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1、【英语】人教版英语七年级英语下册完形填空经典一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1完形填空What is Chinatown? Is it a townin China? Of course not!It is in foreign countries. Itis a1where many overseas (海外的)Chineselive together.There are lots of Chinatowns in America2the biggest one is in New York. There areabout 150,000 people in it. It

2、is also a3place to visit. It is attractive in the following ways.4in Chinatown is fun. You can find5things there. Most of them are made in6Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap.Chinatown has more than 2007. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. NewSilv

3、er Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. You can also eat some Shanghai food inEvergreen Restaurant.Living in Chinatownis8.You can findhospitals, schools, banks, librariesandsupermarkets init. Insomeschools, students must learn Chinese. Many overseas Chinese9their children to these schoo

4、ls. They want their10to learn more about China andits culture.1.A. timeB. countryC. place2.A. andB. soC. or3.A. favouriteB. goodC. bad4.A. PlayingB. WorkingC. Shopping5.A. a little ofB. lots ofC. many of6.A. AmericaB. FranceC. China7.A. restaurantsB. schoolsC. banks8.A. boringB. interestingC. comfor

5、table9.A. sendB. comeC. bring10. A. workersB. childrenC. students【答案】( 1) C;( 2) A;( 3) B;( 4) C;( 5) B;( 6) C;( 7) A;( 8) C;( 9)A;( 10) B;【解析】 【分析】文章大意:本人主要讲述唐人街的一些情况及生活配套设施,许多中国人把孩子送到那里的学校学习中国文化。( 1)句意:这是一个很多海外中国人一起住的地方。考查名词辨析,A 时间; B地方,根据后面where 引导的定语从句,可知应该是指地点的名词,结合上文Is it国家; Ca townin China? O

6、f course not! It is in foreign countries.可知那不是一个国家,故选C。( 2)句意:美国有很多唐人街,并且其中最大的一个在纽约。考查连词辨析,且,表示并列;B 因此,表示结果;C 或者,表示选择,前后两句话是并列关系,故选A 和、并A。( 3)句意:那也是一个可参观的好地方。考查形容词辨析, A 最喜欢的;的,结合下文 It is attractive in the following ways. 可知这是一个好地方,故选BB。好的;C坏( 4)句意:在唐人街购物是很好玩的。考查词义辨析,A 玩耍; B 工作;文 Mott Street is the b

7、est place to shop because the things there are very cheap.C 购物,结合下可知是购物,故选C。( 5)句意:你可以发现很多东西。考查形容词辨析,A 一些;修饰不可数名词,不加of; B 许多,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词;C 许多,修饰可数名词复数,不加of,所以A 和C 的表达法是错误的,故选B。( 6)句意:它们中的很多都是在中国制造的。考查上下文的理解,A 美国; B 法国; C 中国,本文主要讲中国城或唐人街的,所以很多东西应该是在中国制造的,故选C。( 7)句意:唐人街有200 多家餐馆。考查上下文的理解,A 餐馆; B 学校

8、; C 银行,根据下文 You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. 可知是餐馆,故选A。( 8)句意:住在唐人街很舒服。考查形容词辨析,A 无聊的; B 有趣的; C 舒服的,根据下文 You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it.可知在唐人街生活很舒服,故选C。( 9)句意:很多海外华人把他们的孩子送到那些学校。考查动词辨析,A 送; B 来; C 带来,结合句意可知是把孩子送到那些学校,故选A。( 10)句意:他们想让他们的孩子对中国及其文化更

9、加了解。考查名词辨析,A 工人; B孩子; C 学生,结合上文Many overseas Chinese 9 their children to these schools.可知是想让他们的孩子学习中国文化,故选B。【点评】考查完形填空。首先通读全文,掌握大意。考虑语境,上下文呼应,运用逻辑思维进行推理,再根据自己最有把握的、最熟悉的短语、习惯用语、动词形式和句子结构等各种因素加在一起综合考虑,仔细推敲进行选择。最后复查核对,决定取舍。2完形填空John worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss1him, John, I wan

10、t you togo to London, and to2Mr. Black. Heres the address. His office is near the station. John went to London3train. He left the station and thought, The office isnt4the station. Ill find it5. But after an hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said,Just go alon

11、g this street, and turn left6the end, and its the7building on theright. John went and found it.8days later, John went to the same city,9again he couldnt find the office, sohe asked someone the way. It was10old woman! She was very surprised and said, Areyou still looking for that place?1.A. saidB. sa

12、id to C. talked toD. spoke2.A. seeB. watchC. lookD. found3.A. onB. byC. withD. in4.A. next toB. nearC. far fromD. in front of5.A. easyB. easilyC. slowlyD. early6.A. byB. toC. atD. on7.A. fiveB. twelve C. thirdD. twenty8.A. MuchB. A fewC. A littleD. A lot9. A. becauseB. whenC. butD. so10. A. different B. sameC. the different D. the same【答案】( 1) B;( 2) A;( 3) B;( 4) C;( 5) B;( 6) C;( 7) C;( 8) B;( 9)C;( 10)D;【解析】 【分析】本文介 了 翰先生到城市找 公室的 。( 1)句意:一天,他的老板 他 。A.said , B.said to 对 , C.talked to ,D.spoke 。根据后面提到老板的 ,可知空缺的意 他 ,填入said to,故 B。( 2)句意:我想要你去 敦,去看看布莱克先生。A.see 看, B.watch 看, C.look 看,



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