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1、最新 料推荐陕西省 2017 年中考英语试题及答案(试卷满分120 分,考试时间120 分钟)第卷(共65 分)听力部分( 25 分) ( 略). 完形填空(共20 小题,计20 分)第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。When I was in primary school,I fell in love with reading.The books_21_me to a wonderfulworld.The more I read,the more I wanted to know.However,my pare

2、nts _22_ afford so manybooks.I had to solve the problem myself.There was a book shop near my home.One day I walked into _23_ shop and picked up abook.I didntknow whether _24_there without buying any books. _25_ I wasn t noticed,I just read a few pages and thenputit back.Luckily,noone noticed me.Afte

3、rthat,I went there to read every day.Several days later,while I wasreading,the owner came up and asked,Youlike reading?I lookeddownand replied _26_, “ Yes.“ Don tworr y, ” hesaid withasmile.“ Youmay readbookshere _27_ you helpmecleanhe shop.Ifeltquitesurprised, “ Really?Its sokindof you! ”I was very

4、 happythat I _28_toread there.Fromthenon, Ispentalittle time cleaning the shop.After that, I quietly read there.That way,Ireadlots of books.I became oneof _29_writersin our school. Ievenwon some prizes in writing.Now studying in highschool, I can borrow books _30_ library.Myhobbyofreading is kept.It

5、willmake a big difference to my life.21.A.broughtB.are bringingC.bringD.have brought22.A.couldntB.mustntC.needn tD.shouldnt23.A.aB.anC.theD./24.A.can l readB.I can readC.could I readD.I could read25.A.Make sureB.To make sureC.Believe inD.To believe in26.A.nervousB.nervouslyC.angryD.angrily27.A.ifB.a

6、lthoughC.beforeD.unless28.A will allowB. will be allowedC.allowedD.was allowed29.A.goodB.the bestC.poorD.the poorest1最新 料推荐30. A.toB.forC.withD.from第二 : 下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小 的四个 中 出一个最佳答案,使短文 完整。Andrew was a smart boy.He wasinterested in different things.He liked doing things in a way thathe thought to

7、 be clever.But sometimes he made wrong choices.One day,his father gave him some _3l_ and asked him to buy some goldfish.Whenhe got tothemarket,he found that the killifish lookedlike small goldfish,and they were much _32_.So he boughtsomekillifish and kept the rest of the money for himself.When he go

8、t home,his father _33_ what Andrew did at once.He put the fish in the tank( 缸) without _34_anything at first. He knew his son didnt buy the right fish. Atthe same time, hethought his son might have an advantage in marketing( 市 . And he should _35_ a way to help his son grow well.He had an idea.Then

9、he said to his son,Andrew,do you know _36_youhave bought? Are theygoldfish? ” Andrewfelt shy and said in a _37_voice, “ Er,no,but Hisfathercontinued, “ Well,Imglad you know how to _38_ money.I also know you are good atwatching things around you.But its not right to be dishonest.You should do things

10、dishonestly, _39_ others wont trust you.Then he helped Andrew start withsome chores( 事), like buying daily things,managing his own pocket money and helping his uncle in his store.Later,Andrew workedas a salesman.He felt himself strong in marketing and kept working hard at it.Finally,he became a succ

11、essful _40_.Several years later,when tal king about the key to his success,Andrew said,“ Thanks to my father,I gottoknow myself well and developed in a right way.31.A.paperB.moneyC. giftsD.flowers32.A. cheaperB.more expensiveC.uglierD.more beautiful33.A.refusedB.forgotC.rememberedD.realized34.A. kno

12、wingB.sayingC.givingD.tasting35. A. talk aboutB. care aboutC. think ofD. hear of36.A.thatB.whereC.whatD.which37.A.lowB.loudC.goodD.bad38. A.lendB.loseC.saveD.raise39.A. andB. butC. soD. or40.A.postmanB.businessmanC.fishermanD.sportsman2最新 料推荐 .阅读理解(共15 小题,计20 分)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“A”表示,

13、不符合的“B”表示。(共 5 小题,计5 分)AHave you ever thought about making abicycle that you dream of? Some creative people haveinvented some special bicycles.Here are three of them.BambikesBamlbikes are produced in a company in Phlippines.They are made of an unusual kind of bambooand other materials like metal and

14、 a local plant.They are very strong. And they rea perfectcombination(结合)of the greenest building maternal and common bicycles. By making bambikes, the company offers jobs to the local people.Besides,it provides money for some students in itscommunity to pay for their study.To continue the production,the company plants more bamboo th



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