(江苏专用)2021高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(七)三大从句

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1、 整理于网络 可修改专题限时检测(七)三大从句(共3组,限时20分钟)1(2020-2021扬州一模) I am impressed with Chinas commitment to its climate goals, evidenced by the fact _ China has met its 2020 targets three years ahead of schedule.AthatBwhichCwhat Dwhere解析:选A句意:中国对气候目标的承诺给我留下了深刻的印象,中国提前三年实现了2020年的目标。用that引导同位语从句,对前面的名词fact作进一步解释和说明。

2、that不可省略。2(2020-2021镇江一模)Nicholas was very kind, merciful and generous.This is _ Father Christmas is based on.Awhere BhowCwhat Dwhy解析:选C句意:尼古拉斯非常善良、仁慈和慷慨。这就是圣诞老人所依据的对象。be动词后面的表语从句中缺少宾语,所以用what引导。3(2020-2021苏州一模)The Grapes of Wrath is a wellknown novel about a family of farmers who flee to California

3、 for _ they hope will be a better life.Ahow BwhereCwhich Dwhat解析:选D句意:愤怒的葡萄是一部著名的小说,讲述了一个农民家庭逃到加利福尼亚州,希望能过上更好的生活。“they hope”为插入语,去掉之后,可以看到介词for后面的宾语从句中缺少主语,所以用what引导。4(2020-2021无锡一模)The news spread quickly all over the world _ Michael Schumacher came to life after his being seriously injured 5 years

4、 ago. Fantastic!Athat BwhatCwhich Dwhen解析:选A句意:“Michael Schumacher在五年前重伤后重新苏醒的消息快速传遍了整个世界。”“太棒了!”空格后的内容为news的同位语,所以用that引导。 5(2020-2021常州一模)Just tell Mike _ has a good knowledge of physics and history is qualified for the position.Awhenever BwhomeverCwhoever Dwhichever解析:选C句意:告诉Mike无论是谁,只要有好的物理和历史知识

5、都能胜任这份工作。此处whoever引导的是主语从句,且在从句中作主语。6(2020-2021南京、盐城一模)A scientists attempt to produce the worlds first geneedited babies _ are immune to HIV has sparked controversy in academia and the public.Aas BwhoCwhom Dwhose解析:选B句意:一位科学家试图培育出世界上首对对HIV有免疫力的基因编辑婴儿,这在学术界和公众中引发了争议。定语从句的先行词为babies,且从句缺少主语,故用who引导从句

6、。7(2020-2021镇江一模)How can I get in touch with the travel agency, Robin?Just surf the Internet and then call one _ the telephone number is provided.Awith which Bin whichCof which Dby which解析:选C句意:“Robin, 我要怎么和旅行社取得联系?”“只需上网,然后给提供电话号码的一家打电话即可。”of which引导定语从句,修饰one。意思是:the telephone number of the one。8(

7、2020-2021苏州一模)There are lots of examples of English idioms _ animals are used.Awhich BwhereCwhen Dthat解析:选B句意:有许多英语成语里面用到动物。where引导定语从句,修饰idioms,在从句中作状语。wherein which。 9(2020-2021无锡一模)Ms Meng, CFO of Huawei, got arrested for no good reason in Canada, _ caused great anger of the whole nation of China

8、.Athat BasCwhich Dwhat解析:选C句意:华为CFO孟女士在加拿大没有理由地被逮捕的新闻引起了整个中国人民的愤怒。which引导非限制性定语从句,which指代前面提到的这则新闻。10(2020-2021常州一模)Who is the most famous martial arts novelist?Jin Yong, _works deeply influenced the cultural development of Chinesespeaking communities around the world.Ahe BhisCwho Dwhose解析:选D句意:“谁是最

9、有名的武侠小说家?”“金庸,他的作品对于世界各地汉语社区的文化发展有深远的影响。”whose引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作定语。11(2020-2021南京、盐城一模)I dont understand why Catherine stopped short _ she ought to have continued.Its obvious that she lacked selfconfidence.Awhen BwhileCif Das解析:选A句意:“我不明白为什么凯瑟琳在她本该继续的时候突然停下来。”“显然她缺乏自信。”when引导时间状语从句。12(2020-2021镇江一模)Mo

10、st people quit _ any results appear; they give up too soon and a quitter never wins.Awhile BuntilCsince Dbefore解析:选D句意:大多数人在任何结果出现之前就放弃了;他们放弃得太快,放弃者永远不会赢。before“在之前”,引导时间状语从句。13(2020-2021苏州一模)Never weep even when you are sad _ you never know who is falling in love with your smile.Aas if BasCas long

11、as Das far as解析:选B句意:即使伤心,也不要哭泣,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。as引导原因状语从句。14(2020-2021无锡一模)_ offensive nicknames are seen as a form of bullying at school, next time you want to call someone by its nickname, weigh it before you do.ASince BUnlessCAlthough DBefore解析:选A句意:既然有冒犯性的外号被认为是校园霸凌,下次你就应该权衡一下再叫别人的外号。since“既然,

12、因为”。1(2020-2021南京、盐城二模)Nature is understandable in the sense _ she will answer truly and reward with discoveries when we ask her questions via observation.Athat BwhereChow Dwhat解析:选A句意:自然是可以理解的,因为当我们通过观察问她问题时,她会如实回答,并以发现作为回报。in the sense“就意义而言”,that引导的是同位语从句,对sense做进一步的解释和说明。2(2020-2021南通七市二模)The sc

13、ience competition is a good opportunity to show students _ creativity can add new value to their school life.Awhere BwhetherChow Dwhen解析:选C句意:这个科技竞赛是一个很好的可以向学生展示创新怎样能给校园生活增加新价值的机会。how引导从句作show的宾语。3(2020-2021苏、锡、常、镇二模)The tech industry expo, which attracted more than 180,000 people, was a reminder of

14、 _ the tech industry is best at: being optimistic about itself.Athat BhowCwhat Dwhich解析:选C句意:科技产业博览会吸引了18万多人,它提醒人们科技产业最擅长的是什么:对自己持乐观态度。介词of后面接的是宾语从句,从句中is best at后面缺少宾语,所以用what引导。4(2020-2021南京三模)The same boiling water softens the potato and hardens the egg.Its about _ youre made of, not the circumstances.Athat BwhatChow Dwho解析:选B句意:同样的沸水使马铃薯变软,使鸡蛋变硬。这是关于你的质地,而不是环境。what引导宾语从句,并且在从句中作be made of的宾语。5(2020-2021扬、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连三模)Taking online reading into consideration, we can challenge the assumption _ reading for pleasure continues to decrease.Awhether BthatCwhere Dwhen解析:选B句意:考虑到在线阅


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