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1、Part II High-speed Train,项目二 动车乘务,Service in the carriage Vocabulary图解词汇,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Words and Phrases词汇短语 1hook 钩子 2device 装置 3detect 探测 4en route 在途中 5towel 毛巾 6tea bag 茶包;茶叶袋 7light refreshments 零食和饮料;茶点 8trash can 垃乏桶 9seat pocket 椅背后的置物袋 10. fruit peel 水果皮,任务3 车厢服务,Service

2、in the carriage Words and Phrases词汇短语 11. turn off the tap 关紧水龙头 12. put ones luggage in order 挹行李放好 13. put ones luggage under ones seat 把行召萎放在座位下面 14. make it secure 把它放稳; 15. airtight 密封的 16. a little carsick / have a little motion sickness 有点晕 17. vomit 呕吐 18. airsickness bag 呕吐袋 19. take a nap

3、打盹;午休;小睡一会儿 20. accept cash only 只收现金,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Sevice Expressions 服务用语 1.Do you sell any souvenirs on the train? 请问火车上卖纪念品吗? 2.Come on, let me give you a hand 行了,让我来帮您一把。 3.Keep quiet on the train 请勿在车厢内大声喧哗。 4.Dont hang anything heavy on the hook 请不要在钩子上悬挂重物。,任务3 车厢服务,Servic

4、e in the carriage Sevice Expressions 服务用语 5.Dont worry. Ill replace it不要紧,我再换一个。 6.Excuse me, the train is running. Please do not lean against the door.您好,列车运行中,请您不要倚靠车门,以免发生危险。 7.The floor in the toilet and near the washroom is slippery. Please mind your steps. 卫生间和洗面间地面较滑,请您注意安全。 8.Please dont tou

5、ch the doorframe when using the toilet. Your hand might be squeezed by the door of the rocking train. Thanks for your cooperation. 由于列车晃动,请您在使用卫生间时,不要手扶门框,防止挤伤,谢谢合作。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Sevice Expressions 服务用语 9.Please do not fill your cup too full. Otherwise, you may get scalded.接热水时请不

6、要过满,以防烫伤。 10.For the safety of you and the fellow travelers, dangerous articles are forbidden to be taken on the train. Thank you for your cooperation. 为了确保您和其他旅客的安全,请您不要携带危险品上车,谢谢您的合作。 11.Please dont hang your bags on the coat hook. Thanks for your cooperation.请您不要将包类物品放在衣帽钩上,谢谢合作。,任务3 车厢服务,Service

7、 in the carriage Sevice Expressions 服务用语 12.You may put your luggage here (Left Luggage). Please keep your valuables with you. 您的行李可以放在这里(大件行李处),贵重物品请随身携带。 13.Please do not touch or press the Emergency brake valve. 乘车时,不要随意搬动或按下车上的紧急制动阀。 14.Be/keep away from the door, please. 请远离车门。 15.Pay attention

8、 to your safety, please/Be careful, please. 请注意安全。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Sevice Expressions 服务用语 16.No smoking, please. 请不要吸烟。 17.The speed of this train is so fast that you should get your luggage down and put it behind the last seat. 列车运行速度快,所以请把行李拿下来放最后一排座位的后面。 18.This piece of luggage

9、 is not steady. Please let me help you pack it up/rearrange it. 这件行李放的不稳妥,我帮您整理一下。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Coversation 情景对话 Dialogue 1 询问吸烟位置 Passenger: Excuse me, where can I smoke? 旅客:哪里可以吸烟? Crew: Sorry, you can only smoke on the platform. Please do not go too far away. Please stay behin

10、d the white line when you smoke. 列车员:站台上可以吸烟,请您不要走得太远。吸烟时,请您站在白色安全线以内。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Coversation 情景对话 Dialogue 2询问吸烟位置 Passenger: Excuse me, where could I smoke? 旅客:请问哪里可以吸烟? Crew: Im sorry. No smoking is allowed in any area of the train. Thank you for your cooperation. 列车员:抱歉!动车组

11、各部位均不得吸烟。谢谢! Passenger: Could I smoke in the toilet?旅客:卫生间能吸烟吗? Crew: Im sorry, Sir. Its a no smoking train. So you are not allowed to smoke in the toilet. Thank you for your cooperation. 列车员:抱歉先生,这车是全列禁烟,卫生间也不能吸烟,感谢您的配合!,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Coversation 情景对话 Dialogue 3 询问吸烟问题 Passenger:

12、 Excuse me, madam. Can I smoke here? 旅客:打扰一下,女士。我可以在这儿抽烟吗? Crew: Sorry, you cant. Smoking is not allowed on the train. 列车员:抱歉,不行。列车上不许吸烟。 Passenger: But I can smoke i n a restricted area between compartments in an ordinary train. 旅客:但在普通的列车车厢连接处,我却可以抽烟。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Coversation 情

13、景对话 Dialogue 3 询问吸烟问题 Crew: You are right. But this is a high-speed train .smoking is prohibited in any section of the train. There are devices on chis high-speed train. They are sensitive enough to detect any tiny amount of smoke. Once the alarm goes off, the train stops automatically-In that case,

14、 we will face long delays en route. 列车员:您说得没错。但这是高铁列车。高铁列车是全车禁烟的车厢装有探测仪器,这些烟雾探测器非常灵敏,一点点烟雾都可以引起报警。一旦警报拉响,列车立刻自动刹车。这样一来,路上就要耽误不少时间。 Passenger: I see .I have to play the waiting game. Thank you for your explanation 旅客:我明白了。我得耐着性子,等下了车再说。谢谢您的指教。 Crew :My pleasure列车员:乐意为您效劳。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carr

15、iage Coversation 情景对话 Dialogue 4 询问座椅方向 Passenger: Could I turn the chair around? 旅客:这个座椅能转过来吗? Crew: Yes. But we are heading for this direction. 列车员:可以,不过车是朝这个方向开。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Coversation 情景对话 Dialogue 5 询问开车方向 Passenger: In which direction does the train run? 旅客:车往哪个方向开? Crew:

16、 It is heading for that direction. 列车员:车往那边开。,任务3 车厢服务,Service in the carriage Coversation 情景对话 Dialogue 6请求换座 Passenger :Can I change seats with my neighbor? One of my friends is nearly .I hope he can sit by my side for a chit-chat. 旅客:我可以跟邻座换一下座位吗?我的一个朋友就在附近,我想让他坐在我的旁边一起聊天。 Crew: I have to ask your neighbor whether he could accept your request. 列车员:我要问问您的邻座,看他是否接受您的要求。 Passenger: Thats very thoughtful of you.旅客:你想得真周到. Crew: (After a while)Your neighbor is kind enough to accept your request. 列


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