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1、(英语)中考英语英语完形填空汇编的基本方法技巧及练习题及练习题 ( 含答案 )一、中考英语完形填空汇编1阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。My kids and I decided to go to the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, we saw a manholding a piece of paper that said, 1my job. Family to feed.At this store, a2like this was not normal. My 10-year-old kid

2、noticed him and said itmust be awful to have to stand3in the cold wind.In the store, I asked each of my kids to4something they thought our friend therewould appreciate (感激) . They got5, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old kid suggested giving him a6. All the other kids and I though

3、t it was a good idea.When we handed him the bag of7, he lit up and thanked us with watery8.When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for9his family might need, heburst into tears.This has been a wonderful10for our family. For days the kids have been looking forothers we can11! Things w

4、ould have played out so12if I had simply said, No,we really donthave13togive more. Stepping out not only helped a father in14, it also gave my kids the15taste of helping others. Itll go a long way with them.1.A. LostB. Changed C. FoundD. Finished2.A. conditionB. placeC. sightD. show3.A. outsideB. pr

5、oudlyC. straightD. angrily4.A. drawB. sayC. arrangeD. pick5.A. hooksB. pencilsC. applesD. bags6.A. dollarB. jobC. hot mealD. gift card7.A. toysB. medicineC. foodD. clothes8.A. hairB. eyesC. handsD. legs9.A. whoeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. whenever10. A. experience B. exampleC. messageD. trip11. A.

6、believeB. respectC. understandD. help12. A. suddenlyB. clearlyC. differentlyD. perfectly13. A. timeB. powerC. energyD. money14. A. fearB. loveC. needD. memory15. A. strongB. sweetC. strangeD. simple【答案】( 1)A;( 2) C;( 3) A;( 4) D;( 5) C;( 6) D;( 7)C;( 8) B;( 9)B;( 10)A;( 11) D;( 12) C;( 13)D;( 14) C;

7、( 15) B;【解析】 【分析】文章讲述了在周末作者带孩子们去超市,在路上看到一个需要帮助的人。通过这次经历,作者诠释了“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”的真谛。( 1)句意:失业了,还需要抚养家人。根据后面的“ Familyto Feed. 可”以推断出,这位男子失业了,同时还需要抚养家人,所以他上街乞讨,lose ones job 为固定短语,失业,故选 A。( 2)句意:在商店里,像这样的情景并不正常。“景象,情景 ”; show“展览 ,表演 ”,根据 sightcondition 条“件,环境 ”; place we saw a man holding a piece of paper地“方

8、”;我们看见一个人拿着一张纸可知是一种景象, 故选C。( 3)句意:我10 岁的孩子注意到了他并且说在寒风中站着一定很糟糕。outside外面;proudly自豪地;straight ,直接地;angrily生气地。根据前面的“ how bad”以及后面的 “ inthe cold wi nd”可知,这名男子是站在外面进行乞讨的,故选A。( 4)句意:进入商店后,我让每个孩子挑选他们觉得我们的这位“朋友 ”最可能感激的东西。 draw 画; say 说; arrange 安排; pick 挑选,选择。根据In the store可知在商店里是挑选东西,故选D。( 5)句意:他们挑了一个苹果,一

9、个三明治和一瓶果汁。A 钩子, B 铅笔, C 苹果, D 袋子,根据Family to Feed 可知需要吃的东西,故是苹果,故选C。( 6)句意:我17 岁的孩子建议送给乞讨的男子一张礼物卡。A 美金, B 工作, C 热饭, D礼物卡,根据I handed him the gift card可知是礼物卡,故选D。( 7)句意:当我们将这袋食品递给这个人时,他眼含泪水向我们表示感谢。A 玩具, B 药品, C 食物, D 衣服,根据 一个苹果,一个三明治和一瓶果汁可知是食物, 故选 C。( 8)句意:当我们将这袋食品递给这个人时,他眼含泪水向我们表示感谢。A 头发, B 眼睛, C 手,

10、D 腿,根据watery ,湿润的,水汪汪的,可知是眼睛,表示那个那人要哭了,故选 B。( 9)句意:当我把礼品卡递给他,说他可以用它来满足家人的需求时,他突然哭了起来。此处是宾语从句,表示泛指,指代物故用 whatever ,故选 B。( 10)句意:这对我们家是一次非常棒的经历。experience 经历; example 例子; message口信; trip 旅行,帮助别人是一种经历,故选A。( 11)句意:孩子们一连好几天到处寻找他们能够帮助的人。A 相信, B 尊敬, C 懂得, D帮助,根据helped a father可知是帮助,故选D。( 12)句意:如果我当时告诉孩子们 “

11、不,我们没有钱去帮助更多的人 ”事情可能会完全不同。 suddenly 突然; clearly 清楚地; differently 不同地; perfectly 完美地。此处是假设,对比前后的区别,故是不同,故选C。( 13)句意:如果我当时告诉孩子们不,我们没有钱去帮助更多的人”事情可能会完全不同。 time 时间; power 权力,energy 能量; money 金钱。根据常理可知,帮助乞讨的人主要需要付出金钱,而不是时间、能力或耐心,所以此处应选money ,故选 D。( 14)句意:走出家门不仅帮助了一个需要帮助的父亲,也让我的孩子尝到了帮助别人的甜头。综合前文所叙述的经历可知,我和

12、孩子们帮助了一位处于困境中的人。in need 为固定短语,意思是“;处于困境中 ”,故选 C。( 15)句意:走出家门不仅帮助了一个需要帮助的父亲,也让我的孩子尝到了帮助别人的甜头。 strong 强有力的; sweet 甜蜜的; strange 奇怪的; simple 简单的。作者与孩子们的这一善举让他们品尝到了帮助别人的甜蜜,正所谓“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”,故选 B。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2通读短文,掌握大意,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入

13、相应空白处的最佳选项。One morning, when I was leaving for my business, a middle-aged man came up and asked mefor help. He said he had no money to get food for his large family. You look 1 . Why dont you work? I asked. Simply because I cannot get work, sir. If I give you work, what pay do you want? As long as I can get bread for my family sir. he answered.I decided to find out if he really meant what he said. OK. Ill give you one pound an hour, if you2 a brick under your arm and walk around



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