电大学习资料:变化中的英语试题 (5)

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1、Vocabulary and Structure . Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. (8 points) 1. relocation (a) a small group representing a large group 2. accessories (b) the statement that shows an organization s assets against its liabilities at a particular time 3. catalogues (c) resear

2、ch carried out for a number of companies on the performance of different products 4. product range (d) when the company moves, e.g. to another part of the country 5. hard sell approach (e) leaflets and booklets which a company produces to give information about their products6. the balance sheet (f)

3、 all the products sold by a company 7. omnibus survey (g) a direct way of persuading people to buy things 8. sample (h) items which are additional to the main product and which can be used with it . Complete the following sentences, using the appropriate phrasal verbs from the box below. Remember to

4、 put the verbs in their correct forms. (7 points) take on get down to come to get through call on carry out look into sum up run out of put of 1. They new staff to deal with the increase in orders. 2. (During a presentation) And finally, , let us look at the main points again. 3. It was a disaster!

5、The restaurant wine and everybody had to drink water. 4. If we dont business soon, itll be time for lunch. 5. Ill that in a moment. 6. Its going to take a long time to this agenda. 7. Ill be you when I m next in town. . Choose a word or phrase from the list for each space in the passage below. Make

6、changes ff necessary. ( 15 points) like join up with heavily with unique while set out partners launched founded called replacement take off as however Quad is a company that makes stereo systems and loudspeakers. Its loudspeakers are 1 . In the 1950s, when most loudspeakers looked 2 wooden boxes, Q

7、uad 3 a speaker that looked like a radiator. 4 in 1936, Quad is located in Huntingdon, in the south of England. It has a simple strategy, to manufacture products that last for ever. 5 most hi-fi companies launch new models every year, Quad s go on for years. Its original electrostatic speaker, for e

8、xample, was in production for 28 years. Peter Walker, the founder of Quad, initially 6 to produce the highest level of sound reproduction possible. Although Quad s products were originally designed for use in studios and laboratories, sales soon 7 in the domestic market. Today a large percentage of

9、the company s products are exported to Japan and continental Europe. 8 a policy, Quad relies 9 on its subcontractors. Those working closely with the company are treated almost as 10 . The firms closest relationships, however, are 11 its customers. They are well looked after and often advised to send

10、 elderly equipment back for repair, rather than to buy a 12 . We treat our customers as friends, said Quad. In 1995 Quad was taken over by a company 13 Verity plc. 14 , in the late 1990s it decided to leave Verity and 15 three other famous names to form the International Audio Group. Together these

11、four now make up an impressive and important hi-fi company. Paper 3 Translation and Short-Answer Questions. Part 1 Translate the following two paragraphs into Chinese. ( 16 points) GATT-the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade-is a multilateral treaty, subscribed (签署) to by 88 governments which to

12、gether account for more than four-fifths of world trade. Its basic aim is to liberalize world trade, and place it on a secure basis, thereby contributing to economic growth and development and to the welfare of the world s peoples. The General Agreement is the only multilateral instrument that lays

13、down agreed rules for international trade. For the past 35 years, GATT has also functioned as the principal international body concerned with negotiating the reduction of trade barriers and with international trade relations. GATT is thus both a code of rules and a forum (论坛) in which countries can

14、discuss and overcome their trade problems and negotiate to enlarge world trading opportunities. The eightfold growth in the volume of international trade since the Second World War has provided continuing evidence of GATT s success in this double role. Part 2 Answer the following questions based on

15、what you have learned from the textbook. You should use complete sentences. (14 points) 1. What is a tall structure? And what is a flat structure? (4%) 2. What is SWOT analysis? (5%) 3. What are the three common ways of getting feedback from customers?(3%) 4. What is quantitative market research? (2

16、%) Paper 4 Reading Passage 1 (7 points) P&O Stena Line: the best way of crossing the Channel The UK s leading ferry company, P&O Stena Line, operates the premier car and passenger service to France between Dover and Calais with the best fleet of ships on the English Channel. Luxury facilities include comfortable lounge areas, including a Club Lounge facility, a great choice of catering outlets


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