2020高分突破 中考英语--话题十八 安全与救护(教材梳理 外研版)

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1、话题十八 安全与救护,01,02,03,目录导航,(一)八上Module 8Unit 2 Smile please! One day, when Henry was working in a restaurant, a snake suddenly 1. _ and bit his hand. A few days earlier, the snake arrived from Asia in a box of bananas. It 2. _ out and hid somewhere.,appeared,climbed,教材经典语段再现,“I was trying to 3. _ (捡起来

2、) when it bit me again.I threw it across the kitchen, and it landed on a table.” While the snake was lying on the table, Henry quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a photo with it. Then the snake 4. _ behind the fridge.,pick it up,hid,When Henry was trying to find the snake, his hand began to

3、 hurt badly.He 5. _ (匆忙赶到) hospital.As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse.But they could not help him because they did not know what 6. _of snake bit him.,hurried to,kind,As he was lying there 7. _ great pain, Henry suddenly remembered the photo. The doctors sent the photo to a zoo. 8

4、. _ (一就) they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day.,in,As soon as,“So if a snake bites you, 9. _ (拿出) your mobile phone or camera.Take its photo, and show the photo 10. _ the doctors, ” suggests Henry. “But as you know, the snake wo

5、nt smile!”,take out,to,【重点句型梳理】 As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse. 句型结构:as引导的时间状语从句,表示“当时, 一边一边”。 翻译:正当他下公共汽车时, 我看见了他。 _,I saw him as he was getting off the bus.,(二)八上Module 12Unit 3 A ten-year-old girl 1. _ about one hundred other tourists in 2004 by warning them that a tsunami,

6、a huge ocean wave, was 2. _ its way across the sea. She knew what was happening because she 3. _ (学习关于) underwater earthquakes at school only a few weeks earlier, a newspaper reported.,saved,on,learnt about,“I was 4_ (在海滩上) and the water started to go funny,” Tilly Smith told the reporter 5. _ the n

7、ewspaper. “There were bubbles and the water went back suddenly. I knew there was 6. _to be a tsunami. I told Mum,” she said.,on the beach,from,going,Tillys mother and the hotel workers 7. _ quickly. They cleared people from the beach just minutes 8. _ a huge wave reached the land. 9. _, no one died.

8、,acted,before,Luckily,Tillys teacher was very 10. _ of her. “Shes a very clever girlIt is very lucky that our class were learning about this kind of tsunami just two weeks before Christmas,” he told the newspaper.,proud,课标话题词汇 1.accidentn.事故,意外的事 2.causen.原因,起因vt.使发生,促使 3.signn.迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌vi.签署;

9、签名 vt.签署;示意 4.deathn.死,写作基础拓展,5.dangern.危险 6.riskn.重量,10.patientn.病人a.耐心的 11.candlen.蜡烛 12.happenvi.(偶然)发生 13.hangv.悬挂;把吊起 14.tievt.(用绳,线)系,拴,扎 n.领带;绳子;结;关系 15.cutv.剪,削,割n.伤口 16.pushn.使烧焦;使晒黑 19.smoken.烟v.冒烟;吸烟 20.avoidv.避开;避免,消除 21.stopn.停,(停车)站v.停止;阻止 22.closead.近,靠近vt.关,关闭 23.shutv.击,26.kickv.放弃

10、31.fallv.落(下)n.(常用pl.)瀑布,32.stealvt.偷,窃取 33.shaken.无生命的 39.safea.安全的n.保险柜,40.missingadj.失踪的;缺少的 41.luckya.运气好的,侥幸的 42.howeverad.可是conj.然而 43.immediatelyad.立即 44.fasta.快的,迅速的;紧密的ad.快地,迅速地;紧密地 45.hardlyad.几乎不 46.excellenta.极好的,优秀的 47.soonad.不久,很快,一会儿,48.oncead.一次,从前conj.一旦 49.twicead.两次,两倍 50.heread.这

11、里,在这里,向这里 51.thereint.那!你瞧(表示引起注意)ad.在那里,往那里 52.soad.如此,这么,非常;同样conj.因此,所以 53.againstprep.对着;反对 54.offprep.离开,脱离,(走)开ad.离开;(电、自来水)停了,中断,常用句子 1.在深水中游泳是危险的。 2.人人都要遵守交通规则,否则意外就可能发生在你身上。 3.当你有危险时,你应该大声求救。,Its dangerous to swim in the deep water. Everyone must obey the traffic rules,or an accident may ha

12、ppen to you. When you are in danger,you should shout loudly for help.,4.我们正向这位勇敢的英雄学习。 5.你必须学会如何从火灾中逃生。,We are learning from this brave hero. You must know how to get away from a fire accident.,A.回答问题 请阅读网络上两则关于溺水事件的报道,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。,读写综合训练,1.Where can the readers get the news reports? 2.When did

13、 the first accident happen? 3.What was Xiao Yi doing when she fell into the reservoir?,The readers can get the news from . It was on April 5th,2015. She was washing hands.,4.Who saved a student in the Dongjiang River? 5.How many people lost lives in the two accidents?,Li Jinlin saved a student in th

14、e Dongjiang River. 10/Ten people lost lives in the two accidents.,B.书面表达 每年夏天,溺水事故频发。 请你就此写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括: 1.我们应该如何防止此类事故发生(两点建议)? 2.如果看到有人落水,我们应该如何施救? 3.呼吁同学们热爱生命,注意安全。,作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。,【写作指导】 第一步:审题。 体裁: 时态: 人称:,议论文 一般现在时 第一人称,第二步:列提纲。 第一段:防止此

15、类事故发生的建议(两点)。参考句型: 1.We should/must . 2.Wed better (not) . 3.Dont . 4.First, . Second, .,第二段:看到有人落水时如何施救。参考句型: 1.If , we should . 2.For example, we can . 第三段:发出呼吁。参考句型: 1.Lets . 2.We should . 3.Everyone should remember .,第三步:列出主要的单词、短语和句型。 1.危险的地方 2.感觉 饿或累 3.落水 4.用正确的方法 5.生命是宝贵的。 6.安全第一。 第四步:运用 first, second, if, when, while等连接词将以上要点连成文章,注意句型多样化。,dangerous place feel hungry or tired fall into the water in a right way/in a proper way Life is valuable. Safety should always come first.,【整篇写作】 Almost every year in summer, man



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