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1、中考英语书面表达解题技巧及经典题型及练习题( 含答案 )一、英语书面表达1书面表达在本周班会课上,同学们对“初中生什么时候放学比较合适?”这一问题进行了热烈的讨论。大部分同学认为初中生应该在5 点左右放学,下表所列里大家的发言记录。请你写一篇短文介绍大家的想法并阐述你的观点。Time to leave school at 5 o clockat 4:45 at 5 o clock.Activities to do after schoolexercise to keep healthy and read booksdo what we want, such as listening to mu

2、sictake a part-time job.注意:( 1)短文必须包括表格中所有要点,并适当发挥;( 2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;( 3)词数: 80-100;( 4)短文开头仅供参考,不计入总词数。短文开头: “What time should junior high school students leave school?” This week we havheld a class meeting to talk about it. Here is the result of the discussion._【答案】 “What time should junior high

3、school students leave school?”This week we have held aclass meeting to talk about it. Here is the result of the discussion.Most students think that students should leave school at about 5 o clock. They can exercise to keep healthy and read more interesting books after school.Some think that students

4、 should leave school at 4:45, because they can have more time to do what they want to do, such as listening to music.A few think 5 o clock is the best time to finish school. After school, they can do part-time jobs, such as collecting discarded plastic bottles to sell for money.I am in favor of leav

5、ing school at five oclock. Besides having time to play tennis, I can also drawsome pictures I like.【解析】【详解】这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如hold a class meeting ,talkabout , the result of , keep healthy , after school ,have more time to do , want to do , such as, listen to music , in favor of ,clean the r

6、oom , play tennis 等。而复杂并列结构 They can exercise to keep healthy and read more interesting books after school. 和 Most students think that students should leave school at about 5 o clock./ Some think that students should leaveschool at 4:45, because they can have more time to do what they want to do, su

7、ch as listening tomusic.等复 从句 构的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多 化;同 Most studentsthink / Some think / A few think使叙述条理, 次分明,是本文的亮点。在学 中注意 牢 一些固定句式及短 ,写作 就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有 性,也更富有条理。【点睛】 面表达 既不是 英,也不是可任意 的作文。它要求将所 定的材料内容 整理后展开思 ,考 运用所学英 知 准确表达意思的能力。所以,考生不能 漏要点,要尽量使用自己熟悉的 、短 和句式,尽可能使用高 和 复 的句式 构以便得到 高的分数。2假定你是 David,来自美

8、国,你的 QQ 好友 Li Ming 想要在今年的暑假去做志愿者,他来信向你了解有关 方面的情况。 真 下面的 件,并根据信中的内容和 用英 回复,可以有适当的 。To: From: Subject: VolunteeringDear David,I m writing to ask you for advice. I know you often do volunteer work in your free time. Iinterested in it very much. I m going to do some this summer vacation. But I know litt

9、le about it.Could you help me answer the following questions? Why do you want to be a volunteer? What kind of vo1unteer work is suitable for us students? Do you have any problems with volunteering? If my parents don t allow me to do so, what should I do? I m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

10、Best wishes,Li Ming注意: 1. 数 90 左右。回复信的开 和 尾己 写好,不 入 数 ; 2.回复中不得提及真 的人名、校名等相关信息。Dear Li Ming,Thanks for your letter. Im glad you would like to be a volunteer. Now let me answer your questions._I hope you love volunteering and do well in it. Looking forward to your good news.Best wishesDavid【答案】 Dear

11、Li Ming,Thanks for your letter. Im glad you would like to be a volunteer. Now let me answer your questions.I volunteer because I enjoy helping others and can learn a lot from others. As students, we can take part in some interesting activities, such as looking after animals and working for sports matches. Also, we can join charity organizations to help protect the environment and so on.It s OK to have problems, because volunteering takes much time and energy. Sometimes I canbalance my study and work. If your parents donou tovolunteer,allowy you should have a goodtalk with them. Try to let


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