2020高分突破 中考英语--第一节 题型解读

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1、听力专项训练,第一节题型解读,01,02,目录导航,课 标 分 析,课标要求听能够根据语调和重音理解说话人的意图。能够借助语境克服生词障碍,理解语篇大意。能够听懂熟悉话题的谈话,捕捉语篇中的有效信息。能够在听的过程中用适当的方式作出反应。能够针对所听的语段内容记录简单的信息。从近几年广东省中考考查的情况来看,听力理解题主要要求考生能听懂有关日常生活、文化教育、风土人情、时事、人物、科普等的简短对话或独白;,掌握所听材料的主旨和中心思想以及与话题中心相关的具体事实信息;能理解讲话或对话的意思并能根据所听材料对说话的背景、说话人之间的关系、说话人的意图、观点或态度进行推断。听力理解的题型包括4部分

2、内容,如下表:,who,which,what,where,when,why等。“思”是动脑筋判断,理解所听内容的含义,找到问题与录音内容的内在联系,确定正确答案。“写”是动笔在试卷上选择答案、填写单词或词组等。整个做题过程既要有速度,又要细心。要能做到又快又准,平时要多进行训练,“耳濡目染”,应试时才能“闻其声”、“知其意”,加之技巧娴熟,定能取得听力测试的好成绩。,下面以2019广东省中考题为例,为您详解广东中考听力各种题型的技巧。,解析:答好听句子选图的主要方法是:充分利用听前时间,快速浏览一下图片的主要内容; 仔细观察图片的内容和不同点,弄清图片中的人物、事件、背景及行为等; 听的过程中

3、,要尽快抓住听力材料中的关键词或短语,把图片和录音联系起来,确定答案。 参考答案: 本题在听录音时要抓住“on the desk”这个关键短语,从三个图片中找出对应第一张图,故选A。,【例2】(2019广东)B.听对话,根据所听内容回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 听第七段对话,回答第1315小题。 ()13.What is the man looking at? A.A menu. B.A book.C.A map. ()14.What is the picture show about? A.Asian culture.B.African culture.

4、C.European culture. ()15.Where may this conversation take place? A.At the museum.B.At home.C.At school.,录音材料: W: Hi, James.What are you looking at? M: Im looking at the map of the History Museum. W: Why? Are you going there? M: Yes.Theres a picture show about Asian culture.Im planning to visit it th

5、is weekend. W: Sounds interesting! Can I go with you? M: Sure.Oh, the bell is ringing.Its time for English class.Lets talk about it later.,解析:对话理解题的一般解题思路是: 1.听前分析、了解信息、把握话题。听录音前先快速浏览所给的书面材料,通过分析比较,可以从中得到某些信息和提示,从而预测和把握对话的话题和中心内容。 2.静听对话、捕捉信息、适当记录。在对各选项进行分析、预测了对话的主题后,要以对话人角色进入语境,静听双方所说的话。在听懂大意的同时,有的

6、放矢地捕捉关键信息,必要时做些适当记录,以便作为判断依据。听音过程中对那些显而易见的答案要当机立断,及时作出正确选择。,3.合理推测、善于取舍、核对复查。听完对话录音后,要善于就对话中各种已知信息相互间联系进行合理推测判断,侧重于特定情景对话中的语义理解,经过分析处理,排除音、形、义上与对话内容相近的干扰项,通过合理取舍,选定正确答案。最后再对每一选定的答案进行核对复查,确保无误。,参考答案: 13.C本题要求考生回答这个男人正在看的内容。关键信息句是“Im looking at the map of the History Museum.”,可知关键词是“map”,故选C。 14.A本题要求

7、考生回答画展的内容。关键信息句是“Theres a picture show about Asian culture.”,可知关键词是“Asian culture”,故选A。 15.C本题要求考生猜测这段对话发生的地点。关键信息句是“Oh, the bell is ringing.Its time for English class.”,可推断对话发生在学校,故选C。,【例3】(2019广东)C.听独白,根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。 听第一段独白, 回答第1620小题。 ()16.Everyone can do something to make a

8、difference to a . A.communityB.hospital C.country ()17.We should get together to collect the rubbish a year. A.onceB.twice C.three times,()18.Some of the elder people need us to go shopping or for them. A.sing B.clean C.read ()19.The reading club is a good place to welcome . A.customers B.newcomers

9、C.old friends ()20.There are examples in the speech. A.threeB.four C.five,录音材料: Good afternoon,everyone!This is the first meeting for our community.You may wonder if one person can make a difference to a community.My answer is: Of course! Every person can! I will give you some examples.Firstly, some

10、 people often throw rubbish in the places where the cleaners seldom reach.This will make our community look dirty and even cause pollution.We should get together to collect the rubbish twice a year.Secondly, in our community, some of the elder people are too old to go outside.We can go shopping for

11、them and sometimes read for them.At last, there is no reading club in our community.Why not start one? We can get together to share what we have just read.And the club is a good place to welcome newcomers to our community.,解析:听独白的一般解题思路是: 1.仔细审题、捕捉信息、预测内容。听录音前要充分利用间隙时间,浏览该题有关的书面材料,将捕捉到的信息,通过分析、推理,推测


13、参考答案: 16.A本题要求考生回答每个人可以做一些事情来改变周围环境的对象。 注意捕捉关键句“You may wonder if one person can make a difference to a community.”,可知答案选A。 17.B本题要求考生回答每年收集垃圾的次数。 注意捕捉关键句“We should get together to collect the rubbish twice a year.”,可知答案选B。,18.C本题要求考生回答为老人服务的具体工作。 注意捕捉关键句“in our community, some of the elder people a

14、re too old to go outside.We can go shopping for them and sometimes read for them.”,可知答案选C。,19.B本题要求考生回答“读书俱乐部”的欢迎对象。 注意捕捉关键句“And the club is a good place to welcome newcomers to our community.”,可知答案选B。 20.A本题要求考生回答演讲中的例子数量。此题为归纳题, 注意捕捉关键句“I will give you some examples”.“Firstly” “Secondly”“At last”,

15、可知答案选A。此题需要考生根据录音材料的内容进行简单的归纳和计算才能得出答案。,【例4】(2019广东)D.听填信息。你将听到的是一段给外国志愿者的语音留言。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡,并将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。留言听两遍。,A Volunteer Program Where to go: A village, 26 kilometers from the city center How to get there: By high-speed train and 27 Where to stay: At the volunteer center with shared ro

16、oms What to eat: Three 28 Chinese meals a day What to do: Take a 29 lesson on Monday Teach English and 30 at a primary school from Tuesday to Friday Tour around the village at the weekend,录音材料: This is a voice message from the volunteer center. In the coming week, we are going to work in a small and old village.The village is 104 kilometers from the city center.We need to take a high-speed train to the town and then take a bus to the village.You will live at the volunteer center with sh



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