人教PEP版英语三年级下册Recycle 1(教案)第一课时

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《人教PEP版英语三年级下册Recycle 1(教案)第一课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教PEP版英语三年级下册Recycle 1(教案)第一课时(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一课时l 课时内容A. Read aloudl 课时分析 Read aloud是个阅读故事,发生在Chen Jie, Wang Tong, John之间。Chen Jie既是Wang Tong的好朋友,也是John的好朋友。他们三个在操场上见面,Chen Jie分别为他们作了介绍。在三个人介绍、交流的过程中,复习到了询问及回答人身份的句式:Whos that boy? He is my friend, John. 把朋友介绍给他人的句式:This is my friend, Wang Tong. 询问他人国籍的句式:Where are you from? Im from the USA. 以

2、及描述人特征的句式:Youre tall.可以说,一个小故事囊括了三个单元的重点知识,在教学中要为学生设计可以综合使用所学知识的话题情境,使学生能够自己灵活应用所学的知识来进行交流,提高他们的语言表达能力。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Whos that man/woman/boy/girl? Hes/Shes. Where are you from? Im from. This is.2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型来进行交流。3. 在学习能够通过与他人合作来进行练习、交流,获得知识,并乐于参与活动。l 课时重难点1.重点能够听懂、会说、认读句式:Whos that

3、man/woman/boy/girl? Hes/Shes. Where are you from? Im from. This is.能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用句型来进行交流。2. 难点能够根据具体的情境选择相应的句子进行恰当的交流。l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。2. 人物图卡。l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 播放第一单元B歌曲Boy and girl。学生跟唱或表演唱。设计意图:三个单元的重点句式都与介绍有关,所以以这首I am a boy and you are a girl. Do you want to be my friend?为内容的歌曲热身,以

4、便更流畅、完整地呈现本课的教学活动。 Step 2 Lead in1.展示课文中一个人物的图卡,将其贴在黑板上,作为思维导图的中心主题。讨论这个人物,形成思维导图的几大分支。Teacher:Look at this picture. Is this a boy or a girl? Yes, she is a girl. (板书: girl)Whats her name? Yes, her name is Chen Jie. (板书:name Chie Jie) Where is she from? Yes, she is from China. (板书:country China)What

5、does she look like? Yes, she has long hair. She has big eyes. (板书:looking long hair big eyes) We know so many thing about Chen Jie. Teacher: Look at the blackboard. Lets introduce Chen Jie.设计意图:在谈论中自然引出思维导图,形成中心主题及二级子中心。然后请学生观察思维导图,以思维导图中列出来的项为提示,使学过的句式来介绍Amy,在这样的活动中,使学生初步感受思维导图在总结、归纳知识方面的作用。 Step 3

6、 Presentation1. 出示课文中的一幅图片,猜猜他们在做什么。引导学生认识陈洁的新朋友。Teacher: Now look at this picture. Can you see Chen Jie? Who else can you see? Who are they? Guess. Are they Chen Jies friends?设计意图:引导学生通过观察图片来收集信息,预测对话内容,并在预测的过程中使用重点句式及词汇进行交流。2. 播放课文录音或视频,学生倾听或观看,来找出新出现的两个人物的身份。Teacher: Now, listen/watch. Please fin

7、d who they are. Teacher: Who can answer? Who is the boy? Who is the girl?设计意图:带着问题听课文录音,培养和提高学生抓住关键词句听懂对话的能力。 Step 4 Practice1.播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 出示John的图片,请学生根据思维导图的模式来找出其关键信息。Teacher:Whos this? Is

8、 this a boy or a girl? Where is he from? What does he look like? What does he like?3. 自由读课文,分角色朗读课文。Teacher:Read the story freely. Then lets read it in roles. 设计意图:通过跟读来使学生掌握对话的正确读音。再次使用思维导图帮助学生梳理对话的重要信息。自由读及分角色读课文,使学生在不同方式的读的活动中熟悉、巩固重点句式,内化语言,提高自己的综合语言运用能力。4.展示以John为中心话题的思维导图,请学生来介绍John。Teacher:Loo

9、k at this mind map of John. Please introduce John according to it. 设计意图:使用思维导图帮助学生组织语言,梳理学习过的句式,以正确、完整地做好人物介绍。5. 请学生为自己的好朋友做一份思维导图,先同组讨论,确定中心主题及子中心主题,再以思维导图为依据,向同学介绍自己的好朋友。Teacher:Its your turn to introduce your friend. Do it in groups. First, ask and answer questions. Make a mind map for your frien

10、d. Then introduce your friend according to the mind map. 设计意图:引导学生将学习到的整理知识的工具思维导图运用到自己的学习和生活中来。通过以自己的好朋友为中心主题来绘制思维导图的活动,归纳、总结、梳理前三个单元学习到的重点词汇及句式。再通过依图介绍的活动,使学生拥有系统地综合运用自己所学的语言知识的能力。 Step 5 Summary播放节奏感较强的律动音乐,学生伴着音乐来学唱下边的韵句:Look at that boy, look at that boy.Who is he? Who is he?Hes my friend. Hes

11、my friend. Where is he from? Where is he from?Hes from Canada. Hes from Canada.He is tall. He is tall.We are friends. We are friends.设计意图:以充满动感的音乐来激发学生参与韵句活动的热情。在韵句中重现一至三单元所有重点句式,起到总结和再现的作用。l 课堂作业一、将下列词汇正确分类。UK brother thin tall mother China teacher sister pupil grandfather big fat student father Ca

12、nada USA1. _2._3._4._二、为下列句子选出正确的回应语。( ) 1. Where are you from? A. Im Amy. B. Im from the UK.( ) 2. This is my friend, John. A. Nice to meet you. B. Im from China.( ) 3. Whos that boy? A. He is tall. B. Hes my brother.( ) 4. Is she your mother? A. Yes, she is a teacher. B. No, she isnt.( ) 5. Whos t

13、hat woman? A. Shes my teacher. B. Yes, she is.三、阅读以下短文,完成信息卡片。 Hello,Im Susan. Im a girl. Im from Australia. Australia is beautiful. I like it. Im ten. Im tall. I have long hair, big eyes and a small mouth. My mother is not so tall. She has short hair. She is a teacher. My father is tall. He has sho

14、rt hair. He likes sports. I like sports, too. What about you?Name: Boy or girl:From:Like: Look like: 四、请介绍一下你的好朋友。This is my friend _._( He She) is a _.(boy girl)_( He She ) is from _.(China, Canada, the UK.)_( He She ) is a _. (teacher, student.)_( He She ) is _. (tall, short.)_( He She ) has _.答案:一、1. UK, China, Canada, USA 2. brother, mother



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