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1、文物精品与文化中国十五讲及其作者简介 The Brief Introduction of Peng Lin and his Fifteen Lectures on Selected Relics and Cultural China 彭林, 1989 年毕业于北京师范大学,获历史学博士学位。现为清华大学人文学院历史 系教授、博士生导师,经学研究中心主任,兼任国际儒学联合会理事、中国社会科学院古代 文明研究中心客座研究员、中国人民大学国学研究院兼职教授等。长年从事中国古代史与学 术文化的研究,尤其注重对古代礼学以及周礼、 仪礼、 礼记等礼学经典的研究。著 有周礼主体思想与成书年代研究、 中国古代

2、礼仪文明 、 中国礼学在古代朝鲜的播迁、 礼乐人生 、 中华传统礼仪概要等,主编中国经学,在海内外发表学术论文百余篇。 1993 年起获国务院颁发的特殊津贴,2004 年获宝钢优秀教师奖,2005 年获北京市优秀教学 成果一等奖, 2006 年获国家级优秀教学成果二等奖、北京市第二届高等学校教学名师奖。 本书由作者在清华大学开设全校通选课(国家精品课程)的教材讲稿整理而成。全书内容 涉及古代农业、天文、音乐、纺织、玉器、建筑等诸多领域,力图将考古学家和文物研究专 家的高头讲章, 转换成普通读者能够听懂的语言,把专家们的重要研究成果变成大众的共识, 以充当考古学家、 文物研究专家与大学生和普通读

3、者之间的桥梁,使人们对文物研究的一些 重要成果有更加深刻的了解,由此而对灿烂的中国古代文明形成比较直观的印象,对“文化 中国”的含义有更为透彻的认识。 Peng Lin was graduated from Beijing Normal University with a Doctor degree of the Ancient History of China in 1989. He is now a professor to supervise doctor students, director of the Chinese Classics Center, in the History

4、Department of Human and Literature Academy in Qinghua University. He is also a director of International Association of Confucianism, Guest-professor of the Ancient Civilization Center in China s Social Science Academy, and Concurrent-post Professor of the Sinology Academe in Chinas People Universit

5、y, etc. He studies the ancient history and traditional culture of China for years, especially devote himself to the study of the Chinese Classics on ancient rites, such as the Book of Official Titles in the Zhou Dynasty, the Book of Etiquettes and the Book of Rites. He wrote and published On the Pri

6、ncipal Ideology and Time of Completion of the Book of Official Titles in the Zhou Dynasty, Chinas Culture on Ancient Etiquettes , China s Rites Spread and Develop in Ancient Korea , Rites and Music of Life , and Brief Introduction to the Traditional Etiquettes of China, etc, and published more than

7、100 academic thesis at home and abroad. He is editing the Chinese Classics, a special annual magazine well-known in the world over. He has been being awarded the special allowance by the State Council since 1993. He was awarded the prize for excellent teachers of Baosteel (Baoshan Iron & Steel Co.)

8、in 2004, the first-class prize for excellent achievement of teaching of Beijing City in 2005, the second-class prize for national excellent achievement of teaching in 2006, the prize for the second time famous teachers of the Tertiary Colleges and Universities in Beijing. His book, Fifteen Lectures

9、on Selected Relics and Cultural China, is revised and compiled based on his lectures, a general major course in Qinghua University, and chosen as one of the national best courses. The contents include the fields of agriculture, astronomy, music, textiles, jade-making and architecture, etc., in ancie

10、nt China. The author did his best to make the recondite lectures on archeology and cultural relics become vivid language for general readers, change the important achievements of the study into common knowledge for the public. This book serves as a bridge between university students, general readers

11、 and the experts in the study on archeology and cultural relics, so as to have the people obtained a direct impression on the splendid civilization of ancient China, upgrade comprehending by people of the achievements of archaeologist study, and understand further intensively the significance of cul

12、tural China. 文物精品与文化中国十五讲 Fifteen Lectures on Selected Relics and Cultural China 建议英文书名: Archaeological Discoveries and Civilization of Ancient China 考古发现与古代中国文明 文物是文化的载体,是一种物化了的文化。 Cultural relics are carriers of civilization and the materializing culture. 一河姆渡骨 耜与中国古代农业文明 The Bone Spade and then t

13、he Agriculture in China 二贾湖骨笛与中国古代七声音阶的起源 The Bone Pipe and Prime of the Seven Musical Scales of Ancient China 三上孙家寨的舞蹈纹盆和甘青的彩陶文化 The Dancing Design Painted Pottery Discovered in Northwest China 四河姆渡蚕纹杖饰与先秦服饰文化 The Silkworm Pattern and Costumes in Ancient China 五良渚“琮王”与中国史前时代的玉文化 Craftwork of Stone

14、and Jade in Pre-historical China 六四羊方尊与长江流域的商代文明 The Bronze Vessel with Sheep Design 七妇好墓象牙杯与先秦时期的生态环境 Elephant of North China in Ancient Times 八妇好偶方彝与青铜时代的礼乐文化 Lady Hao s Vessels Made in the Bronze Age of China 九曾侯乙墓漆箱盖天文图与二十八宿的起源 The Astronomical Design Unearthed from an Old Tomb 十曾侯乙墓均钟和中国古代的律吕 A

15、 Special Bronze Ruler, the Tuning Equipment in Ancient China 十一越王勾践剑与吴越地区的冶铸技术 The Bronze Sword of King Goujian of Yue 十二秦陵铜车马与先秦时代的造车技术 The Bronze Horse and Chariot Unearthed from the Qin Mausoleum 十三泉州宋船与中国古代的造船技术 Shipbuilding in Ancient China 十四正统针灸铜人和中国古代的经络学说 Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Chin

16、a 十五周易、 周礼与故宫、北京城 The Traditional Architectures of Beijing and the Forbidden City 彭林, 1989 年毕业于北京师范大学,获历史学博士学位。现为清华大学人文学院历史 系教授、博士生导师,经学研究中心主任,兼任国际儒学联合会理事、中国社会科学院古代 文明研究中心客座研究员、中国人民大学国学研究院兼职教授等。长年从事中国古代史与学 术文化的研究,尤其注重对古代礼学以及周礼、 仪礼、 礼记等礼学经典的研究。著 有周礼主体思想与成书年代研究、 中国古代礼仪文明 、 中国礼学在古代朝鲜的播迁、 礼乐人生 、 中华传统礼仪概要等,主编中国经学,在海内外发表学术论文百余篇。 1993 年起获国务院颁发的特殊津贴,2004 年获宝钢优秀教师奖,2005 年获北京市优秀教学 成果一等奖, 2006 年获国家级优秀教学成果二等奖、北京市第二届高等学校教学名师奖。 本书由作者在清华大学开设全校通选课(国家精品课程)的教材讲稿整理而成。全书内容 涉及古代农业、天文、音乐、纺织、玉器、


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