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1、The Report of Marketing Strategies of MEIZU Mobile Entering the India MarketBackground and Significance美国纽约时报网站 5 月 12 日,多年来,数亿中国人购买了新的智能手机。在此过程中,本土的手机制造商的业绩大幅增长,然而在中国,智能手机快速增长的时代已经终结。据 IDC 的数据显示,超过 8 亿中国人使用智能手机。已经饱和的中国市场意味着更少的新买家,而经济放缓又意味着消费支出下降,所以各大国产品牌纷纷选择走出国门,向世界市场进发。吸取了国产手机的“第一轮出海浪潮”的失败经验,这次的“第

2、二次出海浪潮”不再仅仅是拼低价,而是从性价比出发。在各大国产品牌纷纷走出国门的时候,在中国极具影响力的魅族也需要采取行动。否则,在国际市场上,会远远落后于它的对手。2. Review of Relevant Theoretical LiteratureThere are mainly three major theoretical foundation for the MEIZU telephone to develop the India market. That is the brand competitiveness, marketing strategy and 2.1 Brand C

3、ompetitivenessCompetitiveness is a comprehensive ability reflected by the participants of two or more parties when compete or compare. It is a relative indicator and must be manifested through competition. Generally speaking, some of the competitiveness are strong and huge, while others are small an

4、d weak.Brand Competitiveness is one of the enterprises competitiveness, which is the most enduring external appearance of enterprise core competitiveness. Any of the existing core competitive advantage of the enterprise such as resource, technology, talent, management and marketing strengths will ev

5、entually transform to the enterprises brand competitiveness advantage.2.2 Marketing StrategyAmerican marketing expert Neil Boughton proposed the concept of the marketing mix and Jerome McCarthy, a professor at the Michigan University, proposed 4P (Product , Price , Place , Promotion) from 1950. With

6、 the dramatically change of the corporate marketing environment, the marketing mix has undergone the evolution of 4P, 4C, 4R, 4V, 7P.4C theory is promoted by a famous American scholar, professor Robert Lauteerborn, in the 1970s including Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication, mainly in customer

7、-oriented . 4R includes Reaction, Relative, Relationship and Retribution presented by the American scholar Schultz which emphasized the open systems perspective in developing marketing activities. After the 90s, with the rapid development of information technology, 4V marketing theory is born includ

8、ing Variation, Versatility, Value and Vibration which emphasizes differentiated and personalized. 7P theory added three Ps to the traditional 4P which is People, Process, Physical Environment according to the suggestion of Booms and Bitner. Li Fei, the Chinese scholar, concentrated the effective mar

9、keting mix into product, price, place and communication after a study of the development of marketing theory, combined with a series of case studies, namely 3P + lC.The most profound is the father of modern marketing, Philip Kotler. In his book named Marketing Management, he presented three marketin

10、g structure , namely STP strategy (Segmentation, Targeting, positioning) , three tactical ( differentiation, sales activities, marketing communications mix ) , three values ( brand, service , process ). Besides he also promoted five new marketing trends in the new version of the book that is convert

11、ed from the traditional production and sale into experiential marketing, mass marketing into target marketing, transaction of the subject into relationship marketing, pursuing market share into the pursuit of customer share, gaining customers into maintaining customers.21 案例简介1.1.魅族手机发展历程“大家好!我刚从火星回

12、到地球,我将以最开放的心去包容,去接纳这个世界。大家都知道我们营销做得烂,从今天开始,我就要告诉更多人知道,除了小米手机之外,还有更好的魅族手机可以选择。”2014 年 2 月 12 日,魅族董事长兼 CEO 黄章,在新浪发出的第一条微博,在淡出了公众视野四年之后,黄章重新出征掌舵魅族。 四年前,这位在业内以“低调、个性、偏执、对产品极致追求”著称的魅族董事长,选择了淡出日常管理,把公司的日常经营交给了和他搭档多年的伙伴。 据称,黄章一度两三年没去过公司,也未公开露面,一年到头宅在家中研究产品设计,这位极度专注于“产品”的企业领导者的行为,只能用所谓的“工匠精神”来解释。所谓“工匠精神”,用黄

13、章的话来诠释就是:产品第一,其他都是第二。 过去四年间,黄章虽隐居幕后,但他依然是这个昔日“中国本土第一智能手机品牌”的毫无疑问的掌舵者。而魅族近几年自身发展遭遇的瓶颈,以及竞争对手的步步进逼,无疑是黄章重新走向前台的最直接动因。 美国有乔布斯,中国有黄章。魅族适逢这个黄金年代,2003 年魅族成立,初出茅庐的魅族,进军国内 mp3 市场。推出了魅族的开山之作 MX 系列,刚开始以性价比来获取小部分消费者的喜爱,直到后来 musiccard、miniplayer 的推出,让魅族成为市场销量冠军。也就是在这一年,魅族当仁不让地成为“国内MP3 第一品牌”。而在 2003 年到 2006 年的野蛮

14、增长后,MP3 市场已经开始显露疲态,根据 iSuppli 公司当时的报告,PMP/MP3 播放器市场在 2007 年仅增长了 10.6%,远低于 2006 年时的 38.4%,并预计 2007-2012 年的复合年增长率只有 4.3%。 对于当时的魅族来说,转型已经是迫在眉睫。当时,整个核心创业团队都在琢磨着公司如何转型,几经思索后将目标锁定在智能手机上。2007 年,魅族是放弃销售额高达 10 亿元、为其带来巨大荣耀的 MP3,转而投资智能手机业务,对于魅族来说,是一个极具战略意义。魅族手机经过这几年的发展,在转行做手机之后,先后生产了 M8、 M9、MX 系列以及最受欢迎的魅蓝系列,魅族

15、一直以来的定位都是时尚、年轻,他们的理念是将产品做到极致,追求完美。在近几年的发展中,魅族已取得了令人瞩目的成绩,互联网消费调研中心在 2012 年-2013 年期间,对国产手机几大品牌进行调研。结果显示,在受调查的 972 人的心中,魅族手机品牌影响力仅次于联想,居于第二。如表 1.1 所示:表 1.1:为心目中喜欢的品牌投票Response Count Percent酷派 Coolpad 247 25.4%华为 Huawei 280 28.8%天语 K-Touch 89 9.2%联想 Lenovo 308 31.7%魅族 Meizu 299 30.8%中兴 ZTE 121 12.4%资料来

16、源:China Smartphones Electronics-2 1.2 出口动因在各大国产品牌走出国门的同时,魅族手机也必须有所行动才有可能抢占市场份额。根据对市场中消费者关注度的调研发现,魅蓝 NOTE 的关注度在魅族的所有产品中是最高的,如下图 1.2 所示。魅蓝 NOTE 系列在魅族手机中的关注度最高,所以选择将最有竞争力魅蓝 NOTE 推向国际市场是最理想的做法,这样也有利于魅族更好、更好的打开国际市场。图 1.2:2015 年 4 月中国手机市场产品系列关注排名2 魅族手机品牌的 SWOT 分析为了构建魅族手机的品牌策略,使魅族手机顺利进军印度市场,接着对魅族公司进行 SWOT 分析,从而全面清晰地了解魅族手机存在那些缺陷,印度市场具有哪些机会和威胁,魅族需要补充何种资源。 2.1.优势分析 第一,魅族 MP3 等产品在消费者心中留下了很好的印象,建立了良好的口碑。MEIZU 公司成立于 2003 年,公司拥有一流的研发队伍和先进的技术设备。 第二,魅族手机注重客户体验,产品不仅外观做到极致,在性能方面也一直追求完美,致力于


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