人教PEP版英语五年级下册Unit 5(教案)第二课时

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1、第二课时课时内容A Lets learn Look, say and complete课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第五单元第二课时。围绕“Dog Show”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习词汇mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours,培养学生爱护动物的意识。第一课时为本课时打下了一定的基础,本课时的重点是四会单词的掌握以及灵活运用。 本课时包括Lets learn 和Look, say and complete两个板块。Lets learn通过呈现Zoom 和Zip谈论报刊墙展出的Dog Show的场景,体现了单词的词形和意义。此版块设计的学生们比较感兴趣的动

2、物的话题,非常符合学生的心理,贴近学生的生活,更能激发学生学习的兴趣。Look, say and complete版块是一个综合性的语用活动,通过这个活动操练A 部分Lets learn所学的词汇和句型,做到学以致用。 本课时虽然是新授课,但是四会单词mine, his, yours, ours在第一课时已经接触过,所以在设计教学过程时,遵循以学生为主体的原则,采用听、说、读、 写、玩等多种方法调动全体学生的积极参与。通过任务型教学法、合作探究教学法等引导学生自主学习。课时目标 (1)能够听、说、读、写单词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours。 (2)能够

3、在语境中正确运用这六个单词。(3)能够对物主代词进行总结归纳。 (4)培养学生爱护动物的意识。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够听、说、读、写单词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours。(2)能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词。(3)能够引导学生对物主代词进行总结归纳。2.难点(1)能够在语境中正确运用mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours这六个单词。(2)物主代词的归纳。教学准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good

4、 morning, teacher.T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Very well, thanks. Are you ready for English class?Ss: Yes. 2.Ask and answer T: Whose English book is this? S1: Its .s. T: Yes, its his. S1: Whose . is this? T: Its.s. S1: Yes, its hers. . (利用学生手里的物品,进行问答练习。)教学资源:学习物品设计意图:问答操

5、练复习了上节课的词汇和句型,为学习新知做好铺垫。Step 2 Lead inT: Boys and girls, do you like animals?Ss: Yes.T: Which animal do you like best?S1: I like. best.S4: I like dogs best.T: Why do you like dogs?S4: They are cute /.设计意图:通过和学生们谈论熟悉的动物,既拉近与学生之间的距离,又很自然的引出正文。Step 3 Presentation1.课件呈现Zoom 和Zip在观看赛狗大会的场景T: Look at the

6、picture. This is a Dog Show. There are kinds of dogs on show. Zoom and Zip are at the dog show. Whose dogs are on show? Lets have a look. 设计意图:出示图片,将学生带入情境,然后整体感知。2. Teaching the new words “his, hers, yours, mine, ours, theirs”.(1) Teaching “his, hers” a.呈现Mike的图片T: Look at picture 1. Whose dog is t

7、hat? S1: Its Mikes. T: Yes. That is his dog. The dog is his.(板书his dog his,领读,指名读,齐读。用红色标注his。)His dog is big. b. 呈现陈杰的图片 T: Look at picture 2. Is that Chen Jies dog? S1: Yes. Its her dog. T: We can say another way “The dog is hers.”(板书her dog hers, 领读,跟读,指名读,齐读。用红色标注结尾的s。) Her dog is cute.(2) Teach

8、ing “yours, mine”a. T: Now lets have a look at Zooms and Zips dog. How do you like Zooms dog? S1: Its big/cute. T: How do you like Zips dog? S2: Its .b. Listen to the tape and follow the tape.c. Act Zoom and Zip. 学生表演,教师板书your dogyours,领读,跟读,齐读,用红色标注结尾的s。d. T: Now Im Zip. Who wants to be Zoom?(请一名学生

9、与教师对话。) 示例:Zip: Is this your dog?Zoom: Yes, its my dog. The dog is mine. Zip: Its so cute.Zoom: Thank you.e.学生两人一组模仿示例练习。(教师板书my dogmine, 指名读,齐读,联系单词nine, 记住音、形。)(3) Teaching “theirs, ours”a. 呈现两人与狗在一起的图片。 T: Look at the picture They are introducing their dog. Lets listen.b. 播放录音,学生跟读。 Its our dog.

10、The dog is ours.(板书our dogours,带读,指名读,用红色标注结尾的s。)c. T: Yes, it s their dog. The dog is. Ss: Theirs.(板书their dogtheirs,带读,指名读,齐读,拼读,用红色标注结尾的s,强调同音词there。)(4)听录音,跟读录音。 his dog his her dog hers my dogmine your dogyoursour dogours their dogtheirs(5)小组认读,然后讨论名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法,教师适时补充。 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名

11、词教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:图文结合学习词汇,更好的帮助学生理解。Step 4 Practice1.快速认读 男女生比赛,快速抢读单词。设计意图:比赛激起学生的兴趣,巩固单词的音义形。Look, say and complete呈现表格,学生仿照例句写句子,然后问答操练。参考句型:A: Whose. is that? B: Its.s . A: The . is hers/his/mine/yours/ours/theirs.设计意图:巩固本课的六个名词性物主代词,做到活学活用。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this class

12、?学生自由说,教师小结。T:1. 学习了六个名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours 2. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词设计意图:总结的环节帮助学生归纳知识点,有助于学生对知识的记忆。课堂作业一、按要求写单词。 their同音词his名词性物主代词 1. 2. Amy名词所有格yours反义词 3. 4. 二、选词填空。hersher 1. This is _ jacket. The jacket is _.oursour 2. These are _ books.The books are_.mymine 3. Look! It is

13、nt _ picture. _ is yellow.三、按要求完成句子。1. Its Mikes book.(对画线部分提问。) _ _ is this?2. This is their dog.(改同义句。) This dog is _.Answers:一、1. his 2. there 3. mine 4. Amys二、1. her, hers 2. our, ours 3. my, Mine三、1. Whose book 2. theirs板书设计 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? his dog his her dog hers my dogmine your dogyoursour dogours their dogtheirs形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词



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