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1、Appreciating Literature,Reading,Learning aims,1. Get to know what classic literature is. 2. Get to know more about Charles Dickens and one of his representative works: Great Expectations. 3. Learn how to appreciate literature. 4. What does a persuasive essay try to do?,Part 1: What is classic litera

2、ture? Part 2: Who is Charles Dickens? Part 3: Brief introduction of Great Expectations,The structure,Classic literature, Definition Features the author, Lizs attitude towards classics,Classic literature,Classics . antiques of literary world . novels, plays and poems . a long time ago and . written a

3、nd received.,the definition,its features,examples - great writing and wisdom, and were written ago The language . is quite different from . This difficult for . to read.,Classic literature,The author ,Lizs attitude towards classics: A positive B negative C neutral,Reading strategy: reading a persuas

4、ive essay,In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking.,Discussion,How does the author try to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view?,3. I do not think tha

5、t these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today. ,However, if this is true, why do we still find classics in bookshops and libraries?,2. Why else would many films based on them be successful?,A representative,Charles Dickens,Brief Introduction,Charles Dicken

6、s was born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He had a happy childhood after his family moved to Chatham. At the age of 12, Dickens had to leave school because his father was put into prison for debt.,The poverty and adversity (不幸) Dickens experienced as a child greatly influenced his later

7、views on social reform. Before his death on 9 June1870, he wrote about 15 major novels and many short stories, most of which are famous for their surprise endings.,Works by Charles Dickens,Great Expectations Oliver Twist A Christmas Carol Hard Times A Tale of Two Cities David Copperfield,远大前程 雾都孤儿 圣

8、诞颂歌 艰难时世 双城记 大卫科波菲尔,Its based on Dickenss famous novel “Oliver Twist”. Its an example of classics. Classics are the antiques of the literary world.,Discussion,What are the main elements to consider when reading a novel?,characters setting symbol theme plot,who when and where why what how,Read! Great

9、 Expectations,character setting symbol theme plot,a mist b what it means to be a gentleman c England in the early 1800s d Pip , Joe, Estella, a stranger, Estellas mum e a stranger gives Pip a lot of money , then Pip moves to London and becomes a snob,Developments of Pip,Innocent / simple,become a bl

10、acksmith(铁匠),shallow / prejudiced,become a gentleman,mature / sensible,preserve his morality and inner worth,Character Development-an important part of any novel,The change in Pip from being concerned only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life.,Discussion,What can w

11、e learn from Great Expectations?,money/social status/ happiness real gentleman/friendship environment /people - .,Great Expectations include almost every aspect of the human condition. From this novel, one learns that true friendship is worth much more than material possessions. Wealth and social st

12、atus do not guarantee happiness. In life , it is sometimes necessary to sacrifice ones illusion to discover ones own inner worth.,1.文学世界的珍贵遗产 the antiques of the literary world 2.很受欢迎 3.杰出的创作和智慧的典范 the examples of great writing and wisdom 4.使对某人来说做起来很难 make sth. difficult for sb. to do 5.和没关系 6.在世界上

13、占有一席之地 have a place in the world 7.这部小说改编的现代版 a modern adaptation of the novel 8.一次 9.尘封不动,be well received,have nothing to do with,at a time,be left to gather dust,10.肥皂剧 11.他的墓碑上这样写着 12.以为背景 13在19世纪初 14一个淳朴善良的人 15宁愿做而不愿做 would rather dothan do would dorather than do 16在薄雾笼罩的坟场 17.一种危险的象征,be set in

14、 in the early 1800s,soap operas,his tomb reads/says,a kind and simple man,in a misty field of tombs,a symbol of danger,18情节的曲折变化 19. 一个慷慨的陌生人 20使从摆脱束缚 21. free from adv. 22. 过时的电影,a twist in the plot,a generous stranger,be generous with sth. /in doing sth. 我们应该乐于助人。,We should be generous in helping

15、others.,setfree from,释放某人 set sb. free,没有的,free from difficulty He is living a life free from worries.,an old fashioned film,23一个经常的对他的贫寒出生的提醒 a constant reminder of his shabby beginnings This note is only a reminder. 谨此提请注意。 24养成了浅薄的缺点 develop the shortcomings of being shallow 25对有偏见 26一心想要做 be ben

16、t on sth./doing sth. Mr Zhang was bent on making his family happy. The poor young man seemed bent on becoming a learned man through studying hard.,have prejudice against be prejudiced against,27一个受过教育,有很多钱的人 an educated person with a lot of money 28得到他梦想中的女孩 get the girl of his dreams 29揭示整个故事 give away the story 30和相识 make the acquaintance of 31. 知名著作 best-known works,Recite the first paragra


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