to succeed?A. Getting the help from others.B. Achieving it all on your own.C. Keeping on going after some failures.D. Just facing up to many di

7、fficulties.4. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Believe in yourself.B. Dont give up too soon.C. Listen to the wisdoms suggestion.D. Introduce the gurus wisdom.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B【解析】试题分析:这是一篇哲理性小故事。有一个人渴望找到成功道路,于是询问一名智者,智者指向远处的一个地方。于是这个人就一直向前,失败后就又不再继续寻找,最终什么也没有找到,狼狈不堪。智者告诉他,成功就是经历失败后继续向前。

8、这篇文章告诉我们,不要过早的放弃,成功就在你失败之后。【1题详解】推理判断题。由最后一段“what he says is that “Success is that way. Just a little past the splat.”可推断,这个人之所以再一次失败,是因为他们没有完全理解智者的话,成功的道路充满失败,不要过早放弃,继续坚持,你就会成功。故选D。【2题详解】词句猜测题。由第二段可知,当这个再次询问智者那条路通向成功时,智者再次重复了以前的问题,指向同一个方向,结合下文“walk off once more.”可推断,这个听了智者的话,很听话的再次离开了,再次撞得头破血流。因此可

9、知,画线词词义是“顺从的”与A项意义相近。故选A。【3题详解】推理判断题。由最后一段的“Success is that way. Just a little past the splat.”可推断,智者认为成功时经历许多失败以后,继续向前。故选C。【4题详解】主旨大意题。纵观全文特别是最后一段的内容可推断,文章通过讲述一个人追逐成功的故事,告诉读者不要太早的放弃,失败后继续坚持,你就会成功。故选B。BEvery year gray whales swim a 10,000 miles round-trip, from the cold water near Alaska, down the c

10、oast of North America to the warm waters near Mexico, and back again. It is one of the longest migrations (迁徙) of any mammal.All day, all summer long, in the cold waters near Alaska, gray whales eat and eat. Instead of teeth, gray whales have baleen (鲸须) they use to get food from ocean water. They g

11、et big mouthfuls of muck (淤泥) from the ocean floor, then push that muck right back out through their baleen. The mucky water flows through, but tiny animals get trapped in the baleen and licked up.When the water starts to freeze, the whales begin their long trip south. They swim night and day, witho

12、ut stopping to eat or rest. During the long journey, migrating whales may push their heads out of the water to see where they are.Two months later, the whales reach Mexico. Babies are born here in warm, shallow (浅的) waters called lagoons (濒海湖). Ocean lagoons have no food for the adults, but the babi

13、es are safer here than in the open seas. All winter the babies grow big and strong.In spring first the dads and teenagers leave the lagoons, then the moms with babies. Migrating gray whales swim close to shore, especially moms with babies. The ice is melting up north, and its time for the hungry wha

14、les to make the long journey back to their summer feeding grounds.5. The underlined phrase “licked up” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A. given upB. ended upC. broken upD. eaten up6. During their long journey to Mexico, gray whales _.A. always swim under the oceanB. find food to supply their energ

15、yC. face the colder and colder waterD. travel to the lagoons without a break7. Where do mother gray whales give birth?A. In warm shallow waters near Mexico.B. Off the coast of North America.C. In the open seas near Mexico.D. In cold waters near Alaska.8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about

16、 gray whales in the text?A. How long they live.B. How they get their food.C. When they get back to Alaska.D. How long they spend traveling to Mexico.【答案】5. D 6. D 7. A 8. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。描写了哺乳动物中最长的迁徙,即灰鲸从靠近阿拉斯加区域一路向北,往温暖的墨西哥迁徙的过程。以及灰鲸是怎样捕食,分娩等事情。【5题详解】推理判断题。由上文(They get big mouthfuls of muck (淤泥) from the ocean floor, then push that muc



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