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1、第 3期 (总第 160期)2010年6月机械工程与自动化M ECHA N ICALEN GI NEER IN G&AU T O M A T IO NN o . 3Jun.cI|: 1672-6413( 2010) 03-0209-02硬车削加工技术的应用研究于凤丽(沈阳铁路机械学校, 辽宁沈阳110036)K1: 通常, 对于淬硬工件的精加工采用磨削技术, 但由于其加工范围窄、投资大、生产效率低, 且易造成环境污染, 因而不能进行经济有效的加工。随着加工技术的发展, 硬车削代替磨削取得了明显的经济效益, 其加工精度可达5 nullm10 nullm, 表面粗糙度Ra值可达0. 2 nullm

2、0. 3 nullm。1oM: 淬硬钢; 硬车削; 刀具材料; 应用ms|: T G51DSM: Al: 2010-04-19Te:( 1968-) ,o,j,)=,V3b1dl#+1. 1硬车削的定义YdfdTKFFZEbfYff8F, 55, J .tbt?v, 2006, 32( 10) : 1168-1173. 4EI-Do miat y A A , Elashar ka wy A A . Str etch-bendinganaly sis of U -section beama J . Int J M ech T oo lsM anufact , 1998( 38) : 75-95.

3、 5I,f.bhw J ., 2000, 18( 6) : 34-35. 6M iller J E, Ky riakides S, Bastard A H. O n bend-st retchfor ming o f aluminum ex truded tubes I: exper iments J .International Jo ur nal of M echanical Sciences, 2001, 43:1283-1317. 7M iller J E, Ky riakides S, Bastard A H. O n bend-st retchfor ming of aluminu

4、m ex tr uded t ubes I I: analy sis J .International Jour nal o f M echanical Sciences, 2001, 43:1319-1338. 8V,:_,Z,.eEs J .S, 2004, 12( 4) :413-416. 9A rild H Clausen, O dd S Hopperstad, M ag nus L ang set h.Sensit ivity of model par ameter s in str etch bending o faluminium ex tr usio ns J . I nt e

5、r natio nal Jo ur nal o fM echanical Sciences, 2001, 43: 427-453. 10+.?e/ D .:v, 2005: 14-125.StudyonStretch-bendingProcessforAluminiumProfileJINChun-feng1, WUJing2( 1. School of M ech anical Engin eering & Automation, Xihua University, C hen gdu 610039, Ch ina; 2. Don ghua University, S hanghai 200

6、052,Chin a)Abstract: T he stret ch-bending is an impo rt ant met ho d o f fo rming pr ofile because it can decr ease the spr ing ba ck effectiv ely andimpr ove the fo rming precisio n. T he str etch-bending pr ocess is widely used in the for ming o f pr ofile in car and aircr aft. T he themeof this

7、paper is the curr ent r esearch status and achiev ement s, by study on mechanical pr opert ies o f pr ofiles, cro ss-section shape andpro cess paramet ers.Key words: str etch-bending for mability ; pr ocess par ameter s; pr ofile(210:)ApplicationofHardTurningTechnologyYU Feng-li( Sh enyang Railw ay

8、M ech anical En gineering School, Sh enyang 110036, China)Abstract: T he gr inding techno lo gy is g ener ally applied to the finishing o f har dened w or kpiece, because of t he narr ow pro cessingra ng e, high inv est ment , low pr oductiv ity , and being ea sy t o cause envir o nmental po llutio

9、n, it can not pro cess effectiv ely . W ith thedev elopment of pro cess technolog y, har d turning has achiev ed significant economic benefits instead o f g rinding , its pr ecision canrea ch 5 to 10 micr o ns, the surface r oughness Ra v alue is less t ha n 0. 2 micr ons.Key words: har dened st eel; har d tur ning; to ol mater ials; a pplicatio nc212c机械工程与自动化 2010年第3期


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