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1、(英语)中考英语语法填空汇编常见题型及答题技巧及练习题( 含答案 )一、英语语法填空汇编1 下面的材料,在空白 填入一个适当的 ,或填入括号内所 的正确形式(每空最多不超 三个 )A king had two sons and asked famous teachers to teach them. After a few _(year) ,the king fell badly ill. So he wanted to choose one of his sons as the next king, but which onewould be the right person? He tho

2、ughtit over _ a whole night. At last, he decided_ ( test ) his sons.One day, he gave a room to each of _(they ) , You must fill the room completely(完全地)with anything you wish. But there should _ ( be) no space left and youcant ask for advice from anyone!The next day the king _ ( visit) his elder son

3、s room. The room was completely filledwith grass. The king felt sorry about it. Then he went to _other room, but it was closed.His _ ( young) son asked him to get in and closed the door again. It was darkeverywhere, so the king shouted at him _ ( angry) , But suddenly the second sonlighted a candle

4、and the room was full of light. The king felt very excited and hugged him proudly. He realized: Wisdom (智慧) is more important than simple answers _ are easy toget.【答案】years; for; to test ; them ; be; visited; the ;younger ; angrily ; which/that【解析】 【分析】文章大意:国王有两个儿子, 著名的老 教他 ,几年后,国王生病了,想找到一个 明的王位 承人,

5、 他两个儿子用自己想到的 西把房 填 ,第二天分 去了两个儿子的房 ,很高 地 抱了二儿子,他意 到智慧比 的答案更重要。( 1)句意:几年后,国王病的很 重。a few 一些,后跟可数名 的复数形式,因此使用year 的复数,故答案是years。( 2)句意:他仔 考 了整整一个晚上。a whole night是 段,引出 段的是介 for ,故答案是for。( 3)句意:最后,他决定 一下他的儿子。decide to do sth. ,决定做某事,因此使用 不定式,故答案是to test 。( 4)句意:一天,他 了他 每人一个房 。of是介 ,介 后使用 格人称代 ,将they改 the

6、m ,故答案是them 。( 5)句意:但是不 有空 剩下,不能向任何人 求建 。本句 therebe 句式,should是情 ,情 后使用 原形,故答案是be。( 6)句意:第二天,国王参 了他的大儿子的房 。本文的基本 是一般 去 ,因此本句 一般 去 , 使用 visit 的 去式 visited ,故答案是 visited 。( 7)句意:于是他去了另一个房 。国王有两个儿子,分 两人或者两件事 行描述, 使用短 onethe other,一个 另一个 ,故答案是the 。( 8)句意:他的小儿子 他 去。又把 关住了。因 国王有两个儿子,先去的是大儿子的房间,后去的应该是小儿子的房间

7、,大与小是相对的,因此都应使用比较级,故答案是 younger 。( 9)句意:到处都很黑,国王生气地冲着他喊叫。angry 修饰动词形式 angrily ,故答案是angrily 。( 10)句意:智慧比容易得到的答案更重要。本句为定语从句,先形式是关系代词使用that 或者 which ,故答案是which/that。shouted ,应使用副词answers,因此【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。2阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的

8、正确形式。It was early and there werent many people on the road. A girl on a bike passed me _(quick ) . She was riding on ice _ suddenly she fell off her bike a few _( step ) in front of me. She was trying hard to get up but fell again. Without thinking, I wentover and helped her stand up. She said Thank

9、 you! to me _ a smile and then rode away.The words Thank you warmed me and this made me feel _( little ) nervous aboutmy new school.When I finally got to school, I was led into the classroom and _( ask) to sit beside agirl. I was so nervous. I knew some of the students were looking at me _ I didnt d

10、are tolook at _ ( they ) . Soon the first class started. It was English. They used a differenttextbook from my old school and I didnt have a copy. As I was wondering what to do, a book appeared in front of me. Lets _ ( share), the girl next to me said. I looked up. It wasthe girl I _ ( help ) that m

11、orning. What a surprise!【答案】 quickly; when; steps; with ;less; asked;but ; them ; share; helped 【解析】 【分析】本文讲述了作者帮助了一个女孩,后来女孩也机缘巧合的帮助了他。(1)句意:一个骑自行车的女孩从我身边迅速经过。副词修饰动词passed, quickly 是副词,迅速地,故填quickly。( 2)句意:她正骑在冰上,就在那时突然她从我前面几步远的自行车上摔了下来。根据She was riding 和 suddenly she fell off ,可知用 when 引导时间状语从句,表示就

12、在那时,故填 when 。( 3)句意:她正骑在冰上,就在那时突然她从我前面几步远的自行车上摔了下来。a few修饰名词复数,step是名词,步子,故填steps。( 4)句意: 她对我微笑着说 “谢谢你! ”,然后骑车离去。 with a smile ,固定搭配,含笑,故填 with 。( 5)句意: “谢谢你 ”这句话温暖了我,这让我对我的新学校感到不那么紧张。此处是比较级表示看到微笑前后的不同心情,little 的比较级是 less,更少,故填 less。(6)句意:当我最终到达学校时,我被带进教室,并要求坐在一个女孩旁边。根据wasled into the classroom and

13、可知 and 前后一致,都是一般过去时的被动语态,故此处省略助动词 was,只填过去分词,故填 asked。( 7 )句意:我知道有些学生看着我,但我不敢看他们。根据studentswerelookingatme和I didnt dare to look at,可知此处表示转折关系,故填but 。( 8)句意:我知道有些学生看着我,但我不敢看他们。根据,故填them 。( 9)句意: 我旁边的女孩说 : “我们一起用吧。 ” let 后是动词原形, share,是动词,分享,故填 share。(10)句意:是我那天早上帮助的那个女孩。根据It was thegirl,可知时态是一般过去时,故填helped。【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。A wealthy old man lived alone in a big house. He was growing _( weak) day by day.Since he was unable to look after _ ( him ) , he decided to hire (雇佣)a nurse totake



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